Sep 24, 2011

Jewish Bodybuilders of America | Facebook


This club is intended to disprove the belief that Jews are small, scrawny, "Girly Men," as our great governor of California would say. For centuries, there was a strong contention that Jews could not achieve 23 inch arms or a 60 inch chest - well, we are about to prove them wrong. This club will take the expression, "Muscle Jew" to a whole new level. All are welcome to join if and only if you have an intense passion for the iron game. Stay Lean and Strong!


Fun stuff to read, tell and watch:

Now FREE to watch all 91 minutes: "Defamation," from Israeli filmmaker Yoav Shamir. LINK:

Some of His Best Friends Are Jewish: The Saga of a Holocaust Revisionist By Nathaniel Popper. Link: Israeli lawyer has filed a class-action lawsuit against former President Jimmy Carter, seeking $5 million in damages because his book "Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid" allegedly defamed Israel. Link:

"...when you have laws against questioning the Holocaust narrative, you are screaming at the other person to stop thinking!!!" ---Mike Santomauro. *Anthony Lawson's Holocaust Video "were the Germans so stupid"... Link:

An anti-Semite condemns people for being Jews, I am not an anti-Semite.--Mike Santomauro. Link:

Start reading DEBATING THE HOLOCAUST in under a minute:


Mike Santomauro
Editorial Director
Call anytime: 917-974-6367

Guess Which Area is Not Shown on Google Earth?





Guess Which Area is Not Shown on Google Earth?


(1)   Italy

(2)   Indiana

(3)   Israel

If you chose Italy or Hoosier Nation, you are incorrect.


Why Google Earth Can't Show You Israel

Description: cid:3399500021_4642212
Hector Milla<> /Flickr
—By Hamed <>  Aleaziz

Fri Jun. 10, 2011 10:16 AM PDT<
Since Google launched its Google Earth feature in 2005, the company has become a worldwide leader in providing high-resolution satellite imagery. In 2010, Google Earth allowed the world to see the extent of the destruction in post-earthquake Haiti. This year, Google released similar images after Japan's deadly tsunami and earthquake. With just one click, Google can bring the world—and a better understanding of far-away events—to your computer. <

There is one entire country, however, that Google Earth won't show you:Israel<

That's because, in 1997, Congress passed the National Defense Authorization Act, one section of which is titled, "Prohibition on collection and release of detailed satellite imagery relating to Israel." The amendment, known as the Kyl-Bingaman Amendment, calls for a federal agency, the NOAA's Commercial Remote Sensing Regulatory Affairs, to regulate the dissemination of zoomed-in images of Israel.<

When asked about the regulation, a Google spokeswoman said to sp;Mother Jones, "The images in Google Earth are sourced from a wide range of both commercial and public sources. We source our satellite imagery from US-based companies who are subject to US law, including the Kyl-Bingaman Amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act of 1997, which limits the resolution of imagery of Israel that may be commercially distributed."<

And it's not just Israel. The regulation also applies to the occupied territories. It's why Human Rights Watch can't provide detailed imagery of the Gaza Strip in its reports. Of course, this regulation cuts both ways; one also cannot see the destruction in Sderot resulting from rockets sent out of Gaza.<

But, the impact of the regulation might be dwindling; after all, the US can only regulate the actions of American corporations. Turkey recently announced that its GokTurk satellite will pr ovide high-resolution imagery of Israel when it becomes operational in 2013. Israel is unhappy with this possibility: An Israeli official told Al-Arabiya, "We try to ensure that we are not photographed at high resolutions, and most (countries) accommodate us." The official adds: "Should we request this of the Turks? We won't ask for it. There is no one to talk to."<

Hamed Aleaziz is an editorial intern at Mother Jones. For more of his stories, click here.<




Fun stuff to read, tell and watch:

Now FREE to watch all 91 minutes: "Defamation," from Israeli filmmaker Yoav Shamir. LINK:

Some of His Best Friends Are Jewish: The Saga of a Holocaust Revisionist By Nathaniel Popper. Link: Israeli lawyer has filed a class-action lawsuit against former President Jimmy Carter, seeking $5 million in damages because his book "Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid" allegedly defamed Israel. Link:

"...when you have laws against questioning the Holocaust narrative, you are screaming at the other person to stop thinking!!!" ---Mike Santomauro. *Anthony Lawson's Holocaust Video "were the Germans so stupid"... Link:

An anti-Semite condemns people for being Jews, I am not an anti-Semite.--Mike Santomauro. Link:

Start reading DEBATING THE HOLOCAUST in under a minute:


Mike Santomauro
Editorial Director
Call anytime: 917-974-6367

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Check out West Bank tensions grow as Jewish women settlers learn how to use g

Can you imagine the fury if this were a group of Palestinian women ?


