Dec 26, 2014

That misery I was feeling started to leave...

History of Heroin

Heroin, which is a very popular drug of choice in the American drug culture today, is not a new drug that just showed up in the late 1960's, nor are its negative effects unique to modern times. Heroin is an opium derivative and, as with any of the opium derivatives, there is a severe physical/mental dependency that develops when Heroin is abused.

The Birth of the American Heroin Addict

In the mid to late 1800's, opium was a fairly popular drug. Opium dens were scattered throughout what we know today as the wild west. The opium influx during this period was due in large part to the drug being brought into the country via Chinese immigrants who came here to work on the railroads.
Accurate American history tells us that famous names of the period like Wild Bill Hickock and Kit Carson actually frequented opium dens more often than saloons. The stereo-typed picture we have of the cowhand belly up to the bar drinking whiskey straight after a long hard ride on the dusty trail is only part of the story of the old west. Oftentimes the cowhand was not belly up to a bar at all. He was in a prone position in a dim candle-lit room smoking opium in the company of an oriental prostitute. It was not uncommon for some of these cowhands to spend several days and nights at a time in these dens in a constant dream-state, eventually becoming physically addicted to the drug.
Nonetheless, it was true that alcoholism was a bigger problem. Alcoholism was one of the major sources of violence and death during this period. Eventually, however, opium was promoted as a cure for alcoholism by the late 1800's.
It was from opium that morphine, a derivative, was developed as a pain killer in approximately 1810. It was considered a wonder drug because it eliminated severe pain associated with medical operations or traumatic injuries. It left the user in a completely numb euphoric dream-state. Because of the intense euphoric side effects, the drug in 1811 was named after the Greek god of dreams, Morpheus, by Dr. F.W.A. Serturner, a German pharmacist. By the mid 1850's, morphine was available in the United States and became more and more popular with the medical profession. The benefits of using the drug to treat severe pain was considered nothing short of remarkable to doctors of the time. Unfortunately, the addictive properties of the drug, on the flip side, went virtually unnoticed until after the Civil War.
During the Civil War the numbers of people exposed to morphine in the course of being treated for their war-related injuries sky-rocketed. Tens of thousands of Northern and Confederate soldiers became morphine addicts.
In just over 10 years time from its arrival into this country, the United States was plagued with a major morphine epidemic. Even though no actual statistics were kept on addiction at this time, the problem had grown to large enough proportions to raise serious concerns from the medical profession. Doctors became perplexed and were completely in the dark as to how to treat this new epidemic.
By 1874 the answer to this increasing problem was thought to be found in the invention of a new drug in Germany. This new wonder drug was called Heroin, after its German trademarked name. Heroin was imported into the United States shortly after it was invented. The sales pitch that created an instant market to American doctors and their morphine addicted patients was that Heroin was a "safe, non-addictive" substitute for morphine.
Hence, the heroin addict was born and has been present in American culture ever since.
From the late 1800's to the early 1900's the reputable drug companies of the day began manufacturing over-the-counter drug kits. These kits contained a glass barreled hypodermic needle and vials of opiates (morphine or heroin) and/or cocaine packaged neatly in attractive engraved tin cases. Laudanum (opium in an alcohol base) was also a very popular elixir that was used to treat a variety of ills. Laudanum was administered to kids and adults alike - as freely as aspirin is used today.
There were of course marketing and advertising campaigns launched by the drug companies producing this product that touted these narcotics as the cure for all types of physical and mental ailments ranging from alcohol withdrawal to cancer, depression, sluggishness, coughs, colds, tuberculosis and even old age. Most of the elixirs pitched by the old "snake oil salesmen" in their medicine shows contained one or more of these narcotics in their mix.
Heroin, morphine and other opiate derivatives were unregulated and sold legally in the United States until 1920 when Congress recognized the danger of these drugs and enacted the Dangerous Drug Act. This new law made over-the-counter purchase of these drugs illegal and deemed that their distribution be federally regulated. By the time this law was passed, however, it was already too late. A market for heroin in the U.S. had been created. By 1925 there were an estimated 200,000 heroin addicts in the country. It was a market which would persist until this day.

