Michael Santomauro
@ 917-974-6367
What sort of TRUTH is it that crushes the freedom to seek the truth?
Sep 24, 2010
"Fredrick Toben responds to Roberto Meuhlenkamp" - Holocaust & Genocide Discussion and Debate - Discussion Areas - RODOH Forum - Message Board
Buchanan lets the cat out of the bag.
Buchanan lets the cat out of the bag.
At least one mainstream commentary has the guts to state the obvious truth.
Being happy–is it good for the Jews? "Before Professor Dershowitz accused me of being an anti-Semite (news to me), I was a happy person. Since then, I'm still a happy person". –Michael Santomauro
Jews play a "leading role" in promoting multiculturalism in Europe says...
Kevin MacDonald:
Jews play a "leading role" in promoting multiculturalism in Europe
In this You Tube video, Barbara Lerner Spectre, who runs a government-funded Jewish study group in Sweden, makes the following remarkable statement—remarkable because she does not attribute anti-Jewish attitudes to irrational prejudices or even Muslims who hate Israel. Instead she says that it's because of the "leading role" played by Jews in the movement toward multiculturalism:
I think there is a resurgence of anti-Semitism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the centre of that. It's a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive.
Her comment is an example of the age-old Jewish self-concept of a "Light Unto the Nations": Jews saving Europe by leading it to multiculturalism. One wonders why she thinks Europe could not survive as a set of monocultural societies. Israel and many other societies function quite well with a recognized dominant culture and people and, as repeatedly emphasized here, multicultural societies have a hosts of costs and no visible benefits. The better question, of course, is how Europe can survive multiculturalism. By definition, it can't.
The interview is part of a longer set of interviews available here.
Being happy–is it good for the Jews? "Before Professor Dershowitz accused me of being an anti-Semite (news to me), I was a happy person. Since then, I'm still a happy person". –Michael Santomauro
Fredrick Toben: To diligent "Revisionist" messenger Michael Santomauro
Date: 2010/9/25
Subject: To diligent "Revisionist" messenger Michael Santomauro
To: ReporterNotebook <>
To: diligent "Revisionist" messenger Michael Santomauro
Many thanks, mate Santomauro – that's a new title for me 'dinosaur'!
Excellent description of me and my work!
When next I'm in New York we'll have to toast on that.
1. I must confess I am now blinded by the many words – I am drowning in a sea of particulars - that came my way as I read through I am currently preparing a High Court challenge and do not have the time directly to respond to Mühlenkamp's material and so that needs to be left for a later date but, for what it's worth, here's a quick response.
1.1 Let me briefly comment on what Mühlenkamp says about Richard Krege in the below introduction where he refers to Krege's research as 'bumbling and counterproductive attempt'. Krege's work is groundbreaking, figuratively and literally, because such work had not been done before. It is a simple basic idea that yielded results and had the upholders of the 'Holocaust-Shoah' myth scrambling and re-adjusting their narrative. Some years later the Mythbusters TV series used the same technology in one of their episodes where they attempted to locate a body buried in the ground. Rather than scoff at Krege's pioneering work, Mühlenkamp should lose his fear of having his pet-belief scrutinized for factual truth content.
1.2 In the Wikipeadi article on Krege that he links to in the below article the penultimate sentence indicates what problems Revisionists face: "However according to British historian Alan Heath, Krege did not have permission from the authorities in Warsaw, Siedlce nor in Treblinka itself ….Krege has not only failed to publish his findings but also has failed to respond to questions as to the actual dates of his alleged visits to Treblinka and Bełżec nor challenges to visit the site with qualified scientists. So, Krege's sin was to be an independent thinker who produces goods that the guardians have not sanctioned, that an ethics committee has not cleared because it offends those who believe in the "Holocaust-Shoah' myth. Shame, Mühlenkamp, shame on you!
1.3 I think it is common knowledge that after returning from the Teheran Holocaust Conference Richard Krege was, after almost ten years, dismissed from his government job at Air Services in Canberra, Australia – and Mühlenkamp smirks at Krege's faced difficulties! Such an attitude of mind as displayed by Mühlenkamp indicates to me he has some deep-seated unresolved personal problems that he needs to project on others. Revisionists are all too familiar with 'Holocaust-Shoah' believers who project their own personal psychological and intellectual inadequacies – basic hatred - on to those who refuse to believe in their exaggerations, distortions, fabrications and outright lies.
1.4 Since Krege's unofficial results have become known it is the official Treblinka narrative that has effectively been demolished – hence the 'Holocaust-Shoah' narrative has no reality in space and time, only in memory.
1.5 Mühlenkamp operates on a win-lose Marxist/Talmudic dialectic while individuals who seek out the truth of a matter operate on the co-operative win-win Hegelian dialectic. Revisionists don't need to abuse anyone because they merely seek out the truth of a matter, and some individuals may find this process quite hurtful because it means giving up some beliefs that went deeply into their personal identity. After all, the truth hurts is a maxim that most of us made acquaintance with during our childhood but then left behind as we grew up and realized that sticks and stones may hurt my bones but words never did. However, I must admit when abuse comes my way, I sometimes fail to resist the impulse to respond in kind.
