
Dec 3, 2009

Climategate is the symptom, not the disease by Jim Dean


Jim Dean
Jim Dean, Heritage TV producer/host

Jim Dean is the producer of Heritage TV and a member of Georgia Heritage Council.

Climategate is the symptom, not the disease
-- Commentary by Jim Dean

"Any dictator would admire the uniformity and obedience of the U.S. media." -- Noam Chomsky

Dear Folks,

The ClimateGate Scandal is breaking into the main media now (see Forbes item below) but is still being ignored by network TV. Their best excuse is the urgent coverage on the Tiger Woods story and Obama's Afghanistan troops speech.

The climate hucksters are stalling for time to figure out how to save their credibility bacon. But Obama is off to the climate summit (Copenhagen) which will go on for several weeks. So now will be the time to roast the liars and deceivers. The Hadley Research Center has announced their own investigation but you can rest assured that will not be completed for a good while. They have a lot of egg on their face for hosting the hoaxers with what appears to be zero supervision on either the data or analysis fraud.

If you are wondering what this all means to you and why I am doing several columns on this, it is because this is a classic example of elitist fraud on an international scale, albeit a liberal one. It is taxpayer funded. They want their budget vastly increased, which is has been, so they are well-funded forever. The best way to do that is to scare the hell out of the public.

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." --H.L. MenckenIn Defense of Women, 1918

"All over the place, from the popular culture to the propaganda system, there is constant pressure to make people feel that they are helpless, that the only role they can have is to ratify decisions and to consume." --Noam Chomsky

"When the search for truth is confused with political advocacy, the pursuit of knowledge is reduced to the quest for power." --Alston Chase, quoted by Michael Crichton in Why Politicized Science is Dangerous, excerpted from State of Fear

"Whenever you hear the consensus of scientists agrees on something or other, reach for your wallet, because you're being had." -- Michael Crichton, Caltech Michelin Lecture, January 17, 2003

And next, you publicly destroy any scientific opponents or dissenting opinion. Recently they coined a new term for climate heretics, 'climate change deniers'...a term concocted for the same purposes as homophobe, holocaust denier, Neo-Confederate. It is Neo N-word terminology, the difference being that the new ones are widely used by Liberals, with no embarrassment or apologies, to discredit their ideological, scientific or historical opponents...classic bully stuff. In terms of propaganda technique, it is the classic 'ad hominem' attack on the person to avoid honest debate of the arguments and evidence. Galileo was silenced by calling him a 'heretic' and threatening him with death by fire. As Voltaire might say, it is dangerous to be right when the government or the Church of Global Warming is wrong.

"The urge to save humanity is almost always a false-face for the urge to rule it." --H.L. Mencken

"Historically, the claim of consensus has been the first refuge of scoundrels; it is a way to avoid debate by claiming that the matter is already settled. " --Michael Crichton, Caltech Michelin Lecture, January 17, 2003

So I ask you, do you think this is the only major mega hoax that the elitists are scamming us on for the last five or ten years? Is it the only one they are running on us even now? I can tell you most assuredly it is not. We are actually being swarmed, so much of it going on. We really need another citizen controlled intelligence service solely devoted to keeping us informed on how the elites are trying to rob us blind and/or make us all nice little Manchurian candidates or laboratory mice.

The enormous waste of public funds is a slam dunk national security issue in my book. But I don't think the FBI or the CIA would want to get into this if you paid them. We have a HUGE oversight failure here. Forget Congress. They are so overloaded they need a 500% increase in manpower to even begin having the investigative manpower to begin getting a handle on the day to day stuff. Medicaid and Medicare fraud control has been beyond their grasp forever.

But nothing is ever going to be done about it until we scream bloody murder. Special prosecutors are the quickest way to go, but those can be faked by rigging who the special prosecutor is and neither Dems or Repubs are shy about that. I am leaning toward a new 5th branch of government. That is how bad I think the situation is and how little faith I have in current institutions doing anything about it. Their hands are full with just what is on their plate now.

Huge problems can only be dealt with through huge counter measures. What will happen if we don't do something significant? They will continue bleeding us dry. Worldwide Megafrauds are the big thing now. Ethanol is another example. The use of carbon based fuels to produce and ship it more than eliminates any benefit in clean air or reduced carbon footprint. Bush pushed it to run corn prices up as a gift to the MidWest farm belt folks and it ran food prices up around the world. A few benefited at the expense of the many.