Hear it from those who have been there

Dec 25, 2014

Dec 5, 2014

"People Power Not Police Power."---Michael Santomauro, Dec. 5, 2014

"People Power Not Police Power."---Michael Santomauro, Dec. 5, 2014

Michael Santomauro
Cell: 917-974-6367

Putin: Soviet Government Was Mostly Jewish 80-85 %

Justice Matthew F. Cooper: “Is that [Jewish] agenda to dilute the Aryan race?” On page 20: 
Fanaticism is now mainstream in the legal community, that it is affecting my divorce case:
Everything is religious, everything is political.

Putin About Cultural Self Preservation of European Tradition, Religion a...

Justice Matthew F. Cooper: “Is that [Jewish] agenda to dilute the Aryan race?” On page 20: 
Fanaticism is now mainstream in the legal community, that it is affecting my divorce case:
Everything is religious, everything is political.

Nov 6, 2014

Make it your first KINDLE BOOK for five bucks: Grand Deceptions: Zionist Intrigue ..for a free sample

Make it your first KINDLE BOOK for five bucks:  Grand Deceptions: Zionist Intrigue ..for a free sample

Nov 5, 2014

Oct 22, 2014

Prominent Israeli Scholar Renounces His Jewish Heritage

October 22, 2014

The Real Secret of Iraq's Germ Weapons 
Eric Margolis While covering Iraq in 1990 - just before the first massive US bombing campaign - I discovered the US and Britain had secretly built a germ weapons arsenal for Iraq to use against Iran in the eight year-Iran-Iraq War. This while both the US and Britain were fulminating with breathtaking hypocrisy against the alleged dangers of Iraq's supposed WMD's (weapons of mass destruction) that never existed ... Last week the widely read "New York Times" ran a multi-page exposé entitled "Abandoned Chemical Weapons and Secret Casualties in Iraq." ... Iraq had no nuclear weapons, as the US falsely claimed. But it did have an arsenal of chemical and biological weapons - delivered by the western powers. All were battlefield arms, not strategic, weapons.

A French Jew Gazes Longingly Back at Vichy 
R. Zaretsky - Forward (New York) Eric Zemmour's "Le France Suicide" has just elbowed aside Valérie Trierweiler's memoir ... as the country's best-selling book ... Zemmour, who is also Jewish ... has long polished his reputation as a provocateur by belittling the "political correctness" of the French left, with little love for the revolutionary trio of universal values of liberty, equality and fraternity. These abstract claims, Zemmour believes, have undermined the traditional values - work, family and nation - that made for France's former glory. The French, he concludes, "no longer recognize France as their own country." The toxin poisoning France, according to Zemmour's diagnosis, is the flow of immigrants from North Africa.

Obama's Grand Speeches on Par With Bush's 
The Washington Times Obama's oratory, once thought to be his greatest strength, turns out to be about as sophisticated as former President George W. Bush's speechmaking, according to a study. An analysis by Vocativ ... rated Mr. Obama's State of the Union speeches as more dumbed-down than Mr. Bush's. The Republican's addresses averaged a grade level of 10, and Mr. Obama's scored a grade level of 9.4 ... The firm used a Flesch-Kincaid readability test, a measure of reading comprehension, to grade speeches by every president ... The analysis found that, over the centuries, presidential speeches have grown longer and less sophisticated. Vocative said the level of sophistication has fallen as presidents try to reach broader audiences.

Prominent Israeli Scholar Renounces His Jewish Heritage 
Shlomo Sand - The Guardian (Britain) past was Jewish, but today he sees Israel as one of the most racist societies in the western world. Historian Shlomo Sand explains why he doesn't want to be Jewish anymore / ... At this point in my own life, in the early 21st century, I feel in turn a moral obligation to break definitively with tribal Judeocentrism ... Now, having painfully become aware that I have undergone an adherence to Israel, been assimilated by law into a fictitious ethnos of persecutors and their supporters, and have appeared in the world as one of the exclusive club of the elect and their acolytes, I wish to resign and cease considering myself a Jew.

