Norman Finkelstein interviewed on Danish public service TV by Jewish, and pro-Zionist host Adam Holm. November 14 2009 Adam Holm was reprimanded by his superiors from Danmarks Radio recently for having published a news paper article expressing his strong support for Israel. The Danish Broadcasting Company prefers to keept the illusion of impartiality. On this [...]
Mar 10, 2010
Norman Finkelstein to Jewish journalist in Denmark: You are spouting Israeli propaganda
Dear Prof. Dershowitz: Why Chutzpah is a Hebrew Word
It's fitting that chutzpah is a Hebrew word. Newsweek reports
How do you sell the American public on the idea that Israel has the right to maintain or even expand Jewish settlements in the West Bank? Be positive. Turn the issue away from settlements and toward peace. Invoke ethnic cleansing.
Those are three of the recommendations made by Frank Luntz, a political consultant and pollster, in an internal study he wrote for the Washington-based group The Israel Project (TIP) on effective ways to talk to Americans about the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. The 117-page study, titled The Israel Project's 2009 Global Language Dictionary, was commissioned by the nonprofit group, which aims to promote Israel's side of the story, and leaked to NEWSWEEK. It includes chapters with such titles as "How to Talk About Palestinian Self Government and Prosperity" and "The Language of Tackling a Nuclear Iran."
The report is strewn with bolded examples of "Words That Work" and "Words That Don't Work," alongside rhetorical tips such as "Don't talk about religion" and "No matter what you're asked, bridge to a productive pro-Israel message." Taken together, the 18 chapters offer a fascinating look at the way Israel and its supporters try to shape the public debate in their favor...
In the report, Luntz describes the "best settlement argument" as one that draws a parallel between the Arab communities in Israel and the Jewish settlers in the West Bank—and refers to the idea of evacuating Jews as racist. "The idea that anywhere that you have Palestinians there can't be any Jews, that some areas have to be Jew-free, is a racist idea," he suggests saying. "We don't say that we have to cleanse out Arabs from Israel. They are citizens of Israel. They enjoy equal rights. We cannot see why it is that peace requires that any Palestinian area would require a kind of ethnic cleansing to remove all Jews. We don't accept it. Cleansing by either side against either side is unacceptable."
One line of argument that Luntz says actually harms the cause is Israel's policy of restricting Arab housing construction in East Jerusalem: "The arguments about demolishing Palestinian homes because they are not within the Jerusalem building code tested SO badly that we are not even going to dignify them with a Word's That Don't Work box. Americans hate their own local planning boards for telling them where they can and can't put swimming pools or build fences. You don't need to import that animosity into your own credibility issues. Worse yet, talking about 'violations of building codes' when a TV station is showing the removal of a house that looks older than the modern state of Israel is simply catastrophic."
Luntz gets paid for this? On one hand, it seems obvious. If you want to win an argument in America, call your opponent racist. I bet the best way to put out a pro-life message is to say that blacks tend to have more abortions. If you're pro-choice, go around saying abortion bans would disproportionately restrict the freedom of women from "communities of color." But the "r card" being used by the only racialist state in the world this side of North Korea to justify its expansion? That's chutzpah.
In the report itself , Luntz reccomends saying
"As a matter of principle, we believe that it is a basic right of children to be raised without hate. We ask the Palestinian leadership to end the culture of hate in Palestinian schools, 300 of which are named for suicide bombers. Palestinian leaders should take textbooks out of classrooms that show maps of the Middle East without Israel and that glorify terrorism."
Muslim terrorists deliberately target innocent people. "Democracies" like America and Israel target their enemies knowing that in the process innocent people will be killed. There's supposed to be a moral difference here?
Notice that the word "hate." In selling an idea to Saudi Arabians you'd probably need to frame it in a way that made it clear that it was compatible with or, better, required by Islam. It's a sign that multiculturalism is our religion that everything moral has to be framed as against "racism" or "hate."
Luntz's report is also filled with Machiavellian tips like
A simple rule of thumb is that once you get to the point of repeating the same message over and over again so many times that you think you might get sick—that is just about the time the public will wake up and say "Hey—this person just might be saying something interesting to me!"
