
May 11, 2010

Prof.Kevin MacDonald: Does Jewish financial misbehavior have anything to do with being Jewish?

Kevin MacDonald: Does Jewish financial misbehavior have anything to do with being Jewish?

Kevin MacDonald: As expected, the fraud charges brought against Goldman Sachs by the SEC and now the Senate hearings are producing a lot of anxiety in Jewish quarters. Back in January, Michael Kinsley wrote an article telling us how to think about the Jewish angle in the financial meltdown ("How to Think About: Jewish Bankers"). The question for Kinsley isn't whether negative qualities of Jewish bankers or the bad behavior of Jewish firms like Goldman have anything to do with being Jewish.

The question is whether anyone who criticizes Goldman is an anti-Semite:

Because Goldman is thought of as a "Jewish" firm, and because it dominates the financial industry, criticism of Goldman, or of bankers generally, is often accused of being anti-Semitic. Commentators including Rush Limbaugh and Maureen Dowd have been so accused. When, if ever, are such accusations fair?"

So Kinsley passes his Geiger Counter over non-Jews like Limbaugh and Dowd and passes judgment on their moral worthiness. Any link between Jewishness and misbehavior is automatically out of bounds for serious discussion: "Certainly any explicit suggestion that Goldman's alleged misbehavior and its Jewishness are related in any way is anti-Semitic."

This statement draws on a general reluctance to ascribe negative traits as being reasonably associated with a certain group. But this can easily be seen to be just another example of political-correctness think. What if indeed a particular group is more likely to engage in some sort of bad behavior? For example, J. Philippe Rushton and Glayde Whitney have claimed on the basis of a rather powerful theory and a considerable amount of data that Blacks are prone to criminality and this is true wherever there are Blacks — whether in Africa, North America, South America, or the Caribbean.

If indeed that is true or at least reasonable, then it would also be reasonable to say being Black contributes to the likelihood that a certain group of Blacks are criminals — that a considerable part of the explanation for the criminality of these particular Blacks stems from their group membership. It would certainly not imply that all Blacks or even anywhere near all Blacks are criminals. Just that Blacks are more likely than other groups to be involved in certain kinds of crime — Rushton and Whitney would argue for a strong role of their common genetic ancestry.

Or take a presumably benign example: It's well known that the Ashkenazi Jewish mean IQ higher than the European mean. If then one finds that Jews are highly overrepresented in a particular high-IQ occupation, say among mathematicians, then it is certainly reasonable to explain this as partly due to the general traits of the group, as writers ranging from Charles Murray, Henry Harpending and Greg Cochran, and I have argued

Can such an argument be made Jewish involvement in financial scandals has something to do with being Jewish? Back in the 1980s a major financial scandal revolved around Michael Milken. Much of the discussion of the Jewish role in this financial scandal centered around the book Den of Thieves by James B. Stewart. Jewish activist Alan Dershowitz called Den of Thievesan "anti-Semitic screed" and attacked a review by Michael M. Thomas in the New York Times Book Review because of his "gratuitous descriptions by religious stereotypes."  Thomas's review contained the following passage:

James B. Stewart . . . charts the way through a virtual solar system of peculation, past planets large and small, from a metaphorical Mercury representing the penny-ante takings of Dennis B. Levine's small fry, past the middling ($10 million in inside-trading profits) Mars of Mr. Levine himself, along the multiple rings of Saturn — Ivan F. Boesky, his confederate Martin A. Siegel of Kidder, Peabody, and Mr. Siegel's confederate Robert Freeman of Goldman, Sachs — and finally back to great Jupiter: Michael R. Milken, the greedy billion-dollar junk-bond kingdom in which some of the nation's greatest names in industry and finance would find themselves entrapped and corrupted.

Thomas was attacked as an anti-Semite simply for mentioning so many Jewish names all in one paragraph. His defense was to note that "If I point out that nine out of 10 people involved in street crimes are black, that's an interesting sociological observation. If I point out that nine out of 10 people involved in securities indictments are Jewish, that is an anti-Semitic slur. I cannot sort out the difference. . . ."

I can't sort out the difference either. And once again, the current financial meltdown has revealed a large role for Jewish companies and Jewish money managers who engineered the meltdown and profited handsomely from it.

Kinsley acknowledges that Jews predominate on Wall St. and it's okay to criticize a Jewish firm like Goldman Sachs — but only if there is no mention that Jewishness has anything to do with it.