2. By the tone of his response, and not only by his name, did I sense that Herr Mühlenkamp is German – the anger, more so the fear that he will eventually have to re-think and re-evaluate his belief system, is clearly evident. But while the official 'Holocaust-Shoah' conspiracy theory is legally sustained and reinforced he will not have to face any Revisionist illumination. He can even pretend to do combat for them on their behalf, for example to start a petition to decriminalise the Holocaust debate, thereby indirectly testing the temperature about the debate and at the same time collecting more information about individuals who are buckling under the burden of the 'Holocaust-Shoah' lies! But in the meantime he's flat out defending his belief in the Holocaust-Shoah myth. I recall in my first year of philosophical studies we had a meeting where the Rationalists claimed there is no God and one student screamed out that this is not true, that there is a God. This was the first time that the student, in public, had heard anyone make such a statement, denying the existence of God! It was the Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who asked how is it that in western democracies anything can be denied, even the existence of God, but that it is sacrilege to question the Holocaust, to deny it ever happened.
3. Mühlenkamp's frenzied tone, of course, is further indicative of his fear that he must know that if he only expresses a minute doubt, if he deviates just a little from the official conspiracy theory - from the basic premises of the 'Holocaust-Shoah' dogma/ideology: 1. 6 million, 2. systematic extermination and 3. homicidal gas chambers as a murder weapon, then in a flash he would have a European Arrest Warrant made out in his name! There is a whole legal fraternity out there waiting to service the 'Holocaust-Shoah' industry because they consider anyone doubting the official narrative is 'scandalising' society. Some of the legal supporters to continue to criminalize the 'Holocaust-Shoah' actually are libertarians who defend free expression at any price – but they have classified 'Holocaust-Shoah' matters as 'hate-speech', thereby excising it from open debate, i.e. only the official version of events is permitted to be canvassed and not any dissenting view that would question the three pillars on which the myth rests.
4. His unnecessary snide remarks throughout his 'ramblings' indicate to me that Mühlenkamp is more interested in debasing a serious discussion rather than rationally finding out the truth of a matter. In the past I've had numerous discussions with die-hard Holocaust-Shoah believers that have been productive, and some of these individuals are still about. It seems to me that Mühlenkamp does not wish to understand how the 'Holocaust-Shoah' documentation has been fabricated, just as many professional historians cannot understand that our knowledge of the Egyptian, Greek and Roman world rests mainly on written documentation produced during the Middle Ages.
5. We only need to look at the making of the most recent world/global myths – WMD of 2003, 9:11 of 2001 – then we can see how the 'Holocaust-Shoah' has had over 60 years of legal codification and justification. Recently a new book was published wherein the crimes of the Chinese Revolution are detailed. In this regard Carlos Porter asks: Why is it that only 'official historians' have had access to the German documentation centre at Arolsen while Revisionists have had to do their research under the most trying conditions? Mühlenkamp does not reference such a one-sided approach to research, and can only debase his own arguments through personal subjective afflictions by smearing individual Revisionists – which indicates to me he has a deep-seated fear of their work.
6. Fortunately for those who uphold the official version of the 'Holocaust-Shoah' myths life will continue to be comfortable. It wasn't for Dr Wilhelm Stäglich nor for Dr Stuart Hayward [who added Joel to his name in deference to his Jewish heritage that he pulled out when the heat was on him-] with the former having his academic title revoked and the latter recanting his academic work. There are others, of course, who have had worse treatment heaped on them but it has always been a defaming of the person. Still, it doesn't matter how much written stuff Mühlenkamp gathers up in order to discredit Revisionists' work, this fact alone indicates that the upholders of the 'Holocaust-Shoah' myth are using any means of power at their disposal with which to silence opposition – and that's a political matter.
7. I hesitate to reflect on this matter but none of the upholders of the 'Holocaust-Shoah' myth – except for the dissenters who return to the fold after recanting – have been legally pursued. During my October-November 2008 London 50 Days in Gaol a number of public commentators, including Isi Liebler in Jerusalem, indirectly advised the British government not to extradite me to Germany by claiming that 'Holocaust denial' should not be criminalized. My matter thereby became a political-legal issue: should British Common Law criminalize so-called 'Holocaust denial'? Had I been extradited, then this would effectively have criminalized the expressing of opinions, something that is readily done in the European Civil Law countries where it is considered 'racist' to question matter 'Holocaust-Shoah'. What nonsense it is to stifle an historical debate on those grounds! The other argument is that there is a danger of Nazism re-emerging. Anyone with any historical sensitivity knows no event ever returns as an exact copy from the past. What this indicates, however, is the moral and intellectual bankruptcy of the current ideological mindset put in place after World War Two that needs again and again make reference for its legitimacy to matters 'Holocaust-Shoah'.