K.I.S.S. and tell and tell again and again. A key rule of successful communications is"Keep It Simple, Stupid". Successful communications is not about being able to recite every fact from the long history of the Arab-Israeli conflict. It is about pointing out a few core principles of shared values—such as democracy and freedom—and repeating them over and over again.
In other words, the masses are stupid. Get them on your side the way you'd educate a slow kid: say what you'd like him to learn again and again in the simplest terms possible. This is great advice to anybody and why a "Jews good, Arab bad" message consistently repeated has beat out a more nuanced view of the situation in the Middle East.
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Update on Israeli Sniper
Confrontation between student and professor at Portland State University raises questions about school security, guns on campus
By The Oregonian
March 06, 2010, 6:35PM
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Michael Santomauro
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A Review of Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals
Saul Alinsky: "Coach" A Review of Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals Richard Hoste March 10, 2010 Few Jewish radicals have had as much influence over American politics as Saul Alinsky (1909-1972). Born to Russian Jewish immigrants, he graduated from the University Alinsky was known more as a tactician than an ideologue. His most famous book was Rules for Radicals, published a year before his death. It's still valuable reading today for its political insights and what it tells us about the transformation that has happened in America. To Alinsky, the world is divided into the Haves, the Have-Nots and the Have-a-little, Want Mores. The Prince was written by Machiavelli for the Haves on how to hold power. Rules for Radicals is written for the Have-Nots on how to take it away. One thing that differentiates Alinsky's thought from that of conventional leftists is his more sophisticated understanding of human nature. To him, it isn't rational to hope that one day people will behave morally based on altruistic motives. Also, Alinsky didn't believe that we'll one day reach a utopia where all works of social justice have been done and people can live happily ever after. Every political victory brings new problems, and conflict is a permanent feature of life. Of course, you don't tell the people you're trying to organize that because they would lose the will to act. Another important part of human nature is our need to rationalize our actions. Once a young radical has forced a corporation or government into a certain direction, expect that the establishment will invent moral reasons for why it acted the way it did. Once again, getting people to do the right things for the wrong reasons with a moral gloss invented afterwards is the best we can hope for. "This is the low road to morality. There is no other." When it comes to motivating people, an organizer must convince them that they're 100% in the right. Imagine if the Declaration of Independence started out by listing all the benefits of colonial rule and all the help that the Americans had gotten from the mother country in fighting the Indians. It then went on to say that since objectively the case was 60% for revolution and 40% against, the colonialists had decided to break away. In that case there would've been no revolution. It's vital that one have his side convinced of its own moral purity and the depravity of the enemy. One of Alinsky's greatest insights is that change has to be cloaked in the language of tradition. Liberals who burned the American flag were fools who were more interested in striking a posture for radicalism than actually changing the world. Such actions were counterproductive and turned many Americans away from the left. Let this be a lesson to any White nationalists that feel the need to periodically dress up as Nazis. Alinsky's analysis of the white lower middle class, whom by the 1970s he hoped to radicalize, could've been written today. He points out that they saw the unemployed as "parasitical" and were turned off by the "liberal, democratic, holier-than- While shrewd and practical, Rules reveals that Alinsky was like all radical leftists a disturbed man. He does little more than project his own misery when he talks about the pathologies of the American middle class and certainly doesn't present any evidence for his claims. His danger stemmed from the fact that he loved the process of liberal activism more than anything. The chapter titled Tactics shows the shamelessness of Jewish radicals and those they organized. To put pressure on a bank, Alinsky recommends getting a thousand or more people to paralyze the institution by each opening up a $5 or $10 savings accounts on the same day. Part of the fun would be "the general enjoyment of seeing the discomfiture and confusion on the part of the establishment." The bank would be ready to negotiate in order to be able to get back to business. One time Alinsky almost did put this "people power" to use was when he wanted to pressure a large department store. He planned to bus 3,000 Blacks to the store and have them overwhelm the clerks as they shopped for shirts and underwear. The business of any whites would be lost for that day. Such a tactic is legal and there would've been nothing anyone could've done