Feb 25, 2011

Eye Witnesses quotes


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 Today, gas chamber witnesses are making themselves extremely scarce and the Demjanjuk trial in Israel, which once again has revealed how much false testimony is involved in the matter, has contributed to the suppression. Several years ago, it happened that I was aggressively questioned at the rear of a law court by elderly Jews who presented themselves as "living witnesses to the gas chambers of Auschwitz", showing me their tattoos. It was necessary for me only to ask them to look me in the eyes and to describe for me a gas chamber that inevitably they retorted: "How could I do this? If I had seen a gas chamber with my own eyes I would not be here today to speak with you; I myself would have been gassed also." " ----Faurisson.

Michael Santomauro 
@ 917-974-6367 

What sort of TRUTH is it that crushes the freedom to seek the truth?

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An ex-Israeli says: Israel Is Far Worse Than Nazi Germany By Gilad Atzmon


Feb. 21, 2011

Israel Is Far Worse Than Nazi Germany 
By Gilad Atzmon


Shockingly enough, Zionism started out as a very interesting project: Its intention was to 'civilise' the Jews. This is not Gilad Atzmon speculating now – the following is actually from Theodor Herzl, the founder of political Zionism -- Herzl said, 'We (the Jews) want to be people like all other people,' which means, we want to transcend ourselves beyond a tribal ideology. We want to understand what peace is all about. We want to be authentic; to live on 'our' land, to work, and so on. It was quite a nice idea -- except for the fact that it was at the expense of another people.  Probably this planet was not the right place for the Jewish State; simply because the notion of loving your neighbour, was, and still is, foreign to the culture.  This is why Christ is such an interesting revelation. Christ basically argued : 'Everything is fine; let us just accept the fact that we are all brothers and sisters.'

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From: jimwdean@aol.com
Date: February 25, 2011 12:04:22 PM EST
To: ReportersNotebook-owner@yahoogroups.com

goddamit Mike, there's no such effin' thing as "radical Islam"!!!!!!!!
There's only pissed off folks who realize they are the victim of DECADES U.S.-Israeli occupation, murder, abuse, displacement and harm unknown here in the West; 
These folks we pissed off happen to be Muslim.
Islam has nothing to do with what we did to them.
This is a very understandable note...but really, yes and no.
Radical Islamists don't give a crap for their own people. They are not fit to shine the shoes of the Egyptian and Libyan stone throwing heroes.
The Radical Islamists are just religious Mubaraks and Gadafis. Exploiting and suppressing their people is still the game with them. And their security forces would be just as ruthless and cruel as the former...on a good day.
But on the other hand...If we were not 'over there'...we would not even be discussing this. And as the world has become Net connected...how the west has exploited the MidEast, first with colonialism, and then with the Cold War colonialism (ie., 'the stakes are so high it allows us to do what we have to do...do anyone...for security purposes' ), this was the preemption forerunner of the "Clean Break' white paper of the NeoCons and Israeli espionage crowd in the mid '90's.
As such, bottom line...we have supported State terrorism, through our proxies, against many countries there.  And the worst of that has been the Palestinians...a crime against humanity.
And under the Bush doctrine (so stupid he probably did not realize it then, or even now) they have the right to go after us for 'aiding and abetting' in terrorist attacks against them. I can't wait to see the first test legal case hit the Hague....or probably better, the Mid East Court.
The Rad Islamists would not fair too well there either. After testifying against Western state terrorism, we would take them out and hang them for supporting the prosecution and killing of Muslim women who report being rape (ah...long list of items could be put here). If this is not religious state terrorism, nothing is.
So in Jim Dean's perfect world...we try and execute all the elite boardroom and political terrorists using a quadruple gallows where we string them up with radical Muslims, Zionists, and Christian Zios...also trying to kill the rest of us to the best of their abilities.

  Jim Dean

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Gaza in Plain Language



Michael Santomauro
@ 917-974-6367

What sort of TRUTH is it that crushes the freedom to seek the truth?