8. While reading through the many words that Mühlenkamp wrote in reply to my response I was again reminded of the Middle Ages where one contentious issue was: How many angels fit on a pinhead? Although philosophically it illustrates the problem of universals and particulars, a practical effect flowing therefrom was retaining control of ideology. That's what Mühlenkamp's response is all about. It is not possible to write a definitive 'Holocaust-Shoah' narrative because too many archives are still closed, and as Norman Finkelstein argues, one of the other problems afflicting research is the multi-billion 'Holocaust industry', and any dissenting opinion needs to be smashed before it can flourish, even if it contains elements of truth in it. Arthur Schopenhauer's 3-stage emergence of truth is comforting here: 1. It is ridiculed, then 2. It is violently opposed, and 3. It is accepted as a given. Mühlenkamp seems to have regressed to the first stage, while we are already at the end of the second stage, which came about with the imprisonment of Sylvia Stolz, Ernst Zündel, Horst Mahler, Wolfgang Fröhlich and Gerd Honsik, among others.
Fredrick Töben
From: ReporterNotebook []
Sent: Saturday, 25 September 2010 9:42 AM
To: reportersnotebook
Subject: What "Revisionism" is all about – A Chat with Fredrick Töben (Part 1)
What "Revisionism" is all about – A Chat with Fredrick Töben (Part 1)
Some days ago the discussion with Michael Santomauro and "Thomas Dalton, Ph.D." on this blog spot caught the attention of one of the "Revisionist" movement's dinosaurs, Dr. Fredrick Töben.
This German-born Australian citizen is known as the founder of the "Revisionist" Adelaide Institute, which in turn is known for, among other "Revisionist" activities, having funded the bumbling and counterproductive attempt of one Richard Craigie, also known asRichard Krege, to demonstrate by ground penetrating radar scanning that the soil of the former Treblinka extermination camp shows no disturbances suggesting the mass graves in which most of the camp's victims were buried, before being exhumed and cremated in a somewhat-less than successful effort to conceal or erase the physical traces of the crime.
Last Monday Mr. Töben asked diligent "Revisionist" messenger Michael Santomauro, who had earlier forwarded messages of "Thomas Dalton, Ph.D.", to post the following message under the blog mentioned at the beginning:
What "Revisionism" is all about – A Chat with Fredrick Töben (Part 1)
What "Revisionism" is all about – A Chat with Fredrick Töben (Part 1)
This German-born Australian citizen is known as the founder of the "Revisionist" Adelaide Institute, which in turn is known for, among other "Revisionist" activities, having funded the bumbling and counterproductive attempt of one Richard Craigie, also known asRichard Krege, to demonstrate by ground penetrating radar scanning that the soil of the former Treblinka extermination camp shows no disturbances suggesting the mass graves in which most of the camp's victims were buried, before being exhumed and cremated in a somewhat-less than successful effort to conceal or erase the physical traces of the crime.
Last Monday Mr. Töben asked diligent "Revisionist" messenger Michael Santomauro, who had earlier forwarded messages of "Thomas Dalton, Ph.D.", to post the following message under the blog mentioned at the beginning:
Being happy–is it good for the Jews? "Before Professor Dershowitz accused me of being an anti-Semite (news to me), I was a happy person. Since then, I'm still a happy person". –Michael Santomauro
Over 50 news items: David Irving Brands Critics `Little Nazis'
News & Comment September 24, 2010
David Irving Brands Critics `Little Nazis' The Telegraph (Britain) The controversial historian, David Irving, branded his critics as "little Nazis who Hitler would be proud of" as he announced that his controversial tour of wartime sights in Poland would now include a string of the Third Reich's death camps. The plan to visit Sobibor, Majdanek and Belzec, not mentioned in the original schedule of a £1,500-a-head tour led by the 72-year-old, comes despite fierce criticism of his presence in Poland from the country's Jewish community. "I call my opponents little Nazis who Hitler would be proud of," he told The Daily Telegraph. "They want to silence debate and crush decent."
Exposing Israel's Original Sins Gideon Levy -- Ha'aretz (Israel) - 2000 .. .. The Arabs were always the bad guys. We [Jews] were the absolute righteous, or the exclusive victims - or so we were told .. .. If you want to understand the Palestinian uprising in the territories, go to these two books [by Benny Morris]. If you want to understand why a settlement is impossible without a solution to the refugee problem, go to Morris. All the early-warning signs appear in his works. They show how our relationship with the Arabs began. Everything that followed, up until this very day, is anchored in their - and particularly our - original sins, which Morris and his colleagues have exposed.
Germany Is Rapidly Becoming Muslim, Says Chancellor Merkel Paul Williams -- Family Security Matters (Washington, DC) Chancellor Angela Merkel said that Germans have failed to grasp how Muslim immigration has transformed their country and will have to come to terms with more mosques than churches throughout the countryside, according to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung daily. "Our country is going to carry on changing, and integration is also a task for the society taking up the task of dealing with immigrants," Ms. Merkel told the daily newspaper. "For years we've been deceiving ourselves about this. Mosques, for example, are going to be a more prominent part of our cities than they were before."
