From Eric Hunt:
From: Eric <erichunt25@gmail.
Date: Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 6:29 PM
Subject: Found out Zisblatt is actually Lewin
To: reporternotebook@
I found out Irene Weisberg Zisblatt is actually Irene Lewin.
I have theories on what was done. She never mentions being a Lewin in anything she's ever done.
It checks out on the ship manifests, red cross records, displaced person records.
This may explain her lack of a tattoo.
This is huge.
Please forward this to those who care about freedom from lies.
I have heard that her story is pretty far fetched. Thanks for the information. Here is a site that offers Holocaust Records from NARA. They are free for the next couple of days. These are original documents including the Nuremberg Trials.