
Feb 12, 2010

The 25 Most Important Pro-White Organizations




The 25 Most Important Pro-White Organizations

As most of my readers are aware, White people are under attack. From demands that we leave countries, over-seas, that we built; to demands that we accept the invasion of hostile non-Whites into our indigenous lands; to intentional changes in our way of life that rob us of our traditions, denigrate our heritage, lie about our past, and destroy our culture; to deliberate changes in our national policies that harm us and favor those that wish to continue to harm us; we are being hounded, attacked, and even "genocided" all over the world.

Fifty years ago, Whites were roughly 33% of the world's population, today we are less than 13% and shrinking. It is estimated that by the end of this century - if current anti-White trends continue - we will constitute less than 3% of the world's population. As globalization increases and the tiny minority of ultra-rich globalists and their collaborators continue to expand their power and impose one-world government on us, we will be a tiny, despised, and oppressed minority without any hope for justice.

We must prevent both the decimation of our population and the impositions of a "one-world government" on our people. The best way to do that is to become informed and get active in the struggle against the globalist agenda. I've compiled a list of organizations that are committed to helping you do just that. Here's a count-down of 25 that I consider to be most important. These organizations run the gamut from political parties, to cultural preservation societies, to educational institutes, to commercial enterprises, to news/entertainment media outlets. Some of them are nascent and not well-developed yet, but that is why it is important for you to get involved and ensure they develop to a point where they can be useful in our struggle against genocide. Visit their websites, learn what they are about, and get involved.

25. Racist-Jokes
What is it?
Just as it sounds, Racist-Jokes is a large collection of racially-oriented jokes. Visitors can not only read, but post jokes to the site.

Why is it important?
It's important because, in this business, we all need a laugh sometimes, plus it can develop into a traffic generating hub, that points those racially unreconstructed enough to enjoy a site of this nature, to other, more important sites.

24. European Americans United (EAU)
What is it?
EAU is a White Rights Advocacy group built around the simple concept that racial preservation is moral. Although racially-aware they are not explicitly Jew-wise.

Why is it important?
This group offers good White people the opportunity to organize and fight for their rights in a world increasingly intent on robbing them of those rights. It also has a news division and an education section. They are developing a home-schooling curriculum that could prove crucial to our people's self-preservation.

23. Original Dissent (OD)
What is it?
OD is an online bulletin-board or forum. It was originally named Texas Dissent and preserves those origins in its "paleo-conservative" outlook. It has gained an international membership of bright, committed, and extremely helpful folks.

Why is it important?
It offers all of the same benefits of other forums, but it's constituency of older, more mature (elder-statesmen?) folks makes it more suitable for newbies than the other more raucous, off-putting forums.

22. Institute for Historical Review (IHR)
What is it?
The IHR is a site devoted to accurate historical research, with a focus on events of the early to middle part of the last century.

Why is it important?
Simple - it exposes the myths, inaccuracies, and outright lies of those that won WWII and therefore were able to (re-)write history.

21. David Duke Report
What is it?
The David Duke Report is an alternative news site.

Why is it important?
Dr. Duke and crew do a great job of presenting original investigative reports and explaining the events of the day from the correct perspective, rather than with the usual biases of the Jewish-controlled "Mainstream Media."

20. Council of Conservative Citizens (CofCC)
What is it?
Like European Americans United above, the CofCC is a national organization dedicated to the preservation of White cultural achievements and the advancement of our interests. It is older and more experienced than EAU, which is why I ranked it higher on the list. It also differs from EAU in that it is explicitly Christian. EAU has no religious association.

Why is it important?
It's a place where racially-responsible White people can get active in preserving a future for their children.

19. Local 1488
What is it?
Local 1488 is an online shop owned and operated by good White people.

Why is it important?
Every purchase you make goes to the good White owners and they spend it in a racially-responsible way, including supporting other sites they run like Racist-Jokes above and North East White Pride, a local activist organization in New England. If Whites are to make any inroads into the depredations against us, we must develop a market-place that is outside of the control of the Jews and their collaborators. Local 1488 is a good first step toward that goal.

