Jan 25, 2011

Berkeley Author Tackles Circumcision - The Bay Citizen



Michael Santomauro
@ 917-974-6367

What sort of TRUTH is it that crushes the freedom to seek the truth?

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The New York Times: E-Mail About Book Questioning the Holocaust Shakes a School


E-Mail About Book Questioning the Holocaust Shakes a School

Published: January 25, 2011

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The e-mail list of the Public School 290 PTA is a useful source on matters like fund-raising, after-school programs and the rules for the talent show coming up. It is not known to provoke strong feelings.

Parents of P.S. 290 students received an image of this book in a group e-mail.


But the message that went out at the wee time of 2:18 a.m. on Jan. 16 disturbed many of the parents who bothered to read it. "You should read this book! It is rocking my world!" read the message, floating over a book's cover. The cover had a dark Star of David at the bottom, the Nazi flag at top and the title in between: "Debating the Holocaust: A New Look at Both Sides."

The sender, Michael Santomauro, whose son is in third grade at P.S. 290, on the Upper East Side, said Tuesday that it was not until minutes later, when two parents replied with complaints, that he realized his mistake. He meant to send the message to another group he belongs to, where members debate whether accounts of the Holocaust are exaggerated, and he apologized to the parents for the "total confusion."

Still, the damage was done, and school officials and parents, many of whom are Jewish, were stunned not only by the e-mail, but also that there was such a parent in their midst.

The principal, Sharon Hill, called Mr. Santomauro to ask if his e-mail account might have been hijacked, or a virus had taken control of his computer, and he told her what had taken place.

She then wrote to the school's parents, saying "e-mail can be either an extremely useful or dangerous tool" and reassuring them that "neither the school or the PTA support the views or opinions that may be implied by the author in this particular e-mail."

In an interview, Ms. Hill said the school was "taking the matter very seriously." To the parents, she wrote that she would contact the Anti-Defamation League to "seek further clarity." By Tuesday, she had not, but two parents had, said Ron Meier, the league's regional director.

He called Mr. Santomauro, 61, a "hard-core Holocaust denier" who has promoted his beliefs through mass e-mail mailings that are not always wanted.

In the past, protesters have chanted "evict the Nazi" in front of his apartment building on the Upper West Side. This time, Mr. Santomauro said, he has received threatening phone calls, and he has filed a police report.

Mr. Santomauro is the editorial director of the American division of Theses & Dissertations Press, which publishes authors who question the Holocaust but live in countries where doing so is a crime. It also published the book he recommended in the e-mail.

He said he did not deny the Holocaust, but merely wanted to encourage debate. "There's not hate coming from me," he said. "There's no reason if you question aspects of what may or may not have happened or what murder weapon was used during the Holocaust that you should be called an anti-Semite."

Melinda Battelli-Scopaz, the parent of a kindergartner, said when she read the e-mail that she "came to the conclusion that this guy is a moron."

"I am sure that that parent won't make that mistake again," she said.

Noah Rosenberg contributed reporting.

A version of this article appeared in print on January 26, 2011, on page A18 of the New York edition.



Thank you and remember: 

Peace is patriotic!

Michael Santomauro
253 W. 72nd Street
New York, NY 10023

Call anytime: 917-974-6367

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Jeff Gates: "Israel Strikes Back" [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from ReporterNotebook included below]

From: Jeff Gates <jeffgates7@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 6:34 PM

Please see attached 809-word commentary titled "Israel Strikes Back" in Word doc.

Best regards,

Jeff Gates

Israel Strikes Back

Timing is everything when waging war "by way of deception," the motto that has long guided Israeli war-planners. Whenever Israel's geopolitical goals are threatened, chaos is assured. In national security terminology, the January 24th bombing at Moscow's busiest airport was "out of theater repositioning."

First among Tel Aviv's priorities is their need to maintain traction for the latest geopolitical narrative: a "global war on terrorism" against "Islamo-fascism." The fact that America's two latest wars serve Israeli goals remains largely unmentioned in Western media.

Six days prior to the Moscow bombing, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev traveled to the West Bank to endorse a Palestinian state with its capital East Jerusalem. He pointedly noted "this was the first visit of a Russian president to Palestine not united with a visit to another country" (Israel).

Then he joined a fast-lengthening list of nations confirming that, to date, 109 of 192 United Nations member countries support a resolution recognizing Palestinian statehood.

Though the U.S. reliably vetoes Security Council resolutions at Israel's request, sentiments are shifting as a global public awakens to the costs of the U.S.-Israeli relationship.

Numerous Latin American nations recently extended recognition to Palestine. Ireland just announced an upgrade in its relationship to embassy status.

Out-of-Theatre Repositioning

When waging war from the shadows, Zionist war-planners concentrate their efforts on key variables. Thus the fear in Tel Aviv that emerging events are loosening control of the Israel lobby over U.S. foreign policy.

To sustain a global "war on terrorism," instability must be sustained. Anyone familiar with the Israeli use of strategic duplicity found it unsurprising when multiple crises emerged "unexpectedly" in North Africa.