Russian Documentary Shows Enduring Lenin Legacy 
RFE/ RL"Lenin lived, Lenin lives, Lenin will always live." It was one of the most deeply ingrained aphorisms of the Soviet period. And now, nearly a quarter century after the collapse of the Soviet Union, it's proving to be prophetic. That's the message of "Leninland," a 2013 documentary film by Askold Kurov ... A deputy director of the museum tells Kurov in the film that "the vibrations of Christ" are still felt on the territory of Lenin's estate -- ignoring the fact that this was the very place where Lenin, an atheist, dictated his instructions to the Politburo on the confiscation of church property and the mass persecution of priests ... There have been many signs of a resurgence of Soviet symbolism and nostalgia in Russia in recent weeks.

Communism's Death Toll, and the Jewish Role in Bolshevism 
Mark Weber - Podcast're relentlessly told that we must "never forget" the "Six Million." But we hear far less about the vastly greater number of victims of Lenin and Stalin, and the grim legacy of Soviet Communism. Some 20 million people perished as victims of the Soviet regime, historians acknowledge. Jews played a decisive role in founding and promoting the egalitarian-universalist ideology of Marxism, in developing the worldwide Marxist political movement, and in brutally imposing Bolshevik rule in Russia. With the notable exception of Lenin, who was one-quarter Jewish, most of the leading Marxists who took control of Russia in 1917-20 were Jews, including Trotsky, Sverdlov, Zinoviev, Kamenev and Radek.

Two Speeches 
Uri Avnery (Israel) [Israel prime minister] Netanyahu is always quick to exploit changing circumstances to promote his unchanging attitude. The latest hot issue is ISIS (or the Islamic State, as it prefers to be called now). The world is appalled by its atrocities. Everyone condemns it. So Netanyahu connects all his enemies with ISIS. Abbas, Hamas, Iran - they are all ISIS ... Netanyahu counts on the fact that most people do not know what he is talking about ... In the real world, there is no similarity at all between Hamas and ISIS, except their professed adherence to Islam ... There cannot be any similarity between ISIS and Iran. They stand on opposite sides of the historic divide: ISIS is Sunni, Iran is Shiite.

Why is the US Navy Practising for War With China? 
R. Wingfield-Hayes - BBC News Watching the US Navy close up like this, it is hard not to be slightly awed. No other navy in the world has quite the same toys, or shows them off with the same easy charm ... The US Navy has not assembled two whole carrier battle groups and 200 aircraft off the coast of Guam for a jolly, either. This is about practising what the Pentagon now calls "Air Sea Battle". It is a concept first put forward in 2009, and it is specifically designed to counter the rising threat from China ... From Tokyo to Taipei, Manila to Hanoi, there are governments that are very happy to see America's great carrier battle groups sailing these waters.

Bowing to Putin's Power 
Jackson Diehl - The Washington Post grasp how Vladi­mir Putin is progressing in his campaign to overturn the post-Cold War order in Europe, it's worth looking beyond eastern Ukraine, where the Kremlin is busy consolidating a breakaway puppet state ... Let's consider Hungary, a NATO member whose prime minister recently named Putin's Russia as a political model to be emulated ... Obama has been congratulating himself on leading a "unified response" by the West that, he claims, has isolated Putin. In reality, a big chunk of the NATO alliance has quietly begun to lean toward Moscow. These governments do so in part for economic reasons: Dependent on Russia for energy as well as export markets, they fear the consequences of escalating sanctions.

Michael Santomauro
Cell: 917-974-6367

Pacers star’s parenting deal with ex-stripper baby mama --- New York POST / Judge Cooper

Pacers star’s parenting deal with ex-stripper baby mama

Judge Matthew F. Cooper (or the lawyers) loses his or her objectivity, then the truism applies:
Everything is religious, everything is political.

Justice Matthew F. Cooper:  Sending me this about "The Fucking Jews"
Mr. Santomauro: No, actually, it was the opposite of that. It was "Fuck the Arabs" in the essay.
Sandra Schpoont (Attorney for my 11 year old son): Oh, that's better.
Madelyn Jaye:(Attorney for my ex-wife): Oh, that's better.
Steven Mandel (Attorney for my ex-wife): That's better.
Justice Matthew F. Cooper: Oh, that's better.

