
May 19, 2011

Cannes festival sanctions director for Nazi comments BUT Lars von Trier's film remains in competition


Cannes festival sanctions director for Nazi comments
May 19, 2011

PARIS (JTA) -- The Cannes Film Festival sanctioned director Lars von Trier for his expressions of sympathy for Hitler and Nazis.

The festival board of directors on Thursday declared von Trier "persona non grata" and removed him from the festival, but said his current film, "Melancholia," remains in competition.

Von Trier described himself as a Nazi who is not against Jews. He also called Israel "a pain in the ass" during a news conference Wednesday at the Cannes Film Festival to promote his film. He later apologized.

The board "firmly condemns these comments," said a statement issued by the festival Thursday. It "profoundly regrets that this forum has been used by Lars von Trier to express comments that are unacceptable, intolerable, and contrary to the ideals of humanity and generosity that preside over the very existence of the festival."

"I really wanted to be a Jew, and then I found out that I was really a Nazi because, you know, my family was German, which also gave me some pleasure," the director had said during the Wednesday news conference. "What can I say? I understand Hitler, but I think he did some wrong things, yes, absolutely. But I can see him sitting in his bunker in the end. He's not what you would call a good guy, but I understand much about him, and I sympathize with him a little bit. But come on, I'm not for the Second World War, and I'm not against Jews. I am very much for Jews. No, not too much, because Israel is a pain in the ass."

The French Jewish umbrella group, CRIF, said it was horrified by Lars von Trier's comments, which demonstrate "current tendencies to trivialize Nazism."

"Lars von Trier has no place at a Cannes Festival where some participants were sent to extermination camps by Hitler," the statement said.

The sanction "is a welcome action which declares to the world that the suffering of victims is not a fit subject for mockery or casual self-promotion," Elan Steinberg, vice president of the American Gathering of Holocaust Survivors and their Descendants, said in a statement. "The organizers of the Cannes film festival have eloquently taken a determined moral stand against cavalier expressions of hate and insensitivity to those brutalized by the Nazis: Jew and non-Jew."

Journalists and critics have called Von Trier's new film a triumph and said it is in the running for the Palme d'Or prize in Cannes for best picture. His politically charged comments could harm his film's chances.


Fun stuff to read, tell and watch:

Now FREE to watch all 91 minutes: "Defamation," from Israeli filmmaker Yoav Shamir. LINK:

Some of His Best Friends Are Jewish: The Saga of a Holocaust Revisionist By Nathaniel Popper. Link: Israeli lawyer has filed a class-action lawsuit against former President Jimmy Carter, seeking $5 million in damages because his book "Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid" allegedly defamed Israel. Link:

"...when you have laws against questioning the Holocaust narrative, you are screaming at the other person to stop thinking!!!" ---Mike Santomauro. *Anthony Lawson's Holocaust Video "were the Germans so stupid"... Link:

An anti-Semite condemns people for being Jews, I am not an anti-Semite.--Mike Santomauro. Link:


Mike Santomauro
253 West 72nd St
New York, NY 10023
Call anytime: 917-974-6367

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Interesting comment...


There is a new comment to Review of John Glad's "Jewish Eugenics" .


The period marked by the evictions—1300 to 1650—also marks the period of the Renaissance which broke over Europe as the Jews departed. Starting at first in the trading cities of northern Italy in about 1300, there began a great rebirth of culture and learning which at first was based almost entirely on the writings of the ancient Greeks and Romans. Very quickly this renascent culture spread over Europe and when the age had ended, in about 1650, Europe was by comparison with her former status, enlightened and civilized. Quite obviously all this could not have taken place had it not been for a great upsurge of commercial activity which occurred simultaneously with, and as an adjunct of, the Renaissance. Not until the nations of Europe had wrested commercial control from the ghetto did this rebirth of western civilization occur.


Fun stuff to read, tell and watch:

Now FREE to watch all 91 minutes: "Defamation," from Israeli filmmaker Yoav Shamir. LINK:

Some of His Best Friends Are Jewish: The Saga of a Holocaust Revisionist By Nathaniel Popper. Link: Israeli lawyer has filed a class-action lawsuit against former President Jimmy Carter, seeking $5 million in damages because his book "Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid" allegedly defamed Israel. Link:

"...when you have laws against questioning the Holocaust narrative, you are screaming at the other person to stop thinking!!!" ---Mike Santomauro. *Anthony Lawson's Holocaust Video "were the Germans so stupid"... Link:

An anti-Semite condemns people for being Jews, I am not an anti-Semite.--Mike Santomauro. Link:


Mike Santomauro
253 West 72nd St
New York, NY 10023
Call anytime: 917-974-6367

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On the Contrary: Talmudic Chabad Offers Continuing Education Credit for Missouri Lawyers


Fun stuff to read, tell and watch:

Now FREE to watch all 91 minutes: "Defamation," from Israeli filmmaker Yoav Shamir. LINK:

Some of His Best Friends Are Jewish: The Saga of a Holocaust Revisionist By Nathaniel Popper. Link: Israeli lawyer has filed a class-action lawsuit against former President Jimmy Carter, seeking $5 million in damages because his book "Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid" allegedly defamed Israel. Link:

"...when you have laws against questioning the Holocaust narrative, you are screaming at the other person to stop thinking!!!" ---Mike Santomauro. *Anthony Lawson's Holocaust Video "were the Germans so stupid"... Link:

An anti-Semite condemns people for being Jews, I am not an anti-Semite.--Mike Santomauro. Link:


Mike Santomauro
253 West 72nd St
New York, NY 10023
Call anytime: 917-974-6367

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An important BLOGGER needs help within 24 hours: Can you help him?


Mike, thanks for offering the fundraiser thing...........I had one hamburger left and served it to Olive tonight.
If I don't have at least $600 by Friday I lose our apt......Friday is also the last day for me to pay the interest ($300) on my things in pawn (TV, guitar and amp)
It's hard for me to find clients on foot since I have to take care of my wife Olive (84yrs. old) We're having a horrible month since we had to pay for her medicine the prescrption plan didn't cover: Linezolid....which is $3,033 for a 28-day supply; we had to pay the deductable on it which was close to $500 bucks. If I didn't get that medicine the doctor said Olive wouldn't have survived her awful sore on her back. Thank God she's doing fine now........
I sure hope someone would help us......we certainly deserve a little help.....if I don't get help by Friday, we're screwed.
This is us at the hospital before Olive was finally released.
I registered a domain name a while back specifically for Olive's pics, but have been so busy to upload to it yet....I'll be doing that this evening. you can check back at it here:
 Mike, I was thinking about how someone would get money to's one way: they can put it on my debit card......anyone can go to Wal-Mart to their MoneyGram Center or any MoneyGram place and send it like that via a blue Express Pyt. form with our card info:
Name: Ron Harold
Receive Code: 2495
Company Name: Rushcard
Company City: N.Y.
Company State: N.Y.
Acc't No. 4104891142180453
Phone: 720.429.4480
maybe I should set up a PayPal gate on Olive's website......I'm reluctant because I don't think I could get PayPal money by Friday.......I wish I had someone who had money to help us and a PayPal acc't so I could have money go to their PayPal acc't...........I don't know, I'm trying to figure this out, Mike..........
sincerely, r o n
Mike, thank you again for helping us........if someone wanted to send money via PayPal, they can go to Olive's website or simply send money to my PayPal email address of record:
thank you, r o n & O l i v e
 Mike, here's my updated address info:
Ron Harold (303) 763-0948

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Strauss-Kahn: "Every morning, when I wake up, I wonder how I can be useful to Israel".


Strauss-Kahn is French. He's as French as Wolfowitz is American.
As most prominent world bankers, this guy is as ethnocentric as they come: "Every morning, when I wake up, I wonder how I can be useful to Israel." --Strauss-Kahn, 1991


In a recent post  entitled "How Jewish is Dominique Strauss-Kahn?", the Jewish Chronicle gives all the details: he's 100% casher.

In a 1979 book – Juifs et Français –, his wife Anne Sinclair (heiress of the rich Schwartz Rosenberg family), was quoted as saying : "I could never have married a non-Jew". 

Her former husband was Yvan Levai, a Jew.

Strauss-Kahn has been honest enough to explain why he got into politics.
In 1991, he declared to the weekly Tribune Juive:

"Every morning, when I wake up, I wonder how I can be useful to Israel".
He developped this idea in an 1991 interview with a french magazine (Passages, n 35, feb-march 1991):

"I think that every Jew in the diaspora, and therefore in France, must provide assistance to Israel wherever he is. This is also the reason why it is important that Jews take political responsibility. In my functions and in my everyday life, through all of my actions, I try to bring a modest stone to the building  of Israel."*

Although the translation may not be very good english, the most important part is "THE reason": he could have said "one of the reasons", but he just said "the", and I guess that before the paper got printed, the proof was checked by Strauss-Kahn, the journalist and the chief editor.
Strauss-Kahn was about to become the next french president as many socialists think he still belongs to the left wing, and people on the right know he shares their economic views.