Uncertainty and Nationalist Sentiment Are Rising in Germany The New York Times As anti-immigrant sentiment continues to sweep across Europe, generating a right-wing populist wave from the shores of the Mediterranean to the chilly reaches of Scandinavia, there is growing concern that such politics could take root here, too [in Germany], in the fertile ground of financial uncertainty, rising anti-Muslim sentiment and a widening political vacuum left by the misfortunes of the once mighty Christian Democratic Union.
In Russia, New History Textbook Justifies Stalin-Era Repression The Telegraph (Britain) Stalin-era repressions, including the Gulag camp system and the deportation of entire ethnic groups were justified according to a new history textbook published in Russia, which critics claim is anti-Semitic. "A History of Russia, 1917-2009," written by two Moscow State University academics, Alexander Barsenkov and Alexander Vdovin, attempts to justify forced collectivisation and the mass arrests and executions of the 1930s. Supporters say the book is filled with patriotism and love of the Motherland. But critics claim the textbook offers a pro-Stalinist and anti-Semitic view of Soviet and Russian history.
In Russia, Jewish Leader Urges Withdrawal of `Anti-Semitic' Textbook JTA A Russian Jewish leader urged the head of Moscow State University to take steps to drop a history textbook considered by many to be anti-Semitic. Alexander Boroda, president of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia, sent a letter Monday to Viktor Sadovnichy urging the Moscow State leader to act upon a history textbook written by university professors Alexander Vdovin and Alexander Barsenkov. Many experts have perceived the textbook, which deals with Russian history between 1917 and 2004, as extremist and anti-Semitics. It provides the percentage of Jews in former Soviet governments and similarly treats many historic events.
In Hungary, Nationalists Would Outlaw Denial of `Gypsy Criminality' The Budapest Times (Hungary) The far-right party Jobbik has called for legislation that would make the denial of "inherent criminality" among the country's Roma minority punishable by up to three years in jail, five for politicians and other public figures. The draft proposal for an amendment to the Criminal Code was submitted to parliament last Monday. One of its three sponsors, Jobbik politician János Volner, told reporters last Wednesday that the aim was to ensure there is "honest debate" about certain issues, "for example about the question of Gypsy criminality, as is currently taking place in France and Italy".
Wartime Enemies Make Contact 67 Years Later The Vancouver Sun (Canada) Nearly 70 years after a famous Second World War incident in which a Canadian ship rammed and sank a German submarine in the Mediterranean Sea, the only survivor of the doomed U-boat and perhaps the last living sailor from HMCS Ville de Quebec have rediscovered each other via the Internet -- two former enemies now forging a poignant, long-distance friendship via e-mail.
Gypsies in France Recall World War II Internment The Associated Press .. .. As today's France expels a wave of Romanian Gypsies seeking an escape from hardship back home, children of the camp's survivors have been drawing up plans for a memorial to the site's chilling past. They have been caught up in a battle against what they say is state-sponsored discrimination today against some of Europe's most marginalized, misunderstood minorities. This shameful episode of French history is little known and isn't in the school textbooks: Under the Nazi occupation, thousands of Gypsies, mostly citizens of France, were rounded up and put in 31 internment camps administered and guarded by their fellow Frenchmen.
The Constitution: How Important Is It? Mark Weber - Beyond 50 Radio (Audio) The US Constitution is widely revered but little understood, says historian Mark Weber in this hour-long interview. Few Americans realize that many familiar federal government programs are, strictly speaking, not constitutional, or that the government laid out in the original Constitution was remarkably un-democratic. What's decisive in any society is not a country's constitution, says Weber, but rather the character, basic values, and customs of its people.