18. CasteFootball
What is it?
A sports news and analysis site.

Why is it important?
It exposes the blatant anti-White biases present in the Jew-controlled sports of football, soccer, basketball, baseball, boxing, and more. If you like sports, you'll love CasteFootball. It, and its complementary forum, are the best sources for sports-related news on the web.

17. Resisting Defamation
What is it?
Its purpose is to fight against the campaign of defamation so frequently expressed against the diverse white American peoples by media, films, government officials, college professors, and texts. 

Why is it important?
Those that would destroy us, believe that power is essentially the ability to define, valorize, and label. They use this power to induce, what they call, "cultural pessimism in White males." In other words, they use it to rob White men of our confidence, so that we will meekly accept subjugation and ultimately our destruction. Bo Sears has created a portal where you can learn not only about their tactics and strategies, but how you can resist them.

16. U.S. National Militia Directory (USNMD)
What is it?
Just as it says. A directory of constitutional militias.

Why is it important?
Every able-bodied White man between the ages of 17 and 45 is a member of the Militia by law. You should exercise this right. The USNMD helps you find a Militia in your area. 

15. Gun Owners of America (GOA)
What is it?
GOA is the nation's premier gun-rights advocacy group. Its leader, Larry Pratt, has proven his racial loyalty, repeatedly, in the past by speaking to explicitly pro-White groups.

Why is it important?
That other gun-rights group is suspect in some of its dealings. Mr. Pratt and company won't disappoint.

14. Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust (CODOH)
What is it?
Like the IHR above CODOH maintains an extensive library of works related to the "Holocaust."

Why is it important?
It is a well-designed, organized, and run site that is committed to exposing the truth about the so-called "holocaust."

13. American 3rd Position (A3P)
What is it?
An explicitly pro-White political party.

Why is it important?
Both "mainstream" parties are openly hostile to the interests of White people. The A3P is a necessary ingredient of the recipe to restore the rights of White people and advance our interests.

12. Metapedia
What is it?
A user-editable online encyclopedia.

Why is it important?
Access to reliable information is central to freedom. Unlike that other online encyclopedia (Wikipedia) it was not founded by a Jewish pornographer and therefore lacks all of the usual biases one would expect from such origins.

11. Eurspace
What is it?
A social networking site explicitly for White people. (As of this writing the site was down, due to the fact that it was being upgraded.)

Why is it important?
All other people have sites devoted to them. Whites need areas that are off-limits to non-Whites so that we can rest, relax, recreate, and network, without their corrupting influences.

10. ANU News
What is it?
A news aggregation site.

Why is it important?
ANU News collects the most important news of the day, from the most trustworthy sources, and presents it to the public. If the right of the people to comment on the news is infringed by the source then that source can't be trusted. ANU News allows its readers to comment without uncalled for moderation or registration procedures.

9. Voice of Reason Radio Network (VoR)
What is it?
A pro-White radio network online. A source of, as prominent program host, Dr. Tom Sunic, likes to say, "staggering erudition."

Why is it important?
This should be self-explanatory. News by, for, and about White people and their interests is an imperative if we are to maintain viability.

8. National Policy Institute (NPI)
What is it?
The first (and only, as of this writing) pro-White think tank/policy institute.

Why is it important?
We need quality research, ideas, and writings presented to the public at-large as well as to those in power. NPI provides it.

7. Aryan Volk of Midgard (AVM)
What is it?
AVM is a national charity with a focus on helping good White folks who have been harmed by the disruptions to our society caused by our nation's treacherous leadership and the policies like Affirmative Action, Open Borders, and endless wars for Israel that they've imposed on us. The linked site is he forum for the charity.

Why is it important?
As the saying goes, "charity starts at home." Whites are the most benevolent, charitable people on earth, we need to start directing that charity toward our own and stop benefiting those that despise us. AVM will help you do just that.

6. The Occidental Quarterly (TOQ) & The Occidental Observer (TOO)
What is it?
The Occidental Quarterly is (as it's title would suggest) a quarterly publication that addresses the ongoing denigration and displacement of the diverse European peoples. The Occidental Observer is its online companion site (although TOQ is published online now, as well).