Unrest in Tunisia triggered a change in government followed by unrest in Mauritania, Algeria, Yemen and Egypt. During a recent Arab League meeting, Secretary-General Amr Mousa cautioned that the contagion could spread.

If so, look for the price of energy to soar, further weakening leaders in the debt-ridden West where restive populations already face fewer services, higher taxes—and more debt.

Misdirection also plays a role in such well-timed crises. Tel Aviv just released a report justifying Israel's deadly boarding of a Turkish vessel last May in international waters carrying aid to Gaza. Yet a post-mortem found 30 Israeli bullets in the bodies of nine dead activists, including one shot four times in the head.

Akin to the 911 Commission Report that obscured the anti-Zionist motivation for that mass murder, news of this Israeli attack was obscured by reports of a bombing in Moscow and a leak that Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas secretly agreed to cede Palestinian land to Israel.

That well-timed leak weakened the Palestinian president while the bombing weakened the Russian president when this well-timed crisis forced his cancellation of a keynote address to world leaders at the annual World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

Multiple Motives

When deploying deceit to wage war, Zionists catalyze mental impressions meant to link events in the public's mind. Thus the critical role of timing when advancing a thematic narrative such as The Clash of Civilizations.

These latest events heightened tensions worldwide as both fear and the requisite loathing were reinforced by yet another series of well-timed crises. When faced with the threat that its Islamo-fascist storyline is losing traction, what else can Zionists do?

Confronted with the possibility that the West may withdraw support for its six-decade occupation of Palestine, what is Tel Aviv to do? Facing the prospect of global censure for its murder of Turkish activists, how can Israel divert attention?

Tel Aviv is backed into a corner. Overwhelming evidence confirms that Zionists generated the false intelligence that induced the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq.

Though the Israel lobby retains its control over U.S. lawmakers, the American public is fast realizing how many crises originate with those who consider themselves above the law.

To Betray, First Befriend

What are Americans to do when faced with a devious enemy—posing as an ally—whose operatives consider themselves Chosen by a god of their own choosing? With mainstream media dominated by those complicit in this duplicity, how can this chokehold be released?

As a duped electorate slowly awakens to how they were deceived—and by whom—how do Americans make amends for the damage done by their Israeli-compliant lawmakers?

Those determined to defeat this 'enemy within' must first make this treason transparent. As the common source of this corruption becomes apparent, accountability can commence.

Americans do not yet grasp that we have long been the target of ongoing capital crimes. Zionists know that our continued ignorance is the key to their continued impunity. With knowledge comes the power to prosecute those complicit. Therein lies the challenge.

Aware of the future that awaits them, Zionists are becoming desperate and even more dangerous. An escalation of violence is assured until the full force of international law is turned on those who have long flaunted the law in pursuit of their extremist agenda.

Jeff Gates is author of Guilt By Association – How Deception and Self-Deceit Took America to War. See www.criminalstate.com


Thank you and remember: 

Peace is patriotic!

Michael Santomauro
253 W. 72nd Street
New York, NY 10023

Call anytime: 917-974-6367

E-mail me anything:


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Tikun Olam : Palestine Papers: PA Collaborated With Israel to Kill Fatah Militants


From: Richard Silverstein <richards1052@comcast.net>
Date: January 25, 2011 5:21:12 PM EST
To: ReporterNotebook@gmail.com
Subject: Tikun Olam : Palestine Papers: PA Collaborated With Israel  to Kill Fatah 

Tikun Olam-תקון עולם: Make the World a Better Place
January 25, 2011 2:19 PM

Palestine Papers: PA Collaborated With Israel to Kill Fatah Militants

shaul mofaz

Shaul Mofaz tells PA to assassinate Al Aksa fighter

Now I see why Fatah protesters occupied Al Jazeera's offices in Ramallah yesterday.  Today's publication of the Palestine Papers series exposes the PA negotiators with Israel as collaborating in the assassination of their own Fatah-affiliated militants in Gaza.  To be clear, I'm not

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Us vs. Them: Good News From the Ancients! - The Chronicle Review - The Chronicle of Higher Education



Michael Santomauro
@ 917-974-6367

What sort of TRUTH is it that crushes the freedom to seek the truth?

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Survey reveals Jews are dumb :: Jewish Media Resources


Working as a smart cleaning woman almost sent her to the gas chamber...

A friend of my mother, who survived the Holocaust by posing as a Pole, came close to inadvertently revealing herself by the way she mopped the floor. Working as a cleaning woman in Nazi headquarters, she would mop the room from the far corner to the door so that she would not have to walk back over the newly cleaned floor. When her fellow cleaning women, who were used to mopping themselves into a corner, noticed this, they exclaimed, 
``Oh Wanda, you work just like a Jew." 

From Jonathan Rosenblum
Jerusalem Post Int'l Edition
January 11, 2002


Michael Santomauro 
@ 917-974-6367 

What sort of TRUTH is it that crushes the freedom to seek the truth?