One and a Half Cheers for American Decline Tom Engelhardt ... Here's a simple reality: the U.S. is an imperial power in decline -- and not just the sort of decline which is going to affect your children or grandchildren someday. We're talking about massive unemployment that's going nowhere and an economy which shows no sign of ever returning good jobs to this country on a significant scale, even if "good times" do come back sooner or later. We're talking about an aging, fraying infrastructure -- with its collapsing bridges and exploding gas pipelines -- that a little cosmetic surgery isn't going to help. Exposing Israel's Original Sins Gideon Levy -- Ha'aretz (Israel) - 2000 ... The Arabs were always the bad guys. We [Jews] were the absolute righteous, or the exclusive victims - or so we were told ... If you want to understand the Palestinian uprising in the territories, go to these two books [by Benny Morris]. If you want to understand why a settlement is impossible without a solution to the refugee problem, go to Morris. All the early-warning signs appear in his works. They show how our relationship with the Arabs began. Everything that followed, up until this very day, is anchored in their - and particularly our - original sins, which Morris and his colleagues have exposed. In Hungary, Nationalists Would Outlaw Denial of `Gypsy Criminality' The Budapest Times (Hungary) The far-right party Jobbik has called for legislation that would make the denial of "inherent criminality" among the country's Roma minority punishable by up to three years in jail, five for politicians and other public figures. The draft proposal for an amendment to the Criminal Code was submitted to parliament last Monday. One of its three sponsors, Jobbik politician János Volner, told reporters last Wednesday that the aim was to ensure there is "honest debate" about certain issues, "for example about the question of Gypsy criminality, as is currently taking place in France and Italy". Gypsies in France Recall World War II Internment The Associated Press ... As today's France expels a wave of Romanian Gypsies seeking an escape from hardship back home, children of the camp's survivors have been drawing up plans for a memorial to the site's chilling past. They have been caught up in a battle against what they say is state-sponsored discrimination today against some of Europe's most marginalized, misunderstood minorities. This shameful episode of French history is little known and isn't in the school textbooks: Under the Nazi occupation, thousands of Gypsies, mostly citizens of France, were rounded up and put in 31 internment camps administered and guarded by their fellow Frenchmen. In Russia, New History Textbook Justifies Stalin-Era Repression The Telegraph (Britain) Stalin-era repressions, including the Gulag camp system and the deportation of entire ethnic groups were justified according to a new history textbook published in Russia, which critics claim is anti-Semitic. "A History of Russia, 1917-2009," written by two Moscow State University academics, Alexander Barsenkov and Alexander Vdovin, attempts to justify forced collectivisation and the mass arrests and executions of the 1930s. Supporters say the book is filled with patriotism and love of the Motherland. But critics claim the textbook offers a pro-Stalinist and anti-Semitic view of Soviet and Russian history. Wartime Enemies Make Contact 67 Years Later The Vancouver Sun (Canada) Nearly 70 years after a famous Second World War incident in which a Canadian ship rammed and sank a German submarine in the Mediterranean Sea, the only survivor of the doomed U-boat and perhaps the last living sailor from HMCS Ville de Quebec have rediscovered each other via the Internet -- two former enemies now forging a poignant, long-distance friendship via e-mail. Germany Is Rapidly Becoming Muslim, Says Chancellor Merkel Paul Williams -- Family Security Matters (Washington, DC) Chancellor Angela Merkel said that Germans have failed to grasp how Muslim immigration has transformed their country and will have to come to terms with more mosques than churches throughout the countryside, according to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung daily. "Our country is going to carry on changing, and integration is also a task for the society taking up the task of dealing with immigrants," Ms. Merkel told the daily newspaper. "For years we've been deceiving ourselves about this. Mosques, for example, are going to be a more prominent part of our cities than they were before." Debating the Holocaust: A Review Martin Gunnels - Inconvenient History ... The book is a very potent effort at setting the record straight about revisionist claims, and it's done in such a reasonable, straightforward way that you could give the book to your mom without apology. It is the kind of book that resists drowning its reader in statistics, opting instead for a concise, memorable, camp-by-camp analysis of what Dalton calls "the great debate." In Debating the Holocaust, the revisionist community now has the closest thing yet to an encyclopedic handbook of revisionist arguments. This is the work's most remarkable achievement, and I hope it will only mark the very beginning of Thomas Dalton's promising new career in the fight for historical truth. On Jewish Loyalty Gilad Atzmon ... As it seems, 'loyalty to the Jews' is a crucial demand within the Zionist discourse ... Jewish loyalty is an empty signifier: it is a dynamic notion; it changes constantly; it is impossible to pinpoint. As it happens, Jewish loyalty is removed from any notion of universalism, ethics or integrity. All it means in practice is, 'Jews come first' ... The days of Israel are numbered, there is no way to rescue the Jewish state for it is founded on tribal and racist ideology. However, Britain can still liberate itself of its Neocon phase. All it has to do is to de-Zionise its political system and media. American Public Opinion and the Special Relationship With Israel John Mearsheimer There is no question that the United States has a relationship with Israel that has no parallel in modern history. Washington gives Israel consistent, almost unconditional diplomatic backing and more foreign aid than any other