Sometimes the stereotype about Jews and money takes a harsher form: Jews are greedy, they lie, cheat and steal for money, they have undue influence with the government, which they cultivate and exploit ruthlessly, and so on. In recent weeks, many have said this sort of thing about Goldman Sachs, but with no reference to Jews. Are they all anti-Semites? No. It ought to be possible to criticize Goldman in the harshest possible terms–if you think that's warranted–without being tarred as an anti-Semite.

So is it possible to frame an argument that bad behavior in the financial realm does indeed have something to do with Jewishness? Note that this is quite different from showing that Jewishness is involved in the creation of culture — the argument of The Culture of Critique. There it was only necessary to show that a movement was dominated by Jews who identified as Jews and saw their work as advancing Jewish interests.

As I see it, the argument has two parts:

1.)    Judaism as a group evolutionary strategy has always had a strong element of ingroup/outgroup thinking. Entirely different moral standards are applicable inside and outside the group. The result is that the Jewish moral universe is particularistic and the attitude toward non-Jews is purely instrumental — aimed at maximizing personal benefit with no moral concerns about the consequences to non-Jews. For example, a common pattern in traditional societies was that Jews allied themselves with exploitative non-Jewish elites.

The evolutionary aspects of this situation are obvious. Jews were the ideal intermediary for any exploitative elite precisely because their interests, as a genetically segregated group, were maximally divergent from those of the exploited population. Such individuals are expected to have maximal loyalty to the rulers and minimal concerns about behaving in a purely instrumental manner, including exploitation, toward the rest of the population. (A People that Shall Dwell Alone, Ch. 5)

2.)    One would then have to show that actual Jewish behavior reflected the double moral standard that is ubiquitous in Jewish religious writing. There is in fact a long history of anti-Jewish attitudes focused around the charge that Jews are misanthropes with negative personality traits who are only too willing to exploit non-Jews. This history is summarized in Ch. 2 of Separation and Its Discontents, beginning with the famous quote from Tacitus, "Among themselves they are inflexibly honest and ever ready to show compassion, though they regard the rest of mankind with all the hatred of enemies." Among the more illustrious observers are the following (see here for the complete passage, p. 46 ff):

  • Immanual Kant: Jews are "a nation of usurers . . . outwitting the people amongst whom they find shelter. . . . They make the slogan 'let the buyer beware' their highest principle in dealing with us."
  • Economic historian Werner Sombart: "With Jews [a Jew] will scrupulously see to it that he has just weights and a just measure; but as for his dealings with non-Jews, his conscience will be at ease even though he may obtain an unfair advantage."
  • Jewish historian Heinrich Graetz: "[The  Polish Jew] took a delight in cheating and overreaching, which gave him a sort of joy of victory. But his own people he could not treat in this way: they were as knowing as he. It was the non-Jew who, to his loss, felt the consequences of the Talmudically trained mind of the Polish Jew."
  • Sociologist Max Weber: "As a pariah people, [Jews] retained the double standard of morals which is characteristic of primordial economic practice in all communities: What is prohibited in relation to one's brothers is permitted in relation to strangers."
  • Zionist Theodor Herzl: Anti-Semitism is "an understandable reaction to Jewish defects" brought about ultimately by gentile persecution: Jews had been educated to be "leeches" who possessed "frightful financial power"; they were "a money-worshipping people incapable of understanding that a man can act out of other motives than money."
  • Edward A. Ross: "The authorities complain that the East European Hebrews feel no reverence for law as such and are willing to break any ordinance they find in their way. . . . The insurance companies scan a Jewish fire risk more closely than any other. Credit men say the Jewish merchant is often "slippery" and will "fail" in order to get rid of his debts. For lying the immigrant has a very bad reputation. In the North End of Boston "the readiness of the Jews to commit perjury has passed into a proverb."

Edmund Connelly has reviewed the work of two academic historians, Paul Johnson (A History of the Jews) and Albert Lindemann (Esau's Tears: Modern Anti-Semitism and the Rise of the Jews), who "have shown that this pattern of Jewish deception and fraud in pursuit of wealth and its legitimacy within the Jewish community have a long history."