Fun stuff to read, tell and watch:

Now FREE to watch all 91 minutes: "Defamation," from Israeli filmmaker Yoav Shamir. LINK:

Some of His Best Friends Are Jewish: The Saga of a Holocaust Revisionist By Nathaniel Popper. Link: Israeli lawyer has filed a class-action lawsuit against former President Jimmy Carter, seeking $5 million in damages because his book "Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid" allegedly defamed Israel. Link:

"...when you have laws against questioning the Holocaust narrative, you are screaming at the other person to stop thinking!!!" ---Mike Santomauro. *Anthony Lawson's Holocaust Video "were the Germans so stupid"... Link:

An anti-Semite condemns people for being Jews, I am not an anti-Semite.--Mike Santomauro. Link:

Start reading DEBATING THE HOLOCAUST in under a minute:


Mike Santomauro
Editorial Director
Call anytime: 917-974-6367

Neutitschein on the Concept “New World Order”


Neutitschein: Der Begriff der "Neuen Weltordnung"
Neutitschein on the Concept "New World Order"

The original is posted on several sites including

By Richard W Neutitschein 

Translated by J M Damon


In my previous article on the attack on Utoya and the concept of the New World Order <>  I  briefly discussed that conspiracy's goals and methods.
It is an omnipresent concept, although not as omnipresent today among those who introduced it in 1990 (George Bush Senior and close associates) as among its critics.
Since 1990 growing numbers of people have recognized and come to oppose the global reign of terror that has accompanied it.

The originators of New World Order have not used the concept for some time now, since it "burned through" in the sense that the intent behind it is now clear and recognized for what it is.
The intent of global conquest, enslavement and race mixing is extensively discussed in numerous Internet blogs.

Today the concept and directives of the New World Order are very well known among truth-seekers and popular researchers in the Internet, and the expression "NWO" has become very common. 
It probably will not be long before the mere mention of "NWO" will bring forth accusations of "conspiracy theory" on the part of the Zionist-controlled mainstream media.
The reason why this has not already happened is that it has not been long since those who now want to ban the NWO concept are the very ones who introduced it as the semantic flagship of their agenda.
When they introduced it they believed they could easy ram it through, but they were deceiving themselves on this point, as it turned out.

The accusation of "conspiracy theory" would surely fall back on the clique of international gangsters who formulated "NWO" if someone pointed out to them what their puppet George Bush Senior himself said in a historic speech that others had undoubtedly written and given him to read:
Under leadership of the USA, a new era was supposed to begin, according to "NWO"– an era that would be more peaceful and secure than any that ever existed.

Such cynicism takes one's breath away.
Today it is clear that our era is one in which the USA is inflicting a terror on the defenseless nations of the earth that is even more brutal than the terrors they have inflicted in the past.
Over and over again they have violated international law and destroyed hopes for freedom in new wars of aggression against innocent peoples. 
Such is the New World Order created by the USA – not IN the USA of course, since they always commit mayhem somewhere else.

An especially interesting question is: exactly when did "Papa" Bush deliver his infamous speech?
When did he, acting as a ventriloquist dummy for the real powers, announce the present agenda accompanied with the NWO
That speech was presented to a joint session of the US Congress on the 11th of September 1990, precisely 11 years before "Nine Eleven"  
in 2001.
It marks the precise day and month on which the long-planned orchestration of the NWO agenda entered its decisive phase – the same agenda that had been announced 11 years earlier and introduced with the conspicuous name "New World Order..." 
Such amazing abnormalities with unmistakable symbolism, like so many others that occurred in conjunction with the destruction of the World Trade Center on "9/11," cannot possibly be mere co-incidence.
Nothing could make me believe such a thing!
And if I am faced with the choice of being included either among the "conspiracy theorists" or else among the most gullible fools the world has ever seen, who accept without question every fantastic lie our rulers put before us, then I choose to be included among the "conspiracy theorists." 

