
Mar 13, 2010

Letter from "Hispanic"...Re: Why the White Crime Rate is so High?


March 13, 2010


I have been saying this for years. I work in the health field and I have seen people of obvious Hispanic background in human resources who are entered in the Homeland Security system as ETHNICALLY Hispanic and the program automatically fills the RACE box as White.

I am multi-ethnic (Basque-French/Italian) and grew up in Puerto Rico. So, I am considered "Hispanic" due to my first language being Spanish. Twice I was registered as "White" in the Homeland Security database - at a hospital I worked for and at a facility I worked until recently with people with disabilities - and saw the information being entered in the system and witnessed first hand what I described above.

So yes this is the standard nationwide, including NY (and I am sure all other states with a high concentration of Illegals and Hispanics). However, it will not be changed because Caucasians/Whites have to unite, organize and take a stand against these injustices. But I do not see it happening.

The American Third Position I might support but they have the wrong approach. My apologies to Kevin McDonald, but there are a lot of things he and his colleagues are overlooking. There is no excuse for him not to foresee these problems. They should look up at the BNP for a more reasonable and easy to accept model that will not set them to failure from the get-go. They will be lucky if they ever get 3% of the total vote nationwide with their current platform.




Michael Santomauro
Editorial Director
Call anytime: 917-974-6367


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