Letter from The Mandel Law Firm (Steven J. Mandel) 12-9-13

Justice Matthew F. Cooper: "Is that [Jewish] agenda to dilute the Aryan race?" On page 20: 


My essay in question:

+The Myth of the Innocent Civilian

"Justice Matthew F. Cooper has distorted, invented or misremembered almost every significant claim and phrase. In particular, 'Jewish conspiracy' is completely false, in spirit and in word.

"It is serious and upsetting. Rather than correct a smear, Justice Cooper has attempted, perhaps not surprisingly, to justify one smear with another in the same direction.

"Michael Santomauro promotes the ideal of "scientific journalism" – where the underlaying evidence of all articles is available to the reader precisely in order to avoid these type of distortions. Michael Santomauro treasurse his strong Jewish support  just as he treasures the support from pan-Arab democracy activists and others who share the hope for a just world." --I.S.

Michael Santomauro
Cell: 917-974-6367

"An anti-Semite condemns people for being Jews, I am not an anti-Semite."--Michael Santomauro. 

Jews are at the heart of the multiculturalism movement that has left western culture in disarray.

This is what I was talking about:

Jews are at the heart of the multiculturalism movement that has left western culture in disarray. This video provides a perfect example of the type of person, where they come from and the type of organizations they start. This effort is an international primarily jewish initiative aimed at destroying western culture.

Sep 27, 2014

How EVIL works in Justice Cooper's court ...

Sept. 27, 2014
Happy Birthday --- Mikey. LOVE you and miss you. Each birthday you have you will get to understand better... I wish I can celebrate with you and hug you ...

PS: Fanaticism is now mainstream in the legal community, that it is affecting my divorce case:
When a Judge (or the lawyers) loses his or her objectivity, then the truism applies:
Everything is religious, everything is political.
Justice Matthew F. Cooper: Sending me this about "The Fucking Jews"
Mr. Santomauro: No, actually, it was the opposite of that. It was "Fuck the Arabs" in the essay.
Sandra Schpoont (Attorney for my 11 year old son): Oh, that's better.
Madelyn Jaye:: (Attorney for my ex-wife): Oh, that's better.
Steven Mandel (Attorney for my ex-wife): That's better.
Justice Matthew F. Cooper: Oh, that's better.
Letter from The Mandel Law Firm (Steven J. Mandel) 12-9-13
Justice Matthew F. Cooper: "Is that [Jewish] agenda to dilute the Aryan race?" On page 20:


Fanaticism is now mainstream in the legal community, that it is affecting my divorce case:

When a Judge (or the lawyers) loses his or her objectivity, then the truism applies:
Everything is religious, everything is political.

Justice Matthew F. Cooper:  Sending me this about "The Fucking Jews"
Mr. Santomauro: No, actually, it was the opposite of that. It was "Fuck the Arabs" in the essay.
Sandra Schpoont (Attorney for my 11 year old son): Oh, that's better.
Madelyn Jaye:(Attorney for my ex-wife): Oh, that's better.
Steven Mandel (Attorney for my ex-wife): That's better.
Justice Matthew F. Cooper: Oh, that's better.

Letter from The Mandel Law Firm (Steven J. Mandel) 12-9-13

Justice Matthew F. Cooper: "Is that [Jewish] agenda to dilute the Aryan race?" On page 20: 


My essay in question:

+The Myth of the Innocent Civilian

"Justice Matthew F. Cooper has distorted, invented or misremembered almost every significant claim and phrase. In particular, 'Jewish conspiracy' is completely false, in spirit and in word.

"It is serious and upsetting. Rather than correct a smear, Justice Cooper has attempted, perhaps not surprisingly, to justify one smear with another in the same direction.

"Michael Santomauro promotes the ideal of "scientific journalism" – where the underlaying evidence of all articles is available to the reader precisely in order to avoid these type of distortions. Michael Santomauro treasurse his strong Jewish support  just as he treasures the support from pan-Arab democracy activists and others who share the hope for a just world." --I.S.

Michael Santomauro
Cell: 917-974-6367

"An anti-Semite condemns people for being Jews, I am not an anti-Semite."--Michael Santomauro. 

KTVA reporter quits on-air, reveals herself as owner of Alaska Cannabis ...