Among rational observers the term "conspiracy theorists" logically applies to the US and its gangster rulers.
Their crime does not constitute a "theory" at all, since there is nothing theoretical about it.
It is an actual conspiracy, one that is completely real.
It is a conspiracy the USA is conducting against the whole world, targeting every country that is not part of its agenda, every country that has not been forced under its yoke to pull its wagon. 
Today we are witnessing how the USA and Israel are attempting to overwhelm everyone who resists its agenda.
Let us combine the USA and Israel and call them "USrael" since they form a single entity.
USrael is attempting to conquer the world with perpetual war and a ceaseless flood of ever more exaggerated lies and falsehoods, slandering all who oppose them and depicting their opponents as demonic incorrigibles.

USrael's lies and falsehoods are synchronized, co-coordinated and correlated to the last comma, then broadcast worldwide by their professional propaganda specialists. 
The mainstream media then broadcast these lies accompanied by concerted brainwashing that smothers all truth, brainwashing that is ceaselessly hammered into the head of everyone in the so-called "Western Democracies." 
Lie after lie after lie is heaped on the masses until they are no longer able to think clearly, unable to realize what absurd "BS" they have been told.
Of course there are always a few "uneducable" citizens who cannot be deceived.
For them, the voice of critical reason carries more weight than utterances by flunkies they know to be untrustworthy liars.
For these querulous troublemakers there are strict laws presenting the ultimatum of either ceasing to express their opinions or going to jail.
Such is our "democracy" in our anti German "Federal Republic of Germany." 
Today it is being tested on Germans as the model for everyone in tomorrow's NWO.
What guinea pigs and white mice are for animal experiments in the pharmaceutical industry, the German people are for the test run of global dictatorship, as the so-called "Western Community of Values" is converted into an Orwellian Gulag for all mankind.

Now I ask my readers to reflect on the matter and ask themselves whether they believe it is a recent development that the "Western Community of Values" has just recently begun using its gigantic propaganda machine and shameless falsifications against those who obstruct its path to world conquest?
The informed reader will observe that this is not the case.
The plutocratic "democratic" nations have done so for many years, especially against the Germany that existed between 1933 and 1945.

This was precisely because Germany's economic model 1933-45, with its rejection of usury, market speculation and the international gold standard, would have ruined the game of the international swindlers and dealmakers.
The "New World Order" was the sole reason for the war that was forced on Germany by these same forces; and if other countries had followed Germany's example, it would have put an end once and for all to their worldwide depredations. 
One would have to be a complete idiot to assume that these people are now telling the whole truth about the Germany that existed in 1933-45 and that they have only recently learned how to apply the arts of falsification and atrocity propaganda to serve their purposes.

Nothing could be further from the truth!
Everything that we are told today about the Germany of 1933-45 is based on the same lies (or even worse lies) that the same people are telling us today.
If this were not so, we Germans would be allowed to discuss what happened in Germany during the years 1933-45.
The fact is that we are forbidden to discuss our history and the government has passed draconian laws to enforce its proscription.
For me this is proof enough that "something is rotten in the state of Germany," because if the government were telling the truth, its version of history would not have to be protected by criminal law.

I am 68 years old, and all my life I have been able to express my ideas on the basis of truth and arguments. 
I never had the desire to forbid someone to speak simply because that person held opposing opinions.
As a German in Germany I cannot do that anyway, since one has to be a non German in order to deny a German the right to express his opinions in his own country.
It is clear that in order to deny Germans their rights, one has to belong to a different nation and be a gangster among gangsters.
Only then does one have enough influence to subdue and humiliate the entire German nation and rob them of their freedom to such an extent that they can no longer express their historical opinions, what they believe and what they do not believe.

I say it loudly and clearly: I do not believe the slanderous allegations of the New World Order!
Who will join me in this declaration?
I sincerely believe that if just one percent of Germans who do not believe the NWO propaganda could gather enough courage to openly declare their convictions, the game would quickly be up for the swindlers and war-makers.
This is bound to happen sometime, despite all the repressive efforts of the "Federal Republic of Germany."
This so-called republic cannot seriously believe that they can indefinitely maintain through corruption and coercive and legislation, what cannot maintain itself through truthfulness.
When the New World Order falls, the vehemence with which the pendulum will swing in the opposite direction is going to be very great!
It is not intelligent of our power elite to forbid expressions of opinion... however, greed and reason have never gone together.