to stop it. Alinsky made sure that word of the plan leaked to the store and after that 186 positions opened up and "for the first time, Blacks were on the sales floor and in executive training." Rules recounts a time the author suggested to a group of low class Blacks inRochester, I suggested that we might buy one hundred seats for one of Rochester's symphony concerts. We would select a concert in which the music was relatively quiet. The hundred Blacks who would be given the tickets would first be treated to a three-hour pre-concert dinner in the community, in which they would be fed nothing but baked beans, and lots of them; then the people would go to the symphony hall-with obvious consequences. Imagine the scene when the action began! The concert would be over before the first movement! (If this be a Freudian slip-so be it!) Once again, this is a completely legal tactic. While a stink bomb will get you arrested, a fart can't. No law could possibly change that. The city would've had its symphony destroyed until it gave in to whatever arbitrary demands the community organizer made. Rules goes on to describe the threat of a different "tactic involving bodily functions" which he used against the city of Chicago. The plan was to put people on flights going into O'Hare airport and having them occupy the lavatories. Then when people arrived they would be desperate to use the bathroom. Alinsky planned to have people (Blacks, I assume) tie up all the stalls in the airport at the moment when the flights arrived. While the city gave in before the tactic could be deployed, one can tell that the author wishes it would've gone through. One can see children yelling at their parents, "Mommy, I've got to go," and desperate mothers surrendering, "All right-well, do it. Do it right here."...The whole scene would become unbelievable and the laughter and ridicule would be nationwide. Alinsky spends relatively few pages on his standard liberal references to his love for humanity and many more in enjoyment of sick imagined scenes like this. It seems that it took both Jews and Blacks to create the modern PC state. There needed to be an outgroup hostile to White society that was unusually intelligent and spiteful, and another which was uniquely deficient in intelligence and a sense of dignity. Jared Taylor is fond of saying that for white nationalists to succeed they must show themselves to be better than their enemies. It's hard to see how one can read Rules and agree with that. Blacks and their Jewish mentors have been able to get their way by being incredibly shameless and without any concern for self respect. Blacks were and still are completely willing to use Whites' desire to avoid them as a political tool. Such a thing is incomprehensible to the European mind. Jewish radicals fantasized about the embarrassment White parents had over their children not being able to find a toilet, presumably picturing families hiding in corners as O'Hare airport was turned into a Liberian slum. While I don't think it's desirable or possible for Whites to ever use such tactics, knowing about what ethnic competitors are capable of should make us more forgiving of the at least honorable methods Europeans used in centuries past to deal with their enemies. Richard Hoste (email him) writes on race, immigration, political correctness and modern conservatism. His articles have appeared, The Occidental Observer, The Occidental Quarterly andTakiMag among other places. His writes the HBD blog at Alternative Right, where he regularly reviews classic and modern works on these topics. Permanent URL: http://www.theoccid
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Michael Santomauro
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Bookseller Sentenced to 33 Months in Prison for Holocaust Revisionism
Congressional Estimates Show Grim Deficit Picture
The Associated Press
A new congressional report released Friday says the United States' long-term fiscal woes are even worse than predicted by President Barack Obama's grim budget submission last month. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office predicts that Obama's budget plans would generate deficits over the upcoming decade that would total $9.8 trillion. That's $1.2 trillion more than predicted by the administration. The agency says its future-year predictions of tax revenues are more pessimistic than the administration's ... Economists say that deficits of that size are unsustainable and could put upward pressure on interest rates, crowd out private investment in the economy and ultimately erode the nation's standard of living.
Bad Economies of US States Set To Worsen, Say Governors
The already gloomy conditions of states' economies are set to worsen, according to preliminary survey findings from the National Governors Association released on Saturday. "The situation is fairly poor for a lot of states around the country. In fact, most states," Vermont Governor Jim Douglas, who is chairman of the association, said at a press conference at its annual meeting. "What we're finding out from a fiscal standpoint is that the worst is yet to come," Douglas said. In a survey conducted last week of 45 of the 50 states, the group found that states have $18.8 billion of budget gaps yet to be closed in fiscal 2010 ... In the budgets they are drafting for fiscal 2011, states foresee shortfalls of $53.6 billion and for fiscal 2012 $61.6 billion.