ANCHORAGE, Alaska — Viewers of the KTVA-TV 10 p.m. news on Sunday got quite a surprise when reporter Charlo Greene not only outed herself as the owner of a medical marijuana business, but also promptly quit on the air.
Greene did a story on the Alaska Cannabis Club, without revealing her connection to it. Afterwards, she announced that she was the club’s owner and was quitting her job at the station.
“Now everything you heard is why I, the actual owner of the Alaska Cannabis Club, will be dedicating all of my energy to fighting for freedom and fairness, which begins with legalizing marijuana here in Alaska,” she said. “And as for this job, well, not that I have a choice but, (expletive) it, I quit.”
The club aims to increase access to medical marijuana in Alaksa. The Alaska Dispatch News describes the club as operating within a “gray area” in the state’s medical marijuana laws. The state will vote on legalizing recreational marijuana use later this year.
KTVA-TV’s news director later apologized for the incident on the station’s Facebook page, adding that Greene no longer worked at the station.

The Realist Report: How the "Holocaust" was faked

The Realist Report: How the "Holocaust" was faked: The alleged "Holocaust" of "6 million Jews" at the hands of Adolf Hitler and National Socialist Germany during WWII is ...

Does the CIA Believe Obama?

Does the CIA Believe Obama? 
Philip Giraldi
... I know of no former or current intelligence official who believes that the expansion of NATO into Eastern Europe was a good idea, that toppling Bashar al-Assad would bring anything but chaos, or that bombing ISIS will actually accomplish anything. Given the current national security environment, I think I can state with some certainty that a solid majority of lower and mid-level employees would regard the administration responses to the ongoing series of crises, including both Ukraine and ISIS, as poorly conceived and executed. 

Sen. Cruz booed at In Defense of Christians Dinner

"'Those who hate Israel hate America,' he continued, as the boos and calls for him to leave the stage got louder. 'Those who hate Jews hate Christians. If those in this room will not recognize that, then my heart weeps. If you hate the Jewish people you are not reflecting the teachings of Christ. And the very same people who persecute and murder Christians right now, who crucify Christians, who behead children, are the very same people who target Jews for their faith, for the same reason.'"

Fred Leuchter in hindsight!

From: Friedrich Paul Berg 
Date: Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 3:24 PM
Subject: Fred Leuchter in hindsight!

By focusing attention on the alleged homicidal Nazi gas chambers, Fred Leuchter did something enormously valuable. How many others, even among revisionists, would have ever been so brazen and bold as to actually knock chunks of wall and stucco from supposed gas chambers in communist Poland? Leuchter also stimulated further serious work by many others such as myself, Germar Rudolf, Tom Kues, Carlo Mattogno and many others. But when Leuchter generalizes to claim that mass gassings are categorically impossible under any circumstances, anywhere, ever--he goes far beyond his own extremely specialized and limited grasp of technology and reality. He also undermines nearly everyone else. Why bother with any further research at all when Faurisson and Leuchter have already solved everything for us? Just repeat Faurisson's nine-word challenge as a kind of mantra. Did any of the courts in which Leuchter testified for Zuendel believe his claims? Of course, not!

Leuchter has become a Pied Piper to nowhere just like Robert Faurisson has on all technical issues. By insisting that mass gassings are IMPOSSIBLE, they both undermine the real research that is still needed into questions like where were railroad gas chambers actually located in addition to places I identified thirty years ago--before anyone heard of Leuchter. Warsaw, perhaps? Malkinia? Maidanek? Minsk? Brest-litovsk? Or, even the railyard at Birkenau itself? If not, why not? Those issues should be the focus of some funding and real research--and not the absurdities of "impossible gassings" that any sane person knows are not impossible at all. The claim of Leuchter that "Mass Gassings of people with anything are impossible!" is I-N-S-A-N-E ! There is no nice way to massage the issue. There is no happy, middle-of-the-road way to respond to such craziness. I wish there were some happy way to tell the necessary truth--but I am not smart enough to figure that one out. Sorry, folks!

Friedrich Paul Berg
Learn everything at
Nazi Gassings Never Happened! Niemand wurde vergast!