Earlier in this article I wrote "...In those days as well, the real issue was already the New World Order."
This was a reference to the war that was forced on Germany in 1939 by the same forces that want to drag the world into war again today.
These forces are relentlessly demanding war against everyone that stands between them, world domination and the New World Order.
Now somebody is going to say that I am crazy and a "Conspiracy Theorist."
But I am not crazy and I am not a conspiracy theorist!
I do, however, recognize the real conspiracy against all mankind by persons who consider themselves superior and "chosen." 
It is an actual conspiracy against nations and it did not begin in 2001, 1990, 1939 or 1914, but has been underway for much longer that that. 
In the course of time the conspirators' efforts have become more drastic and have now brought them within reach of their goal.

I emphasize WITHIN REACH of their goal!
They have not yet seized it, and they will not be able to seize it.
At the last moment the nations will finally awake from their hypnotic trance that was induced by the massive lies that they have been fed. 
They will unite against the common enemy and put an end to its monstrous schemes once and for all!
This will be a breakthrough to freedom, a release from the yoke of USrael that will be accomplished without weapons and violence. 
It will be accomplished by true leaders from among the VOLK with nothing more than the spiritual power that comes from realization of the truth and unflinchingly calls obvious lies by their name. 
One cannot overthrow with weapons a mendacious enemy that is bristling with weapons.
That enemy must be deposed with something he does not have and cannot resist: spirit and truth.

The truth is clearly set out before us, we have only to open our eyes and acknowledge it.
The terrorist anti German regime that is ruling Germany today is displaying its weak point for all to see, advertising its deathly fear of freedom with the sort of circus barking one hears at county fairs.
Its desperate repressive measures make its anxieties known to all, so that it is clear where is the most vulnerable spot at which to deliver a fatal blow with the Sword of Truth. 
The so-called "Federal Republic of Germany," our little vassal state of the criminal empire USrael, makes it very clear that fear of the truth is its weakest and most vulnerable spot.
It is the deathly fear that the world will recognize its schemings and intrigues.
USraels Achilles Heel is this fear and subsequent hatred of everyone who tells the truth about this super criminal superpower.
A German REICHSKANZLER did that very thing, some eighty years ago.
It is true: 51 years before Papa Bush's announcement of the New World Order, someone saw through this grandiose plan as clearly as though it were glass.
He even called this global criminal enterprise by the exact same name as did Papa Bush: "New World Order."
I am referring to Adolf Hitler's speech before the REICHSTAG, which he made in response to Roosevelt's demands on 28 April 1939.
This speech is available on the Internet under this title as a spoken document so that everyone can hear it for himself.
Everyone should listen to this speech!
 [Posted on several Internet sites including <> with English translation at <>]

Here is the most relevant passage:

"...It is fortunate that this Versailles (treaty) was set down in black and white for generations to come, for otherwise it would have been regarded in future as the grotesque product of a wild and corrupt imagination.

Nearly 115,000,000 people were robbed of their right of self-determination, not by victorious soldiers, but by rabid politicians, and arbitrarily removed from their ancient communities and assigned to new ones without any consideration of blood, origin, economic realities or common sense.
The consequences were terrible 
Although at that time the statesmen were able to destroy a great many things, there was one factor that could not be eliminated: this
huge mass of people living in Central Europe, crowded together in a confined space, can ensure its daily bread only by full employment and strict order.

But what did these statesmen of the so-called democratic empires know about such problems? 
A horde of utterly stupid ignoramuses was turned loose on humanity. 
In areas in which 140 people per square kilometer have to gain a livelihood, they destroyed the order that had been built up over 2,000 years of historical development and they created disorder. 
They themselves were completely incapable of and uninterested in solving the problems confronting the communal life of our people for whom, as dictators of THE NEW WORLD ORDER, they had assumed responsibility.

When this NEW WORLD ORDER turned out to be a catastrophe, however, the "democratic peace dictators," American and European alike, were so cowardly that none of them dared take responsibility for what inevitably occurred. 
Everyone blamed someone else in an attempt to save himself from the judgment of history.  

However, the people who had been mistreated by the hatred and unreason of the "democratic peace dictators" were not inclined to enable the escape of those who had harmed them.
It is impossible to enumerate all the stages of our own people's sufferings. 
Robbed of the whole of its colonial possessions, deprived of its liquid funds, plundered and impoverished by so-called "reparations," our Volk was forced into the blackest period of its national misfortune.  
And note well that it was not National Socialist Germany that was weak enough to trust even a single moment the promises of the "democratic" statesmen, but rather "democratic" Germany."