America, the Fragile Empire
Niall Ferguson
... If empires are complex systems that sooner or later succumb to sudden and catastrophic malfunctions, what are the implications for the United States today? First, debating the stages of decline may be a waste of time -- it is a precipitous and unexpected fall that should most concern policymakers and citizens. Second, most imperial falls are associated with fiscal crises. Alarm bells should therefore be ringing very loudly indeed as the United States contemplates a deficit for 2010 of more than $1.5 trillion -- about 11% of GDP, the biggest since World War II.
A German Woman Breaks Silence About Red Army Rapes
The Telegraph (Britain)
An 80-year-old German woman has broken an old taboo of silence over the rapes she endured at the hands of Soviet soldiers in the second world war with a searing book about the crimes of the Red Army as it marched towards Berlin. "Why Did I Have To Be A Girl" by Gabriele Koepp is the first book published about the rapes under a victim's real name. Mrs Koepp was one of an estimated two million German girls and women raped by Soviet soldiers, encouraged by their leader Josef Stalin to regard the crime as a spoil of war after Hitler's invasion had left 26 million Russians dead. "Frau. Komm," was a phrase that women dreaded hearing from Red Army soldiers.
In Spain, Bookseller Sentenced to 33 Months in Prison for `Justifying Genocide'
A Barcelona bookshop owner was sentenced to prison for the crime of "honoring and justifying genocide." Pedro Varela, owner of the Europa bookshop, was given a term of two years, nine months for "selling and spreading in a continuous manner books that honor and justify the genocide committed by Hitler against the Jewish people and other minorities." The sentence, which was handed down Monday in a Barcelona court, also accused the bookshop of marketing "books that belittle other races or ethnicities, women, homosexuals and disabled people," as well as organizing neo-Nazi conferences. Varela also was fined nearly $4,000.
Invictus Idolatry
Peter Hammond (South Africa)
... This beautifully crafted, stirring and inspiring film, Invictus, clearly has a political agenda. It has dangerous distortions of reality and a selective focus ... Nelson Mandela was the head of UmKhonto we Sizwe, (MK), the terrorist wing of the ANC and South African Communist Party. He had pleaded guilty to 156 acts of public violence including mobilizing terrorist bombing campaigns, which planted bombs in public places, including the Johannesburg railway station. Many innocent people, including women and children, were killed by Nelson Mandela's MK terrorists. South African President P.W. Botha had, on a number of occasions, offered Nelson Mandela freedom from prison, if he would only renounce terrorist violence.
Israel-Palestine Rights and Wrongs: Finkelstein vs. Gissin
RT (Russia) - Video
Rights and wrongs in the Israel-Palestine conflict are debated in this heated exchange between Norman Finkelstein, a fierce and articulate Jewish critic of Israel and its policies, and Ranann Gissin, an ardent defender of the Zionist state and for years a prominent Israeli spokesman. Broadcast on Peter Lavelle's "CrossTalk." Runtime: 26 mins.
British Leader Chamberlain Read and Annotated Hitler's Mein Kampf
The Times (Britain)
Neville Chamberlain read and annotated Hitler's Mein Kampf in its original German before he embarked on his policy of appeasement, says a new biography. The former prime minister, who acquired a 1933 copy of the book, highlighted sections that he thought revealing of the German dictator's mindset, and even added exclamation marks alongside some passages. Chamberlain was struck by sections that underlined Hitler's anti-Semitism, his faith in Aryan superiority and his sense of racial affinity with the British. In one highlighted passage about Anglo-German relations, Hitler states: "The bond of kindred blood and the main features of a common civilisation united us."
The Pentagon's Runaway Budget
Carl Conetta
With his decision to boost defense spending, President Obama is continuing the process of re-inflating the Pentagon that began in late 1998 -- fully three years before the 9/11 attacks on America. The FY 2011 budget marks a milestone, however: The inflation-adjusted rise in spending since 1998 will probably exceed 100 percent in real terms by the end of the fiscal year ... Looking forward, the Obama administration plans to spend more on the Pentagon over the next eight years than any administration since World War II.