There were NO "limited gassings." There were NO homicidal Nazi Gassings at all!
Please send some generous support to:

The Holocaust story is a hoax because 1) no one was killed by the Nazis in gas chambers, 2) the total number of Jews who died in Nazi captivity is miniscule compared to what is alleged.

Bruce Leichty ...PRESS RELEASE / Lawyer Sanctioned for Anti-Semitism Will Host Christopher Bollyn at 9/11 Event

Lawyer Sanctioned for Anti-Semitism Will Host Christopher Bollyn at 9/11 Event

Los Angeles, CA  – (9/7/13) – Christopher Bollyn, author of Solving 9/11:  The Deception That Changed The World, will speak at a free event in  San Dimas Saturday, September 13 as part of a California speaking tour, planners announced today.   The event is open to the public.  
The two-hour event will be held at 6:30 p.m. at Michelangelo's Pizza,  552 W. Arrow Hwy., San Dimas (western Los Angeles County).    
Bollyn, a former American journalist currently living in Europe, operates the website   In his 2012 book Solving 9/11 he laid out evidence that “9/11 was an act of false flag terrorism carried out by Israeli military intelligence and Zionist fifth columnists” (from the Preface).    After researching and writing about the discovery of thermite at the site of the World Trade Center attacks in 2001 in New York, Bollyn sustained injury inflicted by police officers at his Illinois home in 2006, and after failing to get justice in the state courts he decided he could not protect his freedom or family in the U.S.     
In San Dimas he will be hosted and introduced by Bruce Leichty, a California attorney who represented 9/11 widow Ellen Mariani in litigation in New York and New Hampshire between 2007 and 2013.   Leichty and Mariani were sanctioned by a federal court of appeals for being “anti-semitic” after they notified that court of connections between the Tel Aviv-based lawyer son of New York federal judge Alvin K. Hellerstein and 9/11 defendants Boeing and ICTS, an Israeli-owned company that provided airport security at Boston's Logan Airport.  Both companies were being sued by the Mariani Estate in Hellerstein's Manhattan courtroom.  
It was Bollyn's research about the connections between Hellerstein's son's law firm and ICTS that led in part to the motion resulting in sanctions imposed against both Leichty and Mrs. Mariani, but Leichty says that these sanctions were unjustified.   “This was a `message' sent to us in a very anomalous opinion of  only two appellate judges, one of whom was married to an editor—Lincoln Kaplan--of a journal that had always refused to cover Mariani's lawsuit or 9/11 truth issues generally, the New York Times.”   The only coverage the New York Times ever gave to Mariani's case was to the 2013 order imposing sanctions.       
Bollyn served as chair of the Ellen Mariani Legal Defense Fund in an unsuccessful effort by Leichty in 2012 to obtain U.S. Supreme Court review of the adverse settlement forced on Mariani, who last saw her husband Louis Neil Mariani before he boarded United Air Lines Flight 175 the morning of 9/11/2001.     
More recently Bollyn has unearthed and published on his website evidence that Boeing has sought an FAA regulatory exception for use of “remote control” technology in its planes.   Bollyn has also written in 2014 on the two Malaysian Air Lines planes that either disappeared or were shot down, and links between those events and Israelis also linked to 9/11.
Bollyn will also be speaking in San Diego the following evening, Sunday, September 14, at 6:30 p.m. at the Joyce Beers Community Center, 3900 Vermont
Street, sponsored by San Diegans for 9/11 Truth.   At the latter event he will lead a discussion after the San Diego premiere of “Anatomy of a Great Deception”  (the film will not be featured at the San Dimas event).   Bollyn's book will be sold at both presentations.
Stated Leichty, “Christopher Bollyn is doing ground-breaking work that no one else is doing.  He has been attacked for it, and he has been denied fair treatment in the judicial system just as occurred with my client, Ellen Mariani.”   
“Neither of us are anti-semitic.   Neither of us are motivated by hostility toward Jews because simply they are Jews.   Our adversaries have attempted to construct false realities, but we will resist these depictions with information.   
“We are both Christians who believe that speaking truth to power sometimes takes precedence over the risk of being misunderstood, and that Americans need to question and examine a false national narrative--irrespective of the implications and precisely because of the implications.”