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Thank you and remember: 

Peace is patriotic!

Michael Santomauro
253 W. 72nd Street
New York, NY 10023

Call anytime: 917-974-6367

E-mail me anything:

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Fw: For doubters of the Wikipedia ADL files controversy


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 12:48 AM
Subject: For doubters of the Wikipedia ADL files controversy

This is from Wikipedia as of today........

The ADL files controversy

Since the 1930s the ADL has been gathering information and publishing reports on anti-Semitism, racism and prejudice, and on anti-Jewish, anti-Israel, racist, anti-democratic, violent, and extremist individuals and groups. As a result, the organization has amassed what it once called a "famous storehouse of accurate, detailed, unassailable information on extremist individuals and organizations."[53] Over the decades the ADL has assembled thousands of files.

One of its sources was Roy Bullock, a person who collected information and provided it to the ADL as a secretly paid independent contractor over 32 years. Bullock often wrote letters to various groups and forwarded copies of their replies to the ADL, clipped articles from newspapers and magazines, and maintained files on his computer. He also used less orthodox, and possibly illegal, methods such as combing through trash and tapping into the White Aryan Resistance's phone message system to find evidence of hate crimes. Some of the information he obtained and then passed on to the ADL came from confidential documents (including intelligence files on various Nazi groups and driver's license records and other personal information on nearly 1,400 people) that were given to him by San Francisco police officer Tom Gerard.[54]

On April 8, 1993, police seized Bullock's computer and raided the ADL offices in San Francisco and Los Angeles, California. A search of Bullock's computer revealed he had compiled files on 9,876 individuals and more than 950 groups across the political spectrum. Many of Bullock's files concerned groups that did not fit the mold of extremist groups, hate groups, and organizations hostile to Jews or Israel that the ADL would usually be interested in. Along with files on the Ku Klux Klan, White Aryan Resistance, Islamic Jihad and Jewish Defense League were data on the NAACP, the African National Congress (ANC), the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the United Auto Workers, the AIDS activist group ACT UP, Mother Jones magazine, the TASS Soviet/Russian news agency, Greenpeace, Jews for Jesus and the National Lawyers Guild; there were also files on politicians including Democratic U.S. Representative Nancy Pelosi, former Republican U.S. Representative Pete McCloskey, and activist Lyndon LaRouche.[54][55] Bullock told investigators that many of those were his own private files, not information he was passing on to the ADL. An attorney for the ADL stated that "We knew nothing about the vast extent of the files. Those are not ADL's files. … That is all [Bullock's] doing."[56] As for its own records, the ADL indicated that just because it had a file on a group did not indicate opposition to the group. The San Francisco district attorney at the time accused the ADL of conducting a national "spy network", but dropped all accusations a few months later.[57]

In the weeks following the raids, twelve civil rights groups led by the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee and the National Lawyers Guild, filed a lawsuit demanding ADL release its survellance information and end its investigations, as well as be ordered to pay punitive damages.[58] The plaintiffs' attorney, former Representative McCloskey, claimed that information the ADL gathered constituted an invasion of privacy. The ADL, while distancing itself from Bullock, countered that it is entitled like any researcher or journalist to research organizations and individuals. Richard Cohen, legal director of the Southern Poverty Law Center in Montgomery, Alabama, stated that like journalists, the ADL's researchers "gather information however they can" and welcome disclosures from confidential sources, saying "they probably rely on their sources to draw the line" on how much can legally be divulged. Bullock admitted that he was overzealous, and that some of the ways he gathered information may have been illegal.[56]

The lawsuit was settled out of court in 1999. The ADL agreed to pay $175,000 for the court costs of the groups that sued it, promised that it would not seek information from sources it knew could not legally disclose such information, consented to remove sensitive information like criminal records or Social Security numbers from its files, and spent $25,000 to further relations between the Jewish, Arab and black communities. When the case was settled, Hussein Ibish, director of communications for the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), claimed that the ADL had gathered data "systematically in a program whose clear intent was to undermine civil rights and Arab-American organizations". ADL national director Abraham Foxman called the ADC's claims "absolutely untrue," saying that "if it were true, they would have won their case" and noting that no court found the ADL guilty of any wrongdoing. The ADL released a statement saying that the settlement "explicitly recognizes ADL's right to gather information in any lawful and constitutionally protected manner, which we have always done and will continue to do."[57]
[edit] James Rosenberg

A case which has been compared to the Bullock case was that of James Mitchell Rosenberg, AKA Jim Anderson. Rosenberg/Anderson was an undercover operative of the ADL who acted as an agent provocateur, posing as a racist right-wing paramilitary extremist. He appeared in this role as part of a TV documentary entitled "Armies of the Right" which premiered in 1981. Rosenberg was arrested that same year in New York for carrying an unregistered firearm in public view. In 1984, ADL fact-finding director Irwin Suall identified Rosenberg as an ADL operative in a court deposition.

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