Many Voices Calling for War With Iran
Philip Giraldi
Wanting to go to war with Iran has created some very strange bedfellows. Leading neoconservative Daniel Pipes' assertion that President Barack Obama can salvage his presidency and get reelected by attacking Iran is about as low as it gets, suggesting as it does that an act of war can and should serve as a diversion from a failed domestic agenda ... How to stop an Israeli attack? All the White House has to do is to say "no" to Israel firmly and publicly and tie that no to a commitment to cut off all military and economic aid to Tel Aviv if Bibi Netanyahu opts to do otherwise.
Debate Over Military Action Against Iran Gains Steam
Jim Lobe - Inter Press Service
While the ongoing U.S. military "surge" in Afghanistan continues to capture the headlines, Iran's nuclear program - and how best to deal with it - is rapidly emerging here as this year's biggest foreign policy challenge ... The debate appears to be driven chiefly by growing pressure on the administration by the government of Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and its supporters here to sharply ramp up pressure on Tehran through the urgent adoption of both "crippling sanctions" and the means to enforce them militarily.
President Roosevelt's Campaign To Incite War in Europe
Mark Weber
A detailed look at US President Roosevelt's secret campaign to provoke war in Europe prior to the outbreak of hostilities in September 1939. Highlights his efforts to pressure Britain, France and Poland into war against Germany in 1938 and 1939. Franklin Roosevelt not only criminally involved America in a war that had already engulfed Europe, he bears a grave responsibility for the outbreak of the most destructive war of all time. This paper relies heavily on secret Polish documents that fell into German hands when Warsaw was captured in 1939. These revealing documents also confirm the crucial role of Jewish power and in fluence on US foreign policy during these years.
Is the Recovery Real?
Paul Craig Roberts
... Today a desperate government, which has wasted $3 trillion invading countries that pose no danger to the U.S. and wasted more trillions of dollars combating a crisis brought on by the government's failure to regulate the financial sector, is likely to steal people's pensions as well as to gut Social Security and Medicare. The reason is that the dollar's role as reserve currency is at stake. If the Federal Reserve has to monetize the federal deficit, the world will turn its back on a rapidly depreciating dollar. The minute the dollar loses the reserve currency role, the U.S. can no longer pay its bills in its own currency, and its days as a superpower come to a sudden end. Wars can't be financed, and Washington's pursuit of world hegemony will hit a brick wall.
Mossad Comes to America: Death Squads by Invitation
James Petras
... To counter the American Zionist defense of Israel's practice of extra-territorial, extra-judicial executions by the Mossad, we need American writers and academics to step forward. It is time to expose their flimsy arguments, bold-face lies and audacious immorality. It is time to speak out against their impunity, before another Israeli secret police murder takes place, possibly inside the USA itself and with the shameless complicity of Zionist accomplices.
Online Ad by `Denier' In Student Newspaper Sparks Campus Protests
Channel 3000 (Wisconsin)
Issues of free speech, advertising and the Holocaust clashed on the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus on Wednesday as about 150 students rallied to honor the victims of the Holocaust and call for an end to an ad in a campus newspaper. The controversy was sparked by some anti-Semitic comments posted on an online version of a Badger Herald article earlier this month. It erupted when the online edition of the student paper posted an ad paid for by a man who doesn't believe in the Holocaust ... An advertisement that reads, "The Holocaust question: the power of taboo." Click on the ad and it goes to the Web site of the man who bought the ad, Holocaust denier Bradley Smith and his "Committee For Open (Holocaust) Debate."
Another Financial Crisis on the Way, Say Leading Economists
ABC News
Even as many Americans still struggle to recover from the country's worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, another crisis -- one that will be even worse than the current one -- is looming, according to a new report from a group of leading economists, financiers, and former federal regulators. In the report, the panel, that includes Rob Johnson of the United Nations Commission of Experts on Finance and bailout watchdog Elizabeth Warren, warns that financial regulatory reform measures proposed by the Obama administration and Congress must be beefed up to prevent banks from continuing to engage in high risk investing that precipitated the near collapse of the U.S. economy in 2008.