It would be interesting to know what Adolf Hitler would say today about the atrocious crimes of our present regime, which supports the domination of foreign interests over our deceived and betrayed German Volk.
This regime's many faceted crimes are simply unbelievable.
If Hitler referred to the period of the so-called Weimar "democracy" as the most desolate period of our national misfortune, what would he say about our situation today?

You will say that he had no way of knowing what would come next.
But was he really unable to know what would happen?
I feel certain that he did know.
He always knew, to the very end.
Otherwise he would not have said, referring to a later future and despite the total collapse in April 1945, "We (National Socialists) will still write the final chapter!"

I believe him!

Richard Wilhelm von Neutitschein


I wish to dedicate this article to the courageous young champion of Germany's honor, Kevin Käther.
I find his open avowals and commitments to his WELTANSCHAUUNG very inspiring.
His commitment to the truth and opposition to the lies of our treacherous politicians deserves the thanks of everyone who wants a Germany again free of USrael domination.

This is my third article in a short time following a twenty-year period of abstinence from political writing, as a committed Sudeten German.
I have begun writing again because the time is now ripe.
We must all do everything in our power for Germany, our VOLK and our REICH!

With comradely greetings 

The Honey Man


The translator is a Germanophilic Germanist who makes noteworthy German articles available to fellow Germanophiles who do not read German.

Here's freedom to him who would speak, 
Here's freedom to him who would write; 
For there's none ever feared that the truth should be heard, 
Save him whom the truth would indict! 
ROBERT BURNS (1759–96)


Fun stuff to read, tell and watch:

Now FREE to watch all 91 minutes: "Defamation," from Israeli filmmaker Yoav Shamir. LINK:

Some of His Best Friends Are Jewish: The Saga of a Holocaust Revisionist By Nathaniel Popper. Link: Israeli lawyer has filed a class-action lawsuit against former President Jimmy Carter, seeking $5 million in damages because his book "Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid" allegedly defamed Israel. Link:

"...when you have laws against questioning the Holocaust narrative, you are screaming at the other person to stop thinking!!!" ---Mike Santomauro. *Anthony Lawson's Holocaust Video "were the Germans so stupid"... Link:

An anti-Semite condemns people for being Jews, I am not an anti-Semite.--Mike Santomauro. Link:

Start reading DEBATING THE HOLOCAUST in under a minute:


Mike Santomauro
Editorial Director
Call anytime: 917-974-6367

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Biggest Losers in Palestine Veto? The American People by Philip Giraldi --


Fun stuff to read, tell and watch:

Now FREE to watch all 91 minutes: "Defamation," from Israeli filmmaker Yoav Shamir. LINK:

Some of His Best Friends Are Jewish: The Saga of a Holocaust Revisionist By Nathaniel Popper. Link: Israeli lawyer has filed a class-action lawsuit against former President Jimmy Carter, seeking $5 million in damages because his book "Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid" allegedly defamed Israel. Link:

"...when you have laws against questioning the Holocaust narrative, you are screaming at the other person to stop thinking!!!" ---Mike Santomauro. *Anthony Lawson's Holocaust Video "were the Germans so stupid"... Link:

An anti-Semite condemns people for being Jews, I am not an anti-Semite.--Mike Santomauro. Link:

Start reading DEBATING THE HOLOCAUST in under a minute:


Mike Santomauro
Editorial Director
Call anytime: 917-974-6367

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CNN Breaking News


Begin forwarded message:

From: "CNN Breaking News" <>
Date: September 24, 2011 6:41:04 PM EDT
Subject: CNN Breaking News

Texas Gov. Rick Perry's presidential campaign was dealt a worrying blow Saturday when he finished a distant second to businessman Herman Cain in a closely watched straw poll in Florida.

Cain won 37% of the 2,657 votes cast in the straw poll conducted at Presidency 5, a three-day convention sponsored by the Republican Party of Florida. Perry got just 410 votes, or 15.4%. Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney finished third with 14%.

Perry was expected to win the straw poll as the weekend began, but his underwhelming performance at a GOP debate on Thursday night raised questions about his readiness for prime time.