Why is it important?
They reclaim and rehabilitate lost events and personalities from our rich history, restore our cultural artefacts, and give us the tools necessary to retake our societies from the hostile aliens that currently rule over us. They are the most informative and reliable sources of written information for White people.

5. The Political Cesspool
What is it?
The Political Cesspool is a no-holds barred, weekly, 3-hour radio program broadcast nationally and online every Saturday night that pulls no punches concerning the elements that harm White society.

Why is it important?
It gives you the information necessary to make informed decisions about your future.

4. American Dissident Voices
What is it?
A series of radio broadcasts, by Dr. William L. Pierce and his associates dating primarly from the 1990's and early double-aughts. The shows broadcast prior to Dr. Pierce's passing in July of 2002 are of particular interest.

Why is it important?
Dr. Pierce examines and identifies the causes of White cultural and racial decline and gives a penetrating assessment of those who, in his opinion, bear primary responsibility - the Jews and their allies. His focus is on how they use the media to destroy us and on what we can do to counteract their control of our media.

3. Culture Wars
What is it?
Culture Wars is a website by Catholic traditionalist scholar, E. Michael Jones. Dedicated to exposing the ongoing and clandestine Jewish war on Christianity, particularly as it applies to Catholicism. He is non-racialist and, in fact, often expresses disdain for racial-consciousness. This makes his site no less compelling, or perhaps even moreso, because despite its racial neutrality it identifies the Jews as the primary culprits of the destruction of Western Civilization.

Why is it important?
The site's primary importance are two books that it sells. Libido Dominandi and The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit. The former exposes how the Jews use sexuality to subjugate the masses and the latter is Jones's Magnum Opus it is a master-work exposing the Jewish root of every movement - from Marxism, to multi-culturalism, to feminism - detrimental to Western Society.

2. Kevin MacDonald
What is it?
Dr. Kevin MacDonald's personal website containing his works examining the psychological underpinning of the Jewish desire to destroy everything White.

Why is it important?
Professor MacDonald's works are an imperative for any one trying to understand why Jews behave as they do and what we might do to protect ourselves from their continuing depredations.

1. Stormfront
What is it?
Put simply, as the oldest, biggest, most trafficked online forum in the world it is the center of mass of the pro-White movement.

Why is it important?
If you want to get involved in pro-White activism this should be your first stop. There are sections where you can learn the rudiments of White identity, get the scoop on breaking news stories, by civilians on the scene with their cellphones and Blackberries all long before the MSM drones are even aware that a story has broken, and places where you can learn to bake a peach cobbler, or grow a vegetable garden. When you're ready you can even find people in your own area to get involved with.

The secret to happiness--is it good for the Jews?

"Before Prof. Dershowitz accused me of being an anti-Semite (news to me), I was a happy person. Since then, I'm still a happy person". --Michael Santomauro

Be Happy! 

Become a member of a new political party: 

"An Ethnie without a sense of peoplehood will end up being used to achieve the goals of other ethnies." -- Michael Santomauro 


A Sense of Peoplehood is not a Pathology

It is not racist for a professor such as Alan Dershowitz or for a professor like Kevin MacDonald to advocate for their ethnic group interests.

The words for bigotry, that are often used, such as: ant-Semitic, anti-white, anti-black, anti-Arab, anti-feminist, anti-gay and hundreds of other labels, are for the most part overstated. Instead, it should be seen as pro-white, or pro-Jewish or pro-women or pro-traditional family and not be ashamed of it.

These "pro" sensibilities are part of the human condition, not to be pathologized into an "anti."

It is about group interests.

A race or an ethnie without a sense of peoplehood or ethnichood will end up being used to achieve the goals of other ethnies. (Yes, ethnie, not ethnic).

The feelings or thoughts for peoplehood is not a pathology. The European-American will have White ethnic interests and it is not racist to have them. Just as Hispanics, Asians, Jews and Blacks have their own ethnic interests, it should not be a pathology for Whites to have ethnic interests. 

Become a member:


Michael Santomauro
Editorial Director
Call anytime: 917-974-6367



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