The key point is the legitimacy of fraud within the Jewish community. Successful fraudsters are not shunned but rather become pillars of the  community:

Reflecting the legitimacy of white collar crime in the wider Jewish community in the contemporary world, [Michael] Milken is a pillar of the Jewish community in Los Angeles and a major donor to Jewish causes. Indeed, this is part of a pattern: Ivan Boesky donated $20 million to the library at the Jewish Theological Seminary. And the notorious Marc Rich has donated millions of dollars to a wide range of Jewish causes, includingBirthright Israel, a program designed to increase Jewish identification among young Jews. The list of people supporting Rich's pardon by Bill Clintonwas "a virtual Who's Who of Israeli society and Jewish philanthropy." A rabbi concerned about the ethics of these practices notes, "it is a rare Jewish organization that thinks carefully about the source of a donor's money. … The dangerous thing is not that people make moral mistakes, but that we don't talk about it."

The idea is that the Jewish financial elite sees the non-Jewish world in instrumental terms — as objects with no moral value. As I noted earlier,

there is a strong suggestion that the financial elite behaved much more like an organized crime syndicate than as an elite with a sense of civic responsibility or commitment to the long term viability of the society. Whereas organized crime stems from the lower levels of society, this meltdown was accomplished at the very pinnacle of society — the Ivy League grads …, the wealthy financial firms and investment rating agencies, the strong connections with government that facilitated the bailout and failed to provide scrutiny while it was happening. It seems highly doubtful that all this would have happened with the former WASP elite.

In psychological terms, these Jews are behaving in a sociopathic manner toward the non-Jewish world. That is, they have no concern for the moral consequences of their actions — no empathy or concern for victims. Recent neuroscience data shows that people are quite capable of having a great deal of empathy and concern for people in their ingroup while having no empathy at all toward outsiders, especially if they are highly ethnocentric. This implies that a strongly identified Jew could be the epitome of a well-socialized, empathic group member when he is among Jews, but treat the rest of the world in a cold and calculating manner and have no remorse or empathy for the victims.

Nor would such a person have any concerns about the long-term future of the society he lives in. Richard Spencer discusses the fact that so many of our politicians are sociopaths (my favorite example is Winston Churchill), noting that "Aristocrats governed with a healthy, long-term goal in mind: they wanted their great grandchildren to inherit a prosperous, powerful realm."

It can safely be asserted that concerns about the long-term health of the society are not uppermost in the minds of our financial elite.

Concerns that Wall Street is socially irresponsible are widespread now. Just last week I saw CNBC reporter David Faber asking Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs whether Wall Street was good for America. Is it serving any positive social function? — with the implication that it's at least reasonable to think it isn't. Such a question would have been inconceivable a couple years ago. Rather than producing any tangible goods or allocating financing in a way that benefits good businesses, Matt Taibbi's analogy seems to hit home:  "The world's most powerful investment bank is a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money."

As Kinsley notes, this analogy was immediately deemed anti-Semitic by the usual thought police: "This sentence, many have charged, goes beyond stereotypes about Jews and money, touches other classic anti-Semitic themes about Jews as foreign or inhuman elements poisoning humanity and society, and—to some critics—even seems to reference the notorious 'blood libel' that Jews use the blood of Christian babies to make matzoh."

It also conjures up a strong image of economic parasitism, another ancient anti-Jewish theme: the financial sector as not producing products or wealth, but extracting wealth to the detriment of the society as a whole.

The problem for Kinsley and like-minded people is trying to seriously rebut the claim that the socially destructive behavior of the  predominantly Jewish financial elite does in fact fit a strong historic pattern of Jewish ethical behavior vis á vis the non-Jewish society — behavior that is well grounded in Jewish religious ethics.

In any case, it is a very troubling sign indeed for the  US that the financial sector is vastly outpacing the rest of the economy in corporate earnings as well as in executive compensation — especially when it's being run by a group of people who have sociopathic attitudes toward non-Jewish America.


87 Responses to "Kevin MacDonald: Does Jewish financial misbehavior have anything to do with being Jewish?"

  1. Quirous Spectator says:

    A couple of things . Firstly would this Apollonian chap maintain a civil tongue , its one thing to rave and another rant– very unpleasant to read , this spewing . Rant all you like but don't post it.

    Well done to Prof MacDonald , the cost of maintaining a public debate must be enormous .He could have had a peaceful life with a Prius and a few hobbies ; enjoying the Winery tours and vacuous academic jokes . In other words he could have been an ass-licker .

    What I find so interesting about the Jewish American Coupe is how similar it is to parasitic activity we seen in nature.There is an bug , somewhere in SAmerica which is attacked by a fungus that drives into into an ants nest that then take the fungus underground , which completes the life cycle of the fungus.(Hope I have that right) .