Of course, all the french jewish "intelligentsia" rushed to defend him from the accusation of rape.
So I'm quite surprised that this fervent jewish-sionist has been so much bashed in Murdoch's New York Post and Zuckerman's New York Daily News.

* Everyone can check these original quotes (in french) on this ethnic site;



Fun stuff to read, tell and watch:

Now FREE to watch all 91 minutes: "Defamation," from Israeli filmmaker Yoav Shamir. LINK:

Some of His Best Friends Are Jewish: The Saga of a Holocaust Revisionist By Nathaniel Popper. Link: Israeli lawyer has filed a class-action lawsuit against former President Jimmy Carter, seeking $5 million in damages because his book "Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid" allegedly defamed Israel. Link:

"...when you have laws against questioning the Holocaust narrative, you are screaming at the other person to stop thinking!!!" ---Mike Santomauro. *Anthony Lawson's Holocaust Video "were the Germans so stupid"... Link:

An anti-Semite condemns people for being Jews, I am not an anti-Semite.--Mike Santomauro. Link:


Mike Santomauro
253 West 72nd St
New York, NY 10023
Call anytime: 917-974-6367

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Re: Your good and informative newsletters....


TO Michael:
             Keep up the good work!  Too many still have no idea of what is happening around the world must less in their own country...the USA. There is nothing "racist, anti-Semitic, or hate, " in your articles, but actual facts... which the opposition has not been able to refute but  give out personal smear ....
             There is still much left unsaid...especially if one has any access to parts of the Talmud concerning Christians...yet no one has threatened or sued, or used smear words against them...The Talmud  gets its name from, the word:: LAMU ---meaning taught or The  Teaching...the doctrinal book which alone fully expounds and explains all the knowledge and teaching of the Jewish people.  Moses is  regarded as its first author who received the law from God on Mount Sinai, on tables of stone. He also received interpretations of it, or the oral law which is called the Torah Shebeal Peh.
             Moses is said to have transmitted this oral law to Joshua; who in turn, gave it to the 70 Elders, who  gave it to the Prophets, who  gave it to the  Great   Synagogue. Then later transmitted   to certain  Rabbis until it was no longer possible to retain it orally. The commentaries of the law were written down as aid to memory, collected together,and given to Rabbi Jehuda; because  of the sancity of his life he was called the "Saint".  Realizing that the learning of the Jews was diminishing, and their oral laws  were being lost, and the Jewish people were being dispersed, was the first to  preserving and restoring the oral law, printed a book which was called the Sepher Mischnaith, or   Mischnah-  a Deuterosis, or secondary law. He divided it into 6 parts, each then divided into many chapters, were then taught in the schools that existed in Palestine before the birth of Christ.
             The  Mischnah is the foundation and the principal part of the whole Talmud---accepted by the Jews everywhere and recognized as their authentic code of law. As the interpretations increased with the passing of time  these writings constituted another part of the Talmud called the Gemarah. These two parts of the make the whole Talmud and the Mischnah serves as a text of the law, followed by the  Gemarah as an analysis of its  various opinions leading to definite decisions. All the precepts of the Mischnah were not discussed in the Jewish schools.  For this reason some of the parts of the Mischnah are lacking in the  Gemarah. The two-fold Gemarah, added to the Mischnah, makes a twofold Talmud...the Jerusalem version, and the Babylonian version, which has been held in the highest esteem by Jews of all times.
              In the 11th century, owing to dissensions among the scholars,   others wrote  further additions to the  Talmud. Among these were the Tosephoth of Rabbi Ascher. The mains parts of the Talmud are six:  The Mischnah, Gemarah, Tossephot, the Perusch Hamischnaioth of Maimonides, and the marginal notes of Rabbi Ascher.  The complete Talmud contains 63 books in  524 chapters. Added to these are four other short tracts, which have not been included in the regular Talmud. An important point is that this work has always been regarded by the Jews as holy; they have always held it, and still do, as more important than  the  Scared Scriptures.  The Talmud   itself shows this very clearly:
