
Jun 4, 2010

Is This What America Has Spawned?


June 4, 2010


Some time ago, on a Seattle PBS talk show, a Black woman ATTORNEY was complaining that she was losing her home because she stopped getting her mortgage checks. The multiculty Filipino host said, "oh, no, no, no, you mean you stopped paying..." But she steadfastly insisted that she was only losing her house because she stopped getting her mortgage checks FROM the bank....

Apparently, what was happening was this. She got a half million house for free, with nothing down, and a large (10% or so) "move-in bonus" that gave her $2000 plus a month in payouts for two years with the first payment due TWO YEARS after she moved in. She literally believed that the reason Whites have expensive houses is that the racist banks give secret deals to Whites for free houses and all the Whites in those houses get big checks every month for not working.

Even the other multiculty guests (White Liberals) on the panel were stunned,.

The woman is an ATTORNEY.



On Jun 4, 2010, at 9:53 AM, x. wrote:

Is This What America Has Spawned?

White, black, brown, yellow or red, there should be no shame in being poor. However, being stupid is entirely another matter all together, especially in America. But in America you can be stupid, do nothing and get paid for it by the taxes that the government takes by force from the people who aren't stupid, but instead are responsible for their own lives and are supporting themselves and/or their families, in addition to paying the taxes that support those who are stupid and do nothing.

Now anyone with an ounce of intelligence knows that painting a broad brush across any segment of society to arrive at a conclusion, will undoubtedly end up with in-accurate predictions about that segment. However, when a large portion of that segment fits under the broad brush, the predictions become increasingly accurate.


Further, any person who understands human nature, knows that when you take away another person's pride of accomplishment resulting from their own individual efforts, by offering them free handouts, you create a class of dependent people who lack self-reliance, ambition and personal pride. You also create a class of people who will continually vote for those who are providing or implementing the free handout. This condition is a recipe for the destruction of any country.

"So what" you say ….. get to the point. The point we are trying to make was epitomized by a guest on the Michael Savage show a while back. Before you go any further, we encourage you to listen to the two minute interview between Mike and his guest. It is illuminating about what we believe to be a fairly large segment of American society that is being described in this article. Click on the link to watch the video

"No borders? ….. 600,000,000 people in America? ….. Obama's "stash"? ….. Illegal aliens paying for her welfare check?" Good God! Now that is "stupid" personified. The sad story in all of this, is not that these people are stupid, but that they can vote. And even worse than that, ….. they breed. Is this not a testament to the requirement for the return of voting eligibility standards?

Perhaps you remember the night that Obama won the election in November of 2008, when a huge rally took place in Chicago. A reporter asked a "lady" in attendance, what it meant to her that Obama had won. Her comment was, "….. finally, now I won't have to pay my mortgage or car payment anymore." Really!

You may also remember that after Obama was elected President, Detroit was offering free money to the poorer citizens of that city. When a reporter interviewed one of the women standing in line waiting for her free handout, she stated, when asked "where the money was coming from", that it was coming from Obama. When the reporter asked where Obama was getting the money to pay her, she said it was " ….. from Obama's "stash." The lady in the Michael Savage interview used the same words, "Obama's stash". Can people in America really be this stupid, ignorant, naive and duped? It would appear so.

We submit that if these three ladies we have presented here, represent the intellectual level of a significant portion of the American population and are allowed to vote, as well as breed, this country as a free, powerful, prosperous and generous nation, is doomed. A country, like a chain, is only as strong as its weakest link. If the poor people of America and even the middle class, have aspirations and ambitions as lows as what is being represented in the video history after Obama was elected and they are being "paid" for the privilege off the backs of those who "work", this nation will rapidly disintegrate into mediocrity, sloppiness, apathy and self loathing, if it isn't already. It could also erupt into civil war. People who are ashamed of themselves and loath what they have become, are not good candidates for freedom. As a matter of fact, they will tear individual rights, freedom and liberty to pieces and they won't give a damn just as long as they are receiving their portion of "Obama's Stash".

The strength of any person to survive under difficult circumstances, comes from adversity. If you remove adversity from a person's life, as the American government has done to a significant percentage of the American people, you rob those people of their strength and their ability to survive under difficult circumstances. A country of these people undermines the collective strength of an entire nation.

Commentator Paul Harvey was fond of saying; "self-government, without self-discipline, will not work". It can further be stated that a free society cannot endure when those that make up that society are stupid, ignorant and naive. Because people who are stupid, ignorant and naive are easy prey for a tyrannical government and will readily capitulate to demands when that government extends them a free handout. In exchange for a free handout however, government snaps the lock shut on the chains of slavery. Is this what America has spawned?

Perhaps what is needed to keep a government in check and keep it from falling because of stupid, ignorant and naive people, are free-loving people who are willing to take the risk of determining what that government, or its associates and affiliates are doing against the principles of liberty, by digging deep inside for the intelligence that will expose them. Perhaps what is needed is an "American Citizen's Intelligence Network", working in partnership with "The Spy File."

© Copyright June 3, 2010 - All Rights Reserved

~ The Author ~
Ron Ewart is the President of The National Association of Rural Landowners and nationally recognized author on freedom and property rights issues. Ron may reached for comment via email at .

In addition, Ron can usually be heard on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. (ET) on Perspectives on America on The Micro Effect broadcasting network, as Jeffrey Bennett's Guest. Tune in - you'll be glad you did.

Perspectives on America can be heard from 6:00 until 8:00 p.m. (ET) Monday through Friday on The Micro Effect.

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