country. In other words, Israel gets this aid even when it does things that the United States opposes, like building settlements. Furthermore, Israel is rarely criticized by American officials and certainly not by anyone who aspires to high office ... The bottom line is that the lobby is largely responsible for America's special relationship with Israel, which is harmful to both countries. The Afghanistan War: `A Long-Drawn-Out Disaster' Eric S. Margolis ... The threat from al-Qaeda and Taliban has been "exaggerated" by the western powers. The US-led mission in Afghanistan has "ballooned" out of all proportion from its original aim of disrupting and defeating al-Qaeda. The US-led war in Afghanistan, says IISS, using uncharacteristically blunt language, is "a long-drawn-out disaster".... Europeans are fed up with the Afghan war. Polls report 60% of Americans think the war not worth fighting ... The truth about Iraq and Afghanistan is finally emerging. Afghanistan may again prove to be "the graveyard of empires". Genocide Wiped Out A Native American Population, Archeologists Say Discovery News Physical traces of ethnic cleansing that took place in the early 800s suggest the massacre was an inside job. Crushed leg bones, battered skulls and other mutilated human remains are likely all that's left of a Native American population destroyed by genocide that took place circa 800 A.D., suggests a new study. The paper, accepted for publication in the Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, describes the single largest deposit to date of mutilated and processed human remains in the American Southwest. The entire assemblage comprises 14,882 human skeletal fragments, as well as the mutilated remains of dogs and other animals killed at the massacre site -- Sacred Ridge, southwest of Durango, Colo. What Israel Wants From the Palestinians, It Takes Ahmed Moor -- Los Angeles Times Israel's ambassador to the U.S., Michael B. Oren, argues ... that Israelis want peace, and I believe him. They've said so often enough. But the Israelis want lots of other things too. For instance, they want the West Bank and East Jerusalem. In addition, they want the Palestinian aquifers situated beneath the West Bank, and they want to preserve their racial privilege in the Jewish state. They also want to shear the Gaza Strip from Palestine. Most of all, the Israelis want Palestinian quiescence in the face of Israeli wants. Those wants have made the two-state solution impossible to implement. For decades, the Israelis have taken what they want from the Palestinians. Netanyahu's `Catastrophic Success' Robert Grenier ... The fact of the matter, however, is that the idea of a two-state solution in Palestine is finished. Israeli settlements in the West Bank and their attendant infrastructure have made a viable and independent Palestinian state impossible. The settlements, moreover, cannot be undone. Their existence obviates the need for formal Israeli annexation: The de-facto annexation of the West Bank has already taken place. The only remaining solution is a single, unified, bi-national state. The fact that a bi-national state is inevitable will not make its formation any easier; nor will the great difficulties involved in forging a truly bi-national state make its emergence any less inevitable. Killing Gentiles Joseph Sobran ... Israel is based on the principle that Jews have rights "goyim" don't have. Hence its abuse of Arab gentiles and its defiance of Western gentiles. Mark Weber, of the Institute for Historical Review, has summed up the situation in one pithy sentence: "The truth is that if we held Israel to the same standards that we apply to Serbia, Afghanistan, and Iraq, U.S. bombers and missiles would be blasting Tel Aviv, and we'd be putting Israeli prime minister Sharon behind bars for war crimes and crimes against humanity." Third World America Macleans (Canada) ... Despite its position as the world's unrivalled superpower, international comparisons show the U.S. slipping on a number of fronts. On education, the United States has been falling behind, in everything from science and engineering to basic literacy. The U.S. once had the world's highest proportion of young adults with post-secondary degrees; now it ranks 12th, according to the College Board, an association of education institutions. (Canada is now number one.) In 2001, the U.S. ranked fourth in the world in per capita broadband Internet use; it now ranks 15th out of 30 nations ... A Critical Look at Simon Wiesenthal Der Spiegel (Germany) Until his death in 2005, Simon Wiesenthal was the world's best-known Nazi hunter. But a new biography finds fault with the way he pursued his quarry and asks whether his "soaring ego" and "tendency to fantasize" actually got in the way of his mission / ... He used questionable methods. He took credit for the achievements of others. And, over the years, he succeeded in antagonizing many people who actually shared the same goals. This side of Wiesenthal is presented in "Simon Wiesenthal: The Life and Legends," a new biography by Tom Segev, an Israeli historian and journalist ... Wiesenthal also concocted legends surrounding the story of the Holocaust and his own suffering. Tony Blair and the Great Islamic Threat Gwynne Dyer People often wind up believing their own cover story. Former British prime minister Tony Blair, for example, is trapped forever in the rationalizations he used in 2003 to explain why he was going along with George Bush's invasion of Iraq. He was at it again last week, telling the BBC that "radical Islam" is the greatest threat facing the world today ... Terrorism, by radical Islamists or anybody else, is a real threat but a modest one. It cannot be "defeated", but it can be contained by good police work and wise policy choices. It might make it into the top ten global threats, but it certainly wouldn't make it into the top three. Anybody who says it does has something to sell or something to hide. David Irving In Poland for Controversial Tour of Historical Sites AFP British historian David Irving, who was jailed in Austria for denying the Holocaust, said on Tuesday he was in Poland to lead a tour of World War II sites, including the former Treblinka death camp. Holocaust