                      In the tract Babha Metsia, fol. 33a:   "Those who devote themselves to reading the Bible exercise a certain virtue, but not very much; those who study the Mischnah exercise virtue for which they will receive a reward;                                                                                       those, however, who take it upon  themselves to study the  Gemarah exercise the highest  virtue."
             The following is a well-known and highly praised opinion in the writings of the Rabbis:
                                                                                    "My son,  give heed to the words of the scribes rather than to the words of the law."
             At the beginning of the 16th century, the Jews began to distribute the Talmud openly, aided by the art of printing then recently invented. The  first printed edition of the whole Talmud, containing all its blasphemies against the Christian religion was published in Venice in the year 1520.  Towards the end of the 16th century and the beginning of the 17th,   when many famous men under took diligently to study the Talmud, the Jews, fearing for themselves, began to expunge parts of the Talmud which were openly inimical to Christians. Therefore,the Talmud  which was published at Basle in 12587 has been mutilated in many places.   In 1631, at a synod in Poland  the  Rabbis of  Germany and other  countries declared that nothing which would annoy the Christians and cause persecution   of Israel, should be printed. For this reason there are signs of many things missing in the Jewish books which were published in the following century and thereafter.  The Rabbis explain from memory what these things mean; for the possess the genuine books which  Christians rarely see. However, Jewish books were later published in Holland with very few mutilations – where the Jews who were expelled from Spain were kindly  received. The Talmud published there in 1 644-48  is almost similar to the Venetian edition. The latest device invented to deceive the censors was to insert the word haiah   (was) with the real text, as if to indicate that the matter in question once had its place there. However, in many places they do show what they mean, ex.  fr. by the words gamattah, "even now" viz. "this law obliges"; and   aphilu b  bazzeman hazzeh, "even to this day" viz. "this law holds," and such like.   Many other works have been published by Jewish teachers which are used in the study of the Jewish law.
                The Talmudic books treat the birth,  life, death and the teachings of Jesus Christ by diversely calling him "That Man,"   "A   Certain One,." "The Carpenter's Son," "The One Who was Hanged,"..etc.
                                 In the  tract Abhodah Zarah, 6a, it states:
                                                                                                      "He is called a Christian who follows the false teachings of that man, who taught them to celebrate the feast on the first day of the Sabbath, that is,
                                                                                                        to worship on the first day  after the Sabbath."  (Saturday)   
             The Talmud teaches that Jesus Christ was illegitimate. In the secret books, which are not permitted to fall easily into the hands of Christians, they say that the soul of Esau came into Christ; that he was therefore evil and that he was Esau himself.  In Shabbath, 104b:  it says: "They ( the Elders) said to him (Elizer): "He was a fool, and no one pays attention to him."  Maimonides attempts to prove how much Christians err in worshipping Jesus. Rabbi Ascher, in Abhodah Zarah (83d) speaks : 
                                        "Today it is permitted to rent houses to  Gentiles because they bring their idol into them only for a time, when someone is sick.  But when the Christ  truly comes and is successful,  and is raised up and exalted, then                                              everything will be changed and these things will be shown to be false and vain."  In Jewish writings  there is no directly corresponding word for the Christian Cross.
This is but a short, short summary of the  Talmud's defamation of Christians...
From: Michael
Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2011 11:09 AM
Subject: 'Mubarak to apologize to Egyptian people and plead for amnesty'