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The Incredible Anthony Lawson: Gaza in Plain Language (video)


1. Something Is Wrong With Chosen-ness (video)

2. The Incredible Anthony Lawson: Gaza in Plain Language (video)

3, Hosni Mubarak Sings "I Did it My Way"(satire)


It's stormy, the wind is whipping through the trees, and scattered rain drops hit us in the face as we go down the muddy dirt road to Nasser's house. It's a few hundred yards from the couple of houses around the cemetery, which form the village of Juhor al-Dik, to his small house near the border. "Goodbye," shouted the driver who will pick us up from this remote area again, and with a look at the path we chose he added laughingly: "Insha Allah - God willing."

But even under these circumstances, and even in this weather you cannot help but noticing how beautiful this area must have been, and actually still is, in spite of everything. While almost every other place in Gaza is loud and overcrowded, here's open land and soothing silence. There are a few olive trees that have survived the uncountable tank invasions, and a few new minor ones planted bravely. In between there's the lush green grass from the winter rain. At least where it wasn't again plowed up by Israeli bulldozers. And just as we talk about how peaceful this place actually is, we become suddenly aware of this calm being deceptive. On the other side of the barbed wire border, a jeep of the Israeli military appears. He stops as he sees us. My two colleagues and I exchange anxious glances, and without a word we open our hair and begin to inconspicuously walk in front of our Palestinian translator. What kind of a world is that in which blonde hair is a lifesaver.

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Feds arrest patriot for distributing jury nullification pamphlets in N.Y.



When issued a citation, Mr. Heicklen acknowledged, he sometimes intentionally dropped to the sidewalk, and had even been taken to local hospitals, where he was examined and released. Mr. Heicklen has at times been harsh in the courtroom, and in writing to judges. In one recent letter to the court, he said he wanted Muslims "excluded from the jury" because he was Jewish and "Islam preaches death to Jews." Mr. Heicklen has sued the government and various hospitals to which he was taken after being issued citations and falling to the ground. "Plaintiff Heicklen," he said in one suit, "has become an angry man."


Michael Santomauro 
@ 917-974-6367 

What sort of TRUTH is it that crushes the freedom to seek the truth?

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Michael Santomauro
@ 917-974-6367

What sort of TRUTH is it that crushes the freedom to seek the truth?

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colored is better - part 1


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Michael Santomauro
@ 917-974-6367

What sort of TRUTH is it that crushes the freedom to seek the truth?

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colored is better - part 2


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Michael Santomauro
@ 917-974-6367

What sort of TRUTH is it that crushes the freedom to seek the truth?

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Greek P M .doc


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Greek P.M.: Zionism and the IMF’s Last Best Friend

By James Petras

                In the midst of the Arab uprisings throughout the Middle East, at a time when even the European (EU) has publically condemned Israel’s blockade of Gaza and its illegal land seizures in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou promised a visiting delegation of American Jewish leaders, that he would do everything possible to undermine EU opposition and promote Israeli economic, diplomatic and political interests in Europe.  US Zionists, recently returned from a visit to Athens described Papandreou as by far the most amenable (‘servile’) European leader they have met in recent memory.  Papandreou’s slavish submission to Israeli interests includes his promise, to a delegation of U.S. zionist notables, to use his influence to pressure the new Egyptian military junta to continue to uphold the Mubarak agreements with Israel (European Jewish Press 2/11/11).  These include the continued blockade of Gaza and support of Israel’s military assaults on Lebanon, Syria and Palestinians.  In other words Papandreou is openly supportive of Egypt’s past collaboration with Israeli clandestine assassinations and kidnapping of Arab militants.

                Papandreou demonstrates a greater interest in promoting Israel’s exports to the European market, than the country he ostensibly represents.  He promised a delegation from the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations “to integrate Israel into the European market” (European Jewish Press 2/11/11) while he shrinks the Greeks economy by 10% between 2009-11 and doubles unemployment from 8% to 16%.  Papandreou’s gross servility to Israel and the American Zionist power structure is manifested in his cordial reception and recent agreements with Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu and his foreign minister, the notorious Zionist-fascist Avigdor Lieberman – the same Lieberman who advocates wholesale expulsion of Palestinians from the West Bank.  No Greek Prime Minister, since the Zionist state was founded, has exhibited such a bizarre display of active collaboration with Israel’s colonial claims in the Middle East.  No European leader has so eagerly anticipated and implemented the demands of American Zionist organizations with such zeal.