U.S. Can't Afford Military Aid to Israel
Josh Ruebner -- The Huffington Post
In his recent State of the Union address, President Obama pledged to "go through the budget line by line to eliminate programs that we can't afford and don't work." One week later, he sent his FY2011 budget request to Congress, which included a record-breaking $3 billion in military aid to Israel. This requested increase in U.S. weapons to Israel -- part of a ten-year $30 billion agreement signed between the two countries in 2007 -- qualifies on both counts as a program that the United States can't afford, and that doesn't work in establishing a just and lasting peace between Israelis and Palestinians.
Israel Approves 600 New Homes in Occupied East Jerusalem
BBC News
An Israeli planning committee has pushed forward plans for 600 new homes in Israeli-occupied East Jerusalem. The move comes as the Palestinians are refusing to restart peace talks unless Israel stops all building in the area, where they want their future capital. The plan will expand the Pisgat Zeev settlement in the city's north-east. The international community considers East Jerusalem occupied territory. Building on occupied land is illegal under international law. Palestinians regard Pisgat Zeev and neighbourhoods like it as settlements, and accuse Israel of using them to increase the Jewish presence in the mainly Arab east of the city.
Ernst Zundel Released From Mannheim Prison
Supporters and well-wishers of Ernst Zundel greet him as he leaves the Mannheim prison on March 1, 2010, after having been held behind bars for seven years and three weeks for his beliefs, in the US, Canada and Germany. Runtime: 9:52 mins.
Germany's Fear of Finkelstein
Ali Fathollah-Nejad
Norman Finkelstein, an internationally renowned scholar of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, was due to talk about the state of the decades-old conflict and the situation in Gaza one year after the Israeli assault last week in Munich and Berlin. As part of a European speaking tour which would have led him to Germany for the first time since 2002, Finkelstein has been invited to speak in Prague at a number of prestigious institutions ... The wave of cancellations came after a concerted campaign by neoconservative and Zionist pressure groups ...
Austrian Politician Calls for Repeal of Anti-Nazi Law
The Associated Press
A woman who has criticized anti-Nazi law and is married to an extreme rightist is running for president in Austria, and critics contend her candidacy could tarnish the reputation of a country still marred by its connection to the Holocaust. Barbara Rosenkranz, 51, is not expected to win the April 25 election ... She is most widely known for her belief that Austria's law banning the glorification of the Nazis is a hindrance to freedom of expression and violates the country's constitution. In the same vein, she also has defended doubts over Nazi gas chambers.
Hitler Letter Hoping For `Cordial Relationship' With Britain For Sale
The Telegraph (Britain)
A letter written by Adolf Hitler in 1931 hoping for a "truly cordial relationship" between Britain and Germany in place of the present "unhappy war-psychosis" is to be sold at auction. Hitler wrote the one-page letter, in German, to Sefton Delmer, a British journalist, 16 months before he became Chancellor and seized power in 1933. In it, he wrote: "I hope ... that out of this crisis a new readiness will grow up in Britain to submit the past 12 years to a reappraisal. I should be happy, if as a result of this, the unhappy war-psychosis could be overcome on such a scale as to permit the realisation of the truly cordial relationship between the British and the German peoples so eagerly desired by myself and my movement."
Blair Warned in 2000 That Iraq War Was Illegal
The Independent (Britain)
An invasion of Iraq was discussed within the [British] government more than two years before military action was taken - with Foreign Office mandarins warning that an invasion would be illegal, that it would claim "considerable casualties" and could lead to the breakdown of Iraq, The Independent can reveal. The extent of Whitehall opposition to the policy eventually backed by Tony Blair emerges just three days before Gordon Brown will appear at the Iraq Inquiry, where he will be asked to explain his role in the Government's decision to invade.
Freedom for Ernst Zundel after 7 years 3 weeks - because he refuses to lie down and die and shut up - calls the Holocaust a lie that defames Germans
A little late but better late than never –
Michael Santomauro
Editorial Director
Call anytime: 917-974-6367