Another mega scam is the rising cost of education. It has been increasing almost as fast as health care costs. Now with health care it is easy to see we have an aging population with new and very expensive treatments and drugs available. But have you noticed that there is no 'crisis' reporting going on about education costs, or even any in depth reporting as to why the costs are going up so much? Does it really cost 8 to 10% more each year to produce a rookie teacher or history major. What new technology or expensive equipment are they using?

The reason is the same. Education is an elitist bastion and they want the money to keep pouring. And they don't get too much scrutiny on the quality of their product output. Much of it is grownup babysitting for people taking a break from work. Some of you will remember when the Microsoft certifications at technical schools were a two year program. When a shortage developed during the dotcom boom, primarily in help desk personnel, these courses miraculously were shortened to one year. And then later shortened to six months.

Yes, the two year program was just a scam to get two to four times the money out of you. Six months in school and a six month apprenticeship would be adequate but that would cut the schools out of 50% of their money so they would raise holy hell about they were being destroyed by not overcharging for their services.

Forget about Tiger Woods, the latest missing kid or who shot who. All of that is Roman Circus clutter to waste your time so you cannot spend it learning how to defend yourself against the major threats coming at you. The elites know that we sheepeople would have to be organized effectively to really counter what they are doing to us, and plan on doing. They are using the tried and true tactics of diversion plus divide and conquer. If we do not wise up we will lose, and so far....we are losing.

Jim Dean is the producer of Heritage TV and a member of the Georgia Heritage Council.

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"The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos." --H.L. MenckenSmart Set, 1919

"No country upon earth ever had it more in its power to attain these blessings than United America. Wondrously strange, then, and much to be regretted indeed would it be, were we to neglect the means and to depart from the road which Providence has pointed us to so plainly; I cannot believe it will ever come to pass." --George Washington, letter to Benjamin Lincoln, 1788

Cringing Over Climategate

Shikha Dalmia,, 12.02.09

"Science and scientific process must inform and guide decisions of my administration on a wide range of issues, including … mitigation of climate change," President Barack Obama declared in a not-so-subtle dig at his predecessor soon after assuming office. "The public must be able to trust the science and scientific process. Public officials should not suppress or alter scientific technological findings."

Last week's Climategate scandal is putting Obama's promise to the test. If he wants to pass, there are two things he should do, pronto: (1) Start singing hosannas to whoever broke the scandal instead of acting like nothing has happened; and (2) Ask eco-warriors at the Copenhagen Climate Change Summit next week to declare an immediate cease-fire in their war against global warming pending a complete review of the science.

Someone--a whistleblower or a hacker--got into the computers of University of East Anglia Climate Research Unit in England, also known as the Hadley Research Center, and revealed reams of e-mailsshowing that its leading climatologists had engaged in all kinds of scientific shenanigans including manipulating data, destroying evidence that didn't support their conclusions and keeping contrarian scientists from being published in peer-reviewed journals.

The revelations are significant because the Hadley Center is no marginal outfit. It is among the most influential research organizations in the field whose work forms the basis of all official global warming reports, including those of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the U.N. body that serves as the Vatican of global warming.

One e-mail as recent as last month acknowledged that global temperatures plateaued in 1998, something that skeptics have been pointing out for years and warming warriors have been pooh-poohing. "The fact is that we can't account for the lack of warming at the moment," the e-mail confessed. But instead of celebrating the good news that the planet may not ineluctably fry to a crisp, the e-mail continues with its gloom and doom, blaming an "inadequate observing system" for not picking up on the warming.

This wouldn't be such a big deal if other e-mails didn't show even worse malfeasance. "I've just completed Mike's Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (i.e., from 1981 onwards) and from 1961 for Keith to hide the decline [of temperatures]," one said. To most people with normal IQs, the words "trick" and "hide" in the same sentence would suggest manipulation of data. But the brainiacs at Hadley claim that these are just standard colloquialism that scientists use to describe completely innocent operations.

Really? Then how do they explain this 2005 e-mail by Phil Jones, the director of the center, to the aforementioned Mike. "The two MMs have been after the CRU station data for years. If they ever hear there is a Freedom of Information Act now in the U.K., I think I'll delete the file rather than send to anyone… We also have a data protection act, which I will hide behind." The "two MMs" refers to Canadian researchers Stephen McIntyre and Ross McKitrick. And--lo and behold--when one of them asked Jones for his data, what did he do? He hid behind the data protection act. But no, there is nothing premeditated here!

Why was Jones so afraid of the two MMs? Because they had debunked Mike's--or Michael Mann of Penn State University's--infamous "hockey stick" graph that supposedly offered proof positive that humans were warming the earth. It showed that global temperatures had remained flat for a millennium only to spike sharply in the 20th century following the industrial revolution. But McIntyre and McKitrick found that the innocent "tricks" that Mann was performing on the data were so riddled with methodological errors that even the IPCC was forced to remove the graph from its official reports.