One CNN Center Atlanta, GA 30303
(c) & (r) 2011 Cable News Network

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Tim Geithner blasts China: "you need to transfer your technology to us"


US Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner blasts China for 'systematically stealing' US intellectual property

US Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner has accused China of "systematically stealing" American companies' intellectual property in an unusually blunt attack.
The directness of Tim Geithner's comments reflect the administration's rising frustration with some of China's politics Photo: AFP

7:06PM BST 23 Sep 2011

"They have made possible systematic stealing of intellectual property of American companies and have not been very aggressive to put in place the basic protections," Mr Geither said on Friday at a conference in the US capital, where finance chiefs from the G20 countries are meeting this weekend.

The directness of Mr Geithner's comments reflect the administration's rising frustration with some of China's politics, as well as the pressure Congress is exerting on the White House to act on the issue.

Earlier this week, Gary Locke, the US Ambassador in China, told an audience in Beijing that the Chinese government must accelerate its reforms. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, in turn, said this month that the country has reformed enough to merit "market economy status" under World Trade Organisation rules.

Mr Geithner said China's approach was "you want to sell to our country, we want you to come produce here. If you want to come produce here, you need to transfer your technology to us."
With the US and several European economies coming close to recession again, policy makers, including World Bank President Robert Zoellick, have warned of the dangers of protectionism as countries battle for a share of a shrinking pie.

In the US, anger is typically focused on Beijing's policy of holding down its currency to help China's manufacturers. But this week a coalition of more than 50 US business groups told Congress that trying to force China to ditch its currency policy may be counter-productive. Energy should, instead, be focused on safeguarding US intellectual property in China and doing more to lift the restrictions for foreign companies, they said.


Fun stuff to read, tell and watch:

Now FREE to watch all 91 minutes: "Defamation," from Israeli filmmaker Yoav Shamir. LINK:

Some of His Best Friends Are Jewish: The Saga of a Holocaust Revisionist By Nathaniel Popper. Link: Israeli lawyer has filed a class-action lawsuit against former President Jimmy Carter, seeking $5 million in damages because his book "Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid" allegedly defamed Israel. Link:

"...when you have laws against questioning the Holocaust narrative, you are screaming at the other person to stop thinking!!!" ---Mike Santomauro. *Anthony Lawson's Holocaust Video "were the Germans so stupid"... Link:

An anti-Semite condemns people for being Jews, I am not an anti-Semite.--Mike Santomauro. Link:

Start reading DEBATING THE HOLOCAUST in under a minute:


Mike Santomauro
Editorial Director
Call anytime: 917-974-6367

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Roger Dommergue Polacco de Menasce, a French Jew, writes to Spielberg


Add to this the Zionist-produced false flags of the Lavon Affair, the USS LIberty, the initiation of the war against Lebanon in 1982 (the downing of a boat in the Bay of Beirut).

This writer understands the mentality of the Samson Option when he says these outrages are "suicide" to Jews, whom he refers to as "our congeners".

A Letter to Spielberg 

Roger Dommergue Polacco de Menasce, a French Jew, writes to Spielberg

The '6-million-gas-chambers myth 'is an arithmetic and technical nonsense. In fact 150,000 or 200,000 Jews died in the German camps of typhus or starvation. Many others died but as fighters against Germany to which we, the Jews, had declared war in 1933!

Dear M.Spielberg,

I wish your honesty to be equal to your very  great talent. I saw you on T.V in France. You declared that  you would pour out Shoa propaganda in German schools. You mentioned that witnesses would convince for good, as to the reality of the Shoa (6-million-gas-chambers).

I feel it my duty as a Jew and after 20 years study of the historical problem of the holocaust, to call your attention to the facts. Facts are very stubborn and as no one can gainsay them, our congeners have been compelled to make disgusting politicians enact stalino-orwellian laws which forbid to mention anything concerning the dogma of the 'six-million-gas-chambers,' definitively reduced to perpetual worship of this

In case of no respect of silence and worship of the myth, you suffer the penalty of fines or prison or both. Professor Faurisson who has been studying the subject for 20 years, has been practically massacred. This is utterly ridiculous but give the Police and the Justice of all countries to Mr Lévy, he will not be ridiculous any more: here is the XXth century!

These laws are, accordingly, the absolute proof of the fake before we study its arithmetical and technical ineptitude. No Sir, you will not find ONE witness who saw 6 millions Jews slaughtered. You will not find ONE witness of Zyclon- B- gas chambers to exterminate 1000 or 2000 people at a time, close to the crematoria. See my 'Shoa Sherlockholmised' herewith: it is the summary of 20 years study on the subject. The '6-million-gas-chambers myth 'is an arithmetic and technical nonsense.