Fun stuff to read and tell:
Some of His Best Friends Are Jewish: The Saga of a Holocaust Revisionist By Nathaniel Popper. Link: Israeli lawyer has filed a class-action lawsuit against former President Jimmy Carter, seeking $5 million in damages because his book "Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid" allegedly defamed Israel. Link:
"...when you have laws against questioning the Holocaust narrative, you are screaming at the other person to stop thinking!!!" ---Mike Santomauro. *Anthony Lawson's Holocaust Video "were the Germans so stupid"... Link:
An anti-Semite condemns people for being Jews, I am not an anti-Semite.--Mike Santomauro. Link:
Mike Santomauro
253 West 72nd St
New York, NY 10023
Call anytime: 917-974-6367

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Demjanjuk deserves no sympathy...


Here is child-molester, justice-evader and supreme liar giving his advice on how to think about the Demjanjuk verdict.  We have to ask why "getting Demjanjuk" is so important to the jews.

This is a follow-up to my new Denis Avey article I sent out yesterday. -Carolyn


Nazi criminal John Demjanjuk deserves no sympathy

The trial of the Nazi death camp guard shows why we must continue to strive for justice on behalf of the Holocaust's victims.

John Demjanjuk deserves no sympathy; John Demjanjuk and his lawyers emerge from the court yesterday; Getty
John Demjanjuk and his lawyers emerge from the court yesterday Photo: Getty
There were some who felt a pang of pity for John Demjanjuk yesterday, after he was found guilty for crimes committed during the Holocaust. He is, after all, now a very old man. Ill health restricted him to his wheelchair throughout his trial, as he sat silently behind dark glasses. At times it felt hard to connect this frail figure before a Munich court with the heinous crimes that were being detailed.
But we should waste no misplaced sympathy on a man who spent so many of the final years of his long life evading justice; we should instead save our sympathy for the 28,060 innocent men, women and children, robbed of their years by Demjanjuk and by his murdering cohorts.
Sobibor, where Demjanjuk was a guard, was a place of still more wanton barbarity. It was a camp dedicated solely to human extermination, in which at least 200,000 people were murdered in gas chambers. Although it operated for less than a year, from April 1942 when experiments in industrial murder first took place until October 1943, this bleak camp on the eastern fringes of Nazi-occupied Poland remains infamous as a vile place of unimaginable cruelty and evil.
Demjanjuk's trial confirmed an important principle: that when it comes to murder, rank is irrelevant. The old defence used at the Nuremberg trials was "Befhel ist Behfhel", or "orders are orders". But in Nuremberg – and now in Munich – it has been demonstrated that this can never be a defence to murder.
Yet while the guilty verdict is welcome, Demjanjuk's release pending an appeal will distress many survivors, who felt that justice could only be served if he spent his final years in prison. Now it seems that he may die a free man as well as an old man – a fact which will haunt those whose relatives, of whatever age, were murdered in Sobibor.

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There have been suggestions that this will represent the end of successful Nazi war crime trials. There is no reason why this should be so. There is compelling evidence that numerous evil individuals remain at liberty in Europe,despite having committed appalling crimes during the Holocaust. It strikes me as both absurd and offensive that we should fail to strive for justice on behalf of the Holocaust's victims because of legal complexities and reluctance to try ageing suspects. Such attitudes betray a profound lack of perspective, a view which relegates victims to historical inconvenience. Those thousands, murdered in cold blood, were people like you and me – and their voices demand to be heard.
If John Demjanjuk were to serve his full sentence, it would represent just one day in prison for every 15 people he helped to murder. Sadly, he may never serve even this derisory term of incarceration.
The names of some of those victims were read out during the trial, reminding us that Demjanjuk's victims were not mere numbers, but were real people with lives, families and aspirations – brutally destroyed by murderers serving an evil ideology. At the conclusion of the trial, the sobs of victims' families could be heard, representing a powerful mixture of relief and sorrow.
The worst of mankind was exposed during this trial(For sure!) It should remind us why we must remain relentless in pursuit of justice – and dogged in our fight against the poisonous ideas (racism!!!) that perpetuated the Holocaust.
Lord Janner is Chairman of the Holocaust Educational Trust and a former war crimes investigator.


Fun stuff to read, tell and watch:

Now FREE to watch all 91 minutes: "Defamation," from Israeli filmmaker Yoav Shamir. LINK:

Some of His Best Friends Are Jewish: The Saga of a Holocaust Revisionist By Nathaniel Popper. Link: Israeli lawyer has filed a class-action lawsuit against former President Jimmy Carter, seeking $5 million in damages because his book "Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid" allegedly defamed Israel. Link:

"...when you have laws against questioning the Holocaust narrative, you are screaming at the other person to stop thinking!!!" ---Mike Santomauro. *Anthony Lawson's Holocaust Video "were the Germans so stupid"... Link:

An anti-Semite condemns people for being Jews, I am not an anti-Semite.--Mike Santomauro. Link:


Mike Santomauro
253 West 72nd St
New York, NY 10023
Call anytime: 917-974-6367

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JewishEncyclopedia: “Mental disease. Among the Jews the proportion of insane has been observed to be very large."

The White Man's Burden
May 19, 2011 - 1:33 am | Permalink

Jewish inbreeding and eugenics has had many negative side effects which are rarely discussed, the main one likely being the higher propensity of Jews which have mental disorders; even the venerable Jewish encyclopedia states this –

"Mental disease. Among the Jews the proportion of insane has been observed to be very large. From statistics collected by Buschan he concludes that they are four to six times more liable to mental disease than are non-Jews. … A similar phenomenon has been observed in other countries. In the various provinces of Germany and also in Denmark the percentage of Jewish insane is very large, as is seen from the figures in the appended table: … In this table the proportion of Jewish, insane is in nearly all places very large, in some cases more than double that of the non-Jewish population."

"As is the case with all the physical, mental, and intellectual traits of the Jews, consanguineous marriages have been considered a cause of a great part of the insanity among them. The Jews, it is well known, are very neurotic, as is manifested by the frequency of various nervous affections among them (see Nervous Diseases); and the marriage of relatives who are affected by a neurotic taint has been positively proved to be detrimental to the succeeding generation."

Read more:

"The Jews are more subject to diseases of the nervous system than the other races and peoples among which they dwell. Hysteria and neurasthenia appear to be most frequent. Some physicians of large experience among Jews have even gone so far as to state that most of them are neurasthenic and hysterical." –

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