survivors and anti-racism groups have slammed Irving's plans, even calling on Polish authorities to ban his visit which is also scheduled to take in a visit to the former local headquarters of Nazi leader Adolf Hitler. But Irving confirmed to AFP that he was now in the Polish capital and planned to remain in the country until September 29. Holocaust Tour in Poland Will `Set Record Straight,' Says Irving The Telegraph (Britain) The controversial British historian David Irving was met with outrage in Poland yesterday as he claimed the country should be "grateful" that he was running a £1,500 a head "unforgettable" tour of Holocaust sites, including the Treblinka death camp. Mr Irving said he would "set the record straight" on the Nazis' extermination of six million Jews, despite the fact that an Austrian court sentenced him in 2006 to three years in jail for his 1989 claims that there were no gas chambers in the Third Reich. He was released and deported to Britain after serving only one year and told the court that his claims had been a mistake. Chomsky Denounces France's `Holocaust Denial' Law Rue 89 (France) A petition to free Vincent Reynouard, a French negationist ["Holocaust denier"], who is serving a prison sentence and to abrogate the Gayssot Act ... has Noam Chomsky's backing. This is the letter he wrote: "I understand that Vincent Reynouard has been condemned and jailed under the Gayssot law, and that a petition is being circulated in protest against these actions. I know nothing about Mr. Reynouard, but regard the Gayssot law as entirely illegitimate, inconsistent with the basic principles of a free society as these have been understood since the Enlightenment. The law in effect grants the state the right to determine historical truth ..." Vatican Shocked at Britain's Hostile Reaction to Pope John Laughland -- Newsmax ... Britain has become one of the most virulently anti-Christian countries in the world. After a few decades in which the traditional anti-Catholic prejudices fell into abeyance, the basic anti-popish reflexes of an ancient Protestant nation have come back with a vengeance, spurred on by ideological attacks on the only Christian church that seems to stand for anything at all ... Britain has traveled further down the road of political correctness than even traditionally permissive European societies like those of the Netherlands or Scandinavia. More Americans Are Gloomy About US Role in the World BBC News There has been a sharp rise in the number of Americans who believe the US role as a world leader is on the decline, a survey suggests ... Nine out of ten Americans today think it is more important for the future that the US see to pressing problems at home than address challenges abroad ; Fifty-one percent of Americans think US ability to achieve its goals has decreased ; A majority of Americans believe that if Israel and Iran go to war, the US should not intervene militarily on Israel's side; American support for military bases in Japan, Germany, Iraq, Turkey and Afghanistan has declined. Court Bans Czech Edition of `Mein Kampf' The Associated Press A court has ordered a Czech publisher to withdraw and destroy all its published copies of Adolf Hitler's "Mein Kampf." Prague's municipal court issued the verdict Friday at the request of the German state of Bavaria that was suing the publisher, KMa, for copyright infringement. "Mein Kampf" is banned in Germany and Bavaria, which holds the copyright for the book, is seeking to block its publication in other countries for fear it could be misused by right-wing extremists. Enough With the Mideast Kabuki; The Farcical `Peace Talks' Eric Margolis ...For those yearning to see an end to the seven decade Jewish-Palestinian conflict, to see security and tranquility for Israel, and justice for Palestinians, last week's so-called "peace talks" in Washington were a painful farce ... The American dialogue on the Holy Land is almost entirely controlled by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, which is virtually an arm of the Likud Party. Candidate Obama in fact promised AIPAC never to pressure Israel into a peace deal it did not want, a pledge he is keeping. But no pressure on Israel by Washington to trade land for peace means no real peace, no matter what sweetheart deal Abbas signs. No real peace means more woes for the United States in dealing with the Muslim world. Mexico On Its 200th Birthday: A Grim Balance Sheet The Associated Press The movie that Mexican director Luis Estrada is putting out for his country's bicentennial is bluntly named "Hell." Like many Mexicans, Estrada says there is little to celebrate in Mexico today, with its violence, corruption and inequity ... A Pew Research Center poll released in August shows 79 percent of Mexicans are dissatisfied with the country's direction. Even U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton jumped into the fray last week, saying that Mexico, plagued with drug-running and violence, is looking more and more how Colombia looked two decades ago. Mexico seems to be slipping behind. US Poverty Level is Highest Since 1960s BBC News One in seven Americans was living in poverty in 2009 with the level of working-age poor the highest since the 1960s, the US Census Bureau says. The number of people in poverty increased by nearly four million -- to 43.6 million -- between 2008 and 2009, officials said. The bureau defines poverty as any family of four living on less than $21,954 a year. Meanwhile, new figures showed home foreclosures in August hit the highest level since the mortgage crisis began. Banks repossessed 95,364 properties in August, up 3% from July and an increase of 25% from August 2009, said RealtyTrac, a company which charts the national picture. The official US poverty rate in 2009 rose to 14.3% from 13.2% in 2008. Historian Blames Churchill For a Million Deaths in India Famine The Telegraph (Britain) Sir Winston Churchill may be one of Britain's greatest wartime leaders, but in India he has been blamed for allowing more than a million people to die of starvation. According to a new book on the famine, Sir Winston ignored pleas for emergency food aid for millions in Bengal left to starve ... Between one and three million died of