
Jan 8, 2011

Fw: Animal Death Mystery: Two MILLION dead fish wash up in Maryland Bay


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, January 08, 2011 1:37 AM
Subject: Animal Death Mystery: Two MILLION dead fish wash up in Maryland Bay

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"Hypoxia, a lack of oxygen, is known to cause confusion and illness in animals. It is also a common precursor to altitude sickness."

Has anyone been dizzy lately?  I have and I ended up in emergency last week with vertigo which I have never had before.  It was frightening and I couldn't move my head at all without getting so dizzy that I would vomit.  I'm still having these symptoms (dizzy spells) daily and quite often but not quite as bad as the first day.  For most of you that know me personally, many of my friends call me The Canary, because I can detect toxic chemicals in my environment.  I suffer from severe multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS).  This is something new for me and based on what I have read in the articles in this link above that some believe Hypoxia (lack of oxygen) may be what killed some of these animals.  It is known to cause confusion and illness in animals.  It is also a common precursor to altitude sickness.   Some of the people I have been talking to, that are also sensitive, are also complaining of dizzy spells and/or vertigo.  Is there a connection?  I'm beginning to think so.  Any Doctors in the audience?  If so, I would like your feedback.  I'm recommending that if anyone begins to have any symptoms like vertigo or altitude sickness that they never have had before contact their doctor and also me so we can research to see if there may be a link between humans and what is going on with the dead birds/fish.
As far as the oxygen issue, I would like you to think about these questions.  If we are burning all our natural oxygen (jet planes, cars, trucks, buses, factories, fires ...) killing and cutting down all our trees/rain forests, how much oxygen do we have left to breathe?  If we are polluting what air we have with chemtrails (not to be confused with normal jet contrails) of aluminum, barium, strontium, sulfur hexafluoride, titanium..., toxic chemicals/metals/gasses (carbon monoxide, jet exhaust, controlled burns...) HOW MUCH LONGER WILL WE BE ABLE TO LIVE WITHOUT FRESH AIR?  
I just watched an excellent but frightening documentary "GASLAND".  You must see how our fresh water is being destroyed.  Toxic chemicals are pumped into the ground as part of the process to drill for natural gas.  See how our land/water is being destroyed and how the toxic chemicals are making people ill.  HOW MUCH LONGER WILL WE BE ABLE TO LIVE WITHOUT FRESH WATER? 
We better make some changes and we better make them fast!  Are you in the game?  Are you doing your part?  Do you want to live or do you want to die?  What are you going to do?
It's time to take action and do whatever you can to help save this planet because it's now TOXIC!  Write letters, speak out, educate others, join groups like Environmental Voices, take action. 
I can't tell you how much I appreciate the support that I have been given from so many of you.  I have met many wonderful people on this journey.  I'm blessed!
In Spirit and Love,
Deborah J. Whitman

Deborah J. Whitman, President

(916) 595-7197

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