As a matter of fact the howling, snivelling, Shoa business, 50 years after the war, is disgusting, debasing: it is a disgraceful shame. No people in History has ever been wailing about its losses 50 years after a war, even its true and real losses. Even if the 6-million-gas-chambers were true, it would be a dishonour to make such din and pump up so much money everywhere: who were the usurers of the Weimar Republic? You know it as well as I do. It is all the more so as we know that 6.000.000<tel:6.000.000>  is gross exaggeration and that the zyclon B gas chambers are a technical impossibility. ( See Degesh Trial in 1949).

In fact 150,000 or 200,000 Jews died in the German camps of typhus or starvation. Many others died but as fighters against Germany to which we, the Jews, had declared war in 1933! ( Hitler was allergic to the hegemony of gold and of the dollar: so he could give work to six million unemployed, before the functioning of German armament factories!). Do you know the book published at this period and written by our congener Kaufmann: ' GERMANY MUST PERISH?'

We know that 80,000,000 Goyim were slaughtered in the USSR , in a political regime which was entirely Jewish, from Marx and Warburg, to Kaganovitch, Frenkel, Yagoda, the executioners. We know that after 1945 Americans and Russians killed and raped German communities all over Europe from Lithuania to Albania.

We know that 1,500,000 German war prisoners were starved to death after the war (a famous book was published a few years ago, but is ignored to day). You will find here included in French the text of a rabbi: 'A rabbi pleads guilty': unfortunately I possess neither the German original nor an English translation. You should have it translated. The Rabbi condemns the Jewish behaviour in Germany 50 years before Nazism and vindicates the emergence of Hitler.

As for the harm we have done to Humanity is absolutely not redeemed by your excellent films or the virtuosity of Yehudi Menuhin, or the neutron bomb of S.T. Cohen, I wrote a book about it from texts written by important Jews which are much above the most anti-Semitic text written by Goyim. Simone Weil drew a tragic summary: 'The Jews, this handful of  uprooted people, have been the cause of the uprooting of the whole mankind'. And George Steiner: 'For 5000 years we have been talking too much: words of death for us and for the others.'

We know that all the German towns of more than 100,000 people have been destroyed during the last war, with women and children: silence about this real holocaust. If we consider the turn taken by the Shoa business, what you intend to do in Germany is actually the safest way to a heaping up of a huge amount of anti-jewish sentiment the explosion of which will be unique in History.

Discretion and moderation must be our behaviour: all the rest is suicide. Neither 'mondialism' nor orwellian laws for 'crime of thought' can prevent antisemitism to explode: only OUR behaviour can. What you do and all the whining and money pumping can only egg it on. It will increase out of reasonable proportions, if there can be a reasonable proportion to antisemitism.

I know that it is practically impossible to check our propensity to speculation and that only the abolition of circumcision at the 8th day could (our particularism derives from the disturbance of the 21 days of the 1st puberty, which starts precisely at the 8th day ) but we must, at least, try to avoid such blunders as the one you intend to perform in Germany and which would be appalling.

I am a great admirer of your films (except the Shindler list: ask his wife and the historical real reality, but this is a minor blunder). I hope your will scrutinise what I send you and escape the folly of the majority of our congeners . I will always answer  you if you have the integrity to write to me.

Cordialement à vous.

Roger Dommergue Polacco de Menasce


Fun stuff to read, tell and watch:

Now FREE to watch all 91 minutes: "Defamation," from Israeli filmmaker Yoav Shamir. LINK:

Some of His Best Friends Are Jewish: The Saga of a Holocaust Revisionist By Nathaniel Popper. Link: Israeli lawyer has filed a class-action lawsuit against former President Jimmy Carter, seeking $5 million in damages because his book "Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid" allegedly defamed Israel. Link:

"...when you have laws against questioning the Holocaust narrative, you are screaming at the other person to stop thinking!!!" ---Mike Santomauro. *Anthony Lawson's Holocaust Video "were the Germans so stupid"... Link:

An anti-Semite condemns people for being Jews, I am not an anti-Semite.--Mike Santomauro. Link:

Start reading DEBATING THE HOLOCAUST in under a minute:


Mike Santomauro
Editorial Director
Call anytime: 917-974-6367

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