hunger in 1943 ... The man-made famine and the contrast between the plight of starving Indians and well-fed British officers dining in the city's many colonial clubs has been described as one of the darkest chapters in British rule on the Indian subcontinent. Miss Mukerjee blames Churchill's 'racism' for his refusal to intervene. Netanyahu Said Iran Was 3-5 Years Away From Nuclear Capability - In 1995 Philip Weiss ... So who do you believe? Netanyahu in '95 or Netanyahu today? Shouldn't Goldberg have passed along Netanyahu's 1995 warning to readers and suggested that he's a Bibi who cries wolf? Goldberg said he'd spent years working on the piece. Maybe he should have read Netanyahu's back pages. One has to question Netanyahu's sincerity because Israel uses this alleged threat. It uses it to distract the world from its oppression of Palestinians, and from Obama's pressure on it to stop settlement activities. Netanyahu has never wanted to stop settlement activity. He needs an existential threat to turn attention away. Catholics In England Suffered Centuries of Repression The Associated Press For nearly three centuries after the Reformation, Catholics in England were outlaws. But in the turmoil and persecution that followed the break between King Henry VIII and Rome, noble families such as the Stonors clung to their faith, "in spite of dungeon, fire and sword," as the Victorian hymn "Faith of our Fathers" put it. "We're just stubborn, really," says Ralph Thomas Campion Stonor, the seventh Lord Camoys, a title bestowed on an ancestor for valor in the Battle of Agincourt in 1415. Pope Benedict XVI will recall the years of persecution during his upcoming tour of Britain Sept. 16-19. Hitler's Forgotten Library: The Man, His Books, and His Search for God Timothy W. Ryback -- The Atlantic Monthly ... By the late 1930s Hitler had three separate libraries for his ever-expanding collection. At his apartment he removed a wall between two rooms and installed bookshelves. For the Berghof, his Alpine retreat near Berchtesgaden, Hitler built a second-floor study with handmade bookcases; color photographs of the finished space show an elegant setting with Oriental carpets, two globes, and bookcases fitted with glass doors and brass locks ... By his own admission, Hitler was not a big fan of novels, though he once ranked Gulliver's Travels, Robinson Crusoe, Uncle Tom's Cabin, and Don Quixote (he had a special affection for the edition illustrated by Gustave Doré) among the world's greatest works of literature. Forty-Two Percent of Israeli Jews Are Non-Religious AFP Forty-two percent of Israeli Jews identify themselves as secular or non-religious, making them the largest segment of society, according to figures released by the government [of Israel] on Monday. The Central Bureau of Statistics said another 25 percent identify themselves as "not very religious," 13 percent as "traditional," 12 percent as "religious" and eight percent as "ultra-Orthodox." It said 72 percent of respondents had been to a synagogue in the past year, 82 percent celebrated the Passover holiday and 67 percent light candles for Hanukkah. The numbers are the product of polling carried out throughout 2009 on 7,500 Jews over the age of 20, the bureau said. German Police Raid `Neo-Nazi' Group The Associated Press Police on Tuesday [Sept. 7] raided buildings used by Germany's largest neo-Nazi group in an effort to find evidence to support banning it, the Interior Ministry said. The sweep targeted 30 buildings and houses across the country belonging to members of the Aid Organization for National Political Victims and their Relatives, the ministry said in a statement. It declined to say how many officers were taking part in the raids in nine of the country's 16 states. The group, known as HNG by its German acronym, is believed to have some 600 members, making it the country's largest neo-Nazi group, the ministry said. Federal Government Deficit On Track As Second-Highest Ever The Associated Press The federal government is on track to record the second-highest deficit of all time with one month left in the budget year. The deficit totaled $1.26 trillion through August, the Treasury Department said yesterday. That puts it on pace to total $1.3 trillion when the budget year ends Sept. 30, slightly below last year's record $1.4 trillion deficit ... Deficits of $1 trillion in a single year had never happened until two years ago. The $1.4 trillion deficit in 2009 was more than three times the size of the previous record-holder, a $454.8 billion deficit recorded in 2008. Last year's deficit was equal to 9.9 percent of the total economy - the highest percentage in 65 years. Why I Believe Simon Wiesenthal Was a Fraud Guy Walters -- Daily Mail (Britain) ... In my view, Simon Wiesenthal was a liar and a fraud. In fact, I'd go so far as to say he was one of the biggest conmen of the 20th century. I spent four years working on a history of Nazi-hunting that was published last year, and the material I gathered on Wiesenthal was enough to make me scream out loud. When I started my book, I too believed that the great man was just that -- great. But when I looked at all his memoirs, biographies and original archive material, I realised that, like so many others, the image I had built up of Simon Wiesenthal was hopelessly incorrect. Irving Defends Plans for `Nazi Travel' Tour of Poland Daily Mail (Britain) Controversial historian David Irving has hit back at claims his guided history tours of Polish death camps are 'sick'. Claiming that it is the Polish authorities who are 'tasteless' for their promotion of Auschwitz as a 'Disney-style' tourist site, Mr Irving defended his own trip which is fully-booked with American and British tourists. Critics have slammed the trip Mr Irving is organising to Hitler's headquarters and the notorious death camp Treblinka, referring to it as 'Nazi Travel'. However, the historian, who was convicted of Holocaust denial in Austria in 2006, has said his critics have clearly not read his books on the Second World War. |
Being happy–is it good for the Jews? "Before Professor Dershowitz accused me of being an anti-Semite (news to me), I was a happy person. Since then, I'm still a happy person". –Michael Santomauro