One would have thought that the hockey-stick episode would have instilled some humility in the Hadley gang, prompting them to invite ever greater scrutiny and debate of their work. That is, after all, what real scientists would do. Think again. In fact, the e-mails show that they did the exact opposite. Around the time the "two MMs" went public with their analysis in 2003, Mann urged his colleagues to blacklist Climate Research, a journal that had published research by skeptics. "I think we have to stop considering 'Climate Research' as a legitimate peer-reviewed journal," he wrote. "Perhaps we should encourage our colleagues in the climate research community to no longer submit or cite papers in this journal."

This is precisely the kind of perfidy that undermines public trust in the scientific process that Obama pledged to restore. So if Obama had his priorities straight, he would end his radio silence and thank the authors of Climategate for performing a great public service. Indeed, if President Bush had been so lucky, perhaps fate would have contrived a WMDgate for him before he launched the Iraq invasion and saved him from the worst mistake of his presidency.

It is worth recalling that Bush too was relying on an international consensus--especially reports by U.N. arms inspectors--that Saddam Hussein was sitting atop stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction as a justification for war. "Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised," Bush said in a 2003 prewar declaration calculated to escalate the hysteria level against Saddam. After a two-year-long wild goose chase through the deserts of Iraq, Bush was finally forced to admit that Saddam no longer possessed weapons of mass destruction. But at least the phony consensus on which he based his decision was intact at the eve of the war.

However, Climategate is fast shattering the global warming consensus, and so Obama won't have even that to hide behind should he go ahead and sign up the U.S. to cut its carbon emissions 80% below 2005 levels by 2050 at Copenhagen next week. There is zero chance right now that Congress will endorse these cuts, which will dwarf the trillion-dollar Iraq price tag. So Obama won't really be able to advance his foolish crusade, but he will lose the opportunity to protect his own integrity by joining the growing chorus of voices--some of them of global warming believers--demanding a thorough investigation of this episode. Former Chancellor Lord Lawson is asking the British government to launch a formal inquiry about it. Sen. James Inhofe, an Oklahoma Republican, is doing the same here in the U.S. Penn State is launching an investigation of Mr. Hockey Stick Mann's conduct. Calls for Phil Jones resignation are rising in England.

But the issues go beyond the misconduct of just one outfit. One of the dirty little secrets of the field revealed by the scandal is that climate scientists, though they are publicly funded, don't as a matter of routine make their raw data publicly available. This makes it exceedingly difficult for their peers to replicate their findings, subverting the scientific method at its core. Judy Curry of Georgia Tech, a stalwart in the field who is convinced that global warming is real, is exhorting her colleagues to end this incestuous tribalism and open their work to scrutiny, even of skeptics." Make all your data, metadata and codes openly available," she urges. Meanwhile, George Monbiot--the British media's alarmist-in-chief who has called global warming the "moral question of the 21st century"--is demanding areanalysis of the climate science data.

A complete airing of the science of global warming, which is looking less and less avoidable by the day, might eventually vindicate the claims of climate warriors. Or it might not. The only thing Obama can control in this matter is which side he will support: The truth, or--what he accused his predecessor of--ideology.

Shikha Dalmia is a senior analyst at Reason Foundation and a biweekly columnist at Forbes.

Related Links
GHC's HATE WATCH - (Get the scoop on SPLC and others!)

Interview with Santa Claus on Naughty Climate Change Brown Shirts - Jim Dean, 12/1/09

Fred Singer on the BBC on Climategate and the Science Regarding Global Warming - video, 12/1/09

The Death Blow to Climate Science - Dr. Tim Ball, CFP, 11/29/09

An Inconvenient Truth - Geoff Metcalf, NWV, 11/29/09

The "Scientific" Fraud of Climate Doomsday Mongering - David Theroux, beacon, 11/28/09

Climate Conspiracy: U.K., U.S. "ClimateGates" - Jonathan Bean, beacon, 11/23/09

U.S. to pay $6 Trillion in 'Climate Reparations'? - Dan Gainor, TH, 11/19/09

Barack Obama's Suicide Mission to Copenhagen - Tom DeWeese, NWV, 11/19/09

Galileo Silenced Again - Willie Soon & David Legates, TH, 11/17/09

Predictions of climate change induced natural disasters falling flat - Tony Hake,, 11/7/09

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Debating the Holocaust: A New Look At Both Sides by Thomas Dalton


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