
Jan 13, 2010

"Double Trouble"


From: <>
Date: Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 2:53 PM
"Double Trouble"

Dear Friend,

There are more than a few parallels between the current claim of human responsibility for " global warming " and the Holocaust claim that the Third Reich had a deliberate policy to exterminate Jews that resulted in six million deaths. Below are some of the similarities that immediately come to mind.
1. Proponents of the Holocaust allege that it was a unique historical event; two thirds of Europe's Jews, some six million individuals where exterminated as result of a systematic program of genocide by the Third Reich. For their part, the believers in global warming insist that the earth has been experiencing a significant rise in temperature since the onset of the Industrial Revolution, which if not reversed, will trigger climate changes of such magnitude as to pose an unprecedented threat to all of mankind.
2. For both the Holocaust and global warming, it is white people who are responsible. In the case of the Holocaust, it is primarily the Germans who are to blame with descending degrees of culpability assigned to their allies, conquered subjects, neutrals and even their opponents in the Second World War. In the case of global warming it is the white people of the industrialized West; Americans and Europeans, who are the perpetrators of this impending global catastrophe.
3. Gas plays a pivotal role in both assertions; for the Holocaust it is hydrogen cyanide that is the principal homicidal agent, for global warming it is carbon dioxide and the other so-called "green house gasses " that are the lethal agents.
4. Ovens are part of the iconography of both the Holocaust and global warming . In the former, ovens ( crematoria ) were used to dispose of the victims of hydrogen cyanide, in the case of global warming , it is the unchecked flow of " green house " gasses into the atmosphere that will ultimately turn the entire earth into an oven.
5. For both, an insidious ideology contributed to an intellectual environment that made their respective depredations possible. It was the chronic anti-Semitism of the West that paved the road to Auschwitz; similarly it is the West's fanatical faith in predatory capitalism and industrial expansion that is responsible for the global warming that is leading mankind to disaster.
6.The "official " chroniclers of the Holocaust maintain that six million Jews were deliberately killed by the Nazis. To say that most died of "natural causes " will get you labeled a "Holocaust denier ". Similarly if one concedes that there is global warming, but that it is a consequence of natural factors rather than of man's actions, that is sufficient to get you labeled a " global warming denier ".
7. Both assertions have highly visible and hypocritical spokesman ; the Holocaust has Elie Wiesel and global warming has Al Gore. Both of these Jeremiahs have an almost cult like following and both have profited enormously from their respective promotions . The parallel goes even further in that both were the recipients of the highly politicized Nobel Peace Prize. There are even unsubstantiated rumors that they both have the same agent.
8. Both the promoters of the Holocaust and global warming insist that respective narratives have been settled and there is no need for further debate. They characterize those who take issue with their positions as " deniers " who are either misguided fools i.e. "flat earthers " or those who wish to resurrect the discredited ideologies of national socialism ( Holocaust ) or unbridled predatory capitalism (global warming ).
9. In spite of their impressive academic credentials, scholars who question the official narrative of both the holocaust and global warming, have been marginalized by the academic and political establishment and denied access to academic forums and journals. In the case of so-called Holocaust deniers, publishing their points of view has been criminalized in at least eleven so-called democratic countries. Although not a crime in the United States, any public figure or academic who publicly expresses skepticism of the Holocaust will find his career in ruins and possibly his travel plans as well if his destination is the Federal Republic of Germany where a jail cell would await him. Although not so draconian ( yet ), those who challenge the assertions of global warming are becoming increasingly subject to societal sanctions and vilification by both the media and the political leadership.
10. The purveyors of both the Holocaust and global warming insist that their respective " deniers " are motivated largely by a right wing political agenda. In the case of the Holocaust " deniers " this agenda is racial supremacy and in the case of the global warming deniers it is corporate greed.
11. The promoters of the official narratives of both the Holocaust and global warming use the religiously freighted term "denial" to demonize those who disagree with their position .
12. For both assertions the victim is totally innocent; in the case of the Holocaust it is the Jews, the self-described "chosen children of God " ; for global warming it is " Mother Earth ".
13. Many Holocaust revisionists are not really " deniers " but instead scholars who question the uniqueness of the Holocaust by pointing out that National Socialism's ideological opposite, Communism, was responsible for exterminating a far greater number of human beings during its historically documented reign of terror. Similarly, many climate scientists, while receptive to the consequences of global warming, point out that geologic record shows that "global cooling" , even by a few degrees, presents a far greater threat to human existence.
14. Finally, in a disingenuous effort to prove their case , the court historians of the Holocaust are forever showing film footage of the horrific conditions the Allied Armies encountered in the concentration camps within the borders of Germany proper e.g. Dachau, Bergen-Belsen etc. even though virtually all Holocaust historians now agree that the so-called "death camps "of the " final solution" were located exclusively in occupied Poland e.g. Auschwitz, Treblinka etc. Furthermore, the public is exposed to a continuous parade of elderly Holocaust survivors who recount their gut wrenching ordeals at the hands of the Third Reich on the talk show circuit and in a veritable blizzard of unsubstantiated personal memoirs and testimonies.
Similarly the " global warmers " are forever trotting out stock footage of melting glaciers, parched desert landscapes and floods of biblical proportions in an effort to substantiate their dire predictions. Mercifully however, no polar bears have been asked to tell their story on Oprah nor have they penned any memoirs for Steven Spielberg to turn into a movie!



Debating the Holocaust: A New Look at Both Sides By Thomas Dalton

In this remarkable, balanced book, the author skillfully reviews and compares "traditional" and "revisionist" views on the "The Holocaust."

On one side is the traditional, orthodox view -- six million Jewish casualties, gas chambers, cremation ovens, mass graves, and thousands of witnesses. On the other is the view of a small band of skeptical writers and researchers, often unfairly labeled "deniers," who contend that the public has been gravely misled about this emotion-laden chapter of history.

The author establishes that the arguments and findings of revisionist scholars are substantive, and deserve serious consideration. He points out, for example, that even the eminent Jewish Holocaust scholar Raul Hilberg acknowledged that there was no budget, plan or order by Hitler for a World War II program to exterminate Europe's Jews.

This book is especially relevant right now, as "Holocaust deniers" are routinely and harshly punished for their "blasphemy," and as growing numbers of people regard the standard, Hollywoodized "Holocaust" narrative with mounting suspicion and distrust.

The author of this book, who writes under the pen name of "Thomas Dalton," is an American scholar who holds a doctoral degree from a major US university.

This is no peripheral debate between arcane views of some obscure aspect of twentieth century history. Instead, this is a clash with profound social-political implications regarding freedom of speech and press, the manipulation of public opinion, how our cultural life is shaped, and how power is wielded in our society.


Michael Santomauro
Editorial Director
Call anytime: 917-974-6367



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