    In the USA , Jewish parasitism (in the biological sense-no offense intended) , seem to have gone about a similar task through taken over the media in all its forms ,and through it , have promoted and incredible decadent lifestyle (The MTV garbage pile,etc etc, etc) and at the same time suppressed erect civic behavior by siding with the Left wing [social communists] , and accusing people who promote self control and self responsibility of fascist , therefore anti-Semitic tendencies.
    By driving the social structure into decadent confusion , with the endless brow beating of any who oppose them , the way is then open to fleece the Society using the financial and academic structure to bribe confuse and intimidate any who try to resist. Resisters are of course Anti-Semitic and there sirens can be ignored if they can't be suppressed.
    Further , now that the animal (in this case the USA and the whole west actually) is becoming highly irritated by parasitic attack –one might think of a dog or a chicken infested with fleas and mites–starts looking around for the cause of its misery , the parasite then directs the organism , through control of the Gov [Clinton, Bush , Obama] , seek new paths for treasure and blame. Government intellectuals caught up in this game , create an extensive intellectual convolutions that justify this Chess move or that ,as they go deeper into the mire in a safety mission of world domination ,while all the time keeping the Miserable animal distracted from the true source of misery–the market driven financial rapacity , that parasitically cannibalizes the structure upon which it lives .This parasitic behavior seems to strangely be leaking out all over the world as the US Gov structures use Military and financial tactics and look for new feeding grounds , to distract and suppress their own miserable citizens buy foreign adventures.

    And at the base of all this is the US Fed & Treasury & Wall street that coordinate as a single organism-that is their social set; work together to drive the country into massive debt that entices the military-industrial complex into the Middle East to control the oil reserves that under write the dollar and where they can defend the parasites main nest! Human are more complicated than ants .
    I think Inevitably , if America doesn't get its own house in order , we will end up in WW III , as their are enough independent Countries to resist this dis-functioning organism , which could take the world straight over the cliff in a frenzy of deluded righteous hubris–Nemesis I think the gods call it.
    There are so many historical examples .Who's driving this obsession with Iran?Biological weapon would have a similar effect but we hear not of that .The intellectuals are full of hysterical expedient reasoning ,but it really comes down to the fact that the people that control the West will not allow the middle east to form an independent entity.Because the trust only that with they can control , and thus feed upon.

    And the reason I am against what these Overlords are trying to create is the Prime Question : who watches the watchmen? For it is obvious that those who claim the right to rule have misruled. And I do believe they are having another go at a USSR style state , run under a market economy , but again WHO WATCHES THE WATCHMEN ? Surely not the irresponsible lunatics meddling in middle Asia. The US has lost the right to lead because it no longer leads by example. Really what mass of citizenry want to become like this modern USA–no offense to the owners of this sight–just the unpleasant truth.You say Mexicans , but I say the tide is turning there ,as immigration converts the USA into a Mexico of sorts.And those who read these sites know who's driving that and for exactly the reasons I mention in this rave .The parasite is using a tactic of divide and rule–flying expediently under humanism–to sabotage the animals self defenses. The wreckage of the Left is long and awful yet the hypocrites never look back.
    Something weird is going on in USA an I am trying to put a finger on it.

  2. Finrod says:

    No, I really think Jews are not genetically predisposed to malfeasance, and that it is strictly cultural. Jews I have known who had not been extensively exposed to other Jews tend to be as good as anyone. And I've actually witnessed the metamorphosis of nice, small town Jews into jerks after they have undergone several years of indoctrination by a large, urban Jewish community. On the other side, I have known Non-Jews married to Jews who can mimic their ethnocentrism as well as the best of them.

    Ever noticed that Jew/non-Jew marriages are overwhelmingly female Jew married to Male non-Jew, similar to north asians and Eurpean marriages? That supports another theory of Rushton's: associative marriage by IQ. Jewish females have similar brain mass, and hence IQ, to non Jewish males.

  3. giovanni says:

    AngryJew says: "We didn't write Machiavelli's Prince, a Catholic did, and he's been worshiped by European statesmen ever since. Before attacking Jewish ethics, why don't you study up on your own!"

    "Machiavelli and the Italians" is interesting as a parallel with the Jews and brings the argument of Gerard Celente "…what if the Wall Street Mafia would have had Italian names such as Costello, Puccini, Coppola, Celente, Capone…" ? (….instead of Greenspan, Summers, Rubin, Dick Fuld, Jim Cayne, Herb Greenberg, Lloyd Blankfeyn… and then Madoff… and