                What is most striking about Papandreou’s servility to Israeli and American Zionist interests, is that it takes place when most of the rest of the world, from Europe, Turkey, Lebanon, Latin America, to North Africa (Egypt, Tunisia) and the vast majority of Arabs are moving toward isolating Israel.  In other words, Papandreou is embracing a pro-Israel policy which is alienating Europe, isolating Greece from over a hundred million Arabs and undermining Greek agricultural (citrus) exports to the EU market.

                Papandreou’s perverse and highly prejudicial foreign policy is matched by his extraordinary adherence and enforcement of the debt payment policies dictated by the IMF and the bankers of the EU and the US.  His behavior is particularly shameless at a time when the next Irish government is threatening to declare a debt default if payments are not reduced.  In his eagerness to ingratiate himself with the overseas bankers, Papandreou has systematically extracted billions of euros via a 20% reduction in wages, salaries and pensions and transferred it to the coffers of the banks.  In the process Papandreou’s policies have doubled the unemployment rate, shrank the economy and undermined any future growth for the next decade.  Papandreou rejected the Argentine formula, which in the face of a similar crises in 2001-02 , defaulted rather than deepen poverty.  Under President Kirchner, Argentina renegotiated its debt, shaving bond payments by 75% and imposing a moratorium.  As a result, Argentina recovered from the crises and maintained a growth rate of 7% for over a decade while reducing unemployment from 22% to less than 6%.

                If Papandreou acts as a submissive messenger boy for Israel and its Zionist fifth column in America, he features prominently as the eager and aggressive “bill collector” for the overseas banks.  He will go down in historical infamy as a willing accomplice of Israeli war crimes, an upholder of its unequal treaties with Egypt in his foreign policy and the enforcer of financial predators who impoverish millions of Greeks at home.

                Having decimated the Greek economy via transfers of billions abroad and undermined economic relations with the Arab countries, Papandreou offers to sell Greece’s most lucrative transport, ports energy and communication companies to Chinese, Israeli and Wall Street investors and speculators.  It is ironic that George Papandreou the son of former Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou should reverse each and every one of his father’s policies, especially with regard to the Middle East.

                In 1981 after Andreas Papandreou was elected he invited me to Athens to discuss policies and programs of his future government.  The first thing he told me was the importance of supporting the Palestinian struggle and how he had a successful meeting with Yasser Arafat, who regaled him with a prized pistol, which he displayed to me.  A year later when I returned to Greece to direct and develop a research center, he invited me for a swim.  We were accompanied by a dozen underwater security guards, patrolling offshore, against a potential assassination plot by Mossad, according to the prime minister, in reprisal for his solidarity with the Palestinians in Lebanon.

                A few days later over 50,000 Greeks led by Culture Minister Melina  Mercuri marched in solidarity with the Palestinians and in repudiation of Israel’s role in the bloody massacre of 2000 women and children in Sabra and Shatila.  The contrast of the two generations of Papandreou’s could not be more stark; while Andreas saw Greece as a bridge between Europe and the Arab East, George sees Greece acting as a pimp for Israeli business interests in Europe and as a lobbyist for its dominance in the Middle East.  The Zionists have lost an old client in Mubarek and gained a new one in Papendreou.

                Like Mubarak, George Papandreou combines servility to his imperial mentors with arrogance and brutality to his Greek subjects.  As the Egyptians demonstrated it will take the Greek people more than marches and occasional strikes to bring down an entrenched client of the empire.  But it can be done as  was exemplified in Cairo!


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Michael Santomauro
@ 917-974-6367

What sort of TRUTH is it that crushes the freedom to seek the truth?

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The italian joke - subtitles - www.abitofenglish.com


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Michael Santomauro
@ 917-974-6367

What sort of TRUTH is it that crushes the freedom to seek the truth?

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