
Mar 17, 2010

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Anchorage Activist said...

I do not believe Norman Finkelstein is a Zionist stooge, for two reasons:

(1). He disputes only the singularity of the Holocaust, not the demographics or the methodology. His only problem with the Official Authorized Version of the Holocaust is that it is presented as the penultimate genocide and that people are jailed in Europe for publicly disputing it.

(2). He is the son of two Holocaust survivors. Jewish supremacists would find it awkward to try to explain why they were persecuting the son of Holocaust survivors.

As a result, Organized Jewry growls and snaps at him, but won't actually bite him.

The "singularity" of the Holocaust is defined as the notion, promoted by Abe Foxman, that the Jewish Holocaust is a unique form of genocide. The problem is that this implies that Jewish suffering is worse than anyone else's suffering, which also implies that Jewish life is inherently more valuable than Gentile life. And that notion constitutes the very foundation of Jewish supremacism itself.

Balder said...

I think it is unfair to criticize Norman Finkelstein for refusing to take a clear stance on some aspects of the holocaust.

Everybody must decide on his own strategy. Going around the question about the numbers and gas chambers etc. makes a lot of things a lot easier.

The same goes for the question of Israel's existence as a Jewish state.

By staying relatively politically correct, he still has a platform.

Thomas Dalton wrote a book which potentially could clear up many things about the holocaust controversy for many people. But how many from the main stream can we get to read it?

I think it would be good to be less critical of people who are going in the right direction, even if it might not be entirely your or mine direction.

The allegation that because Finkelstein still manages to make the mainstream media, the Zionists must have allowed him to do it..

I know they are powerful, but they don't control everything..



Michael Santomauro
Editorial Director
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Amazon's: DEBATING THE HOLOCAUST: A New Look At Both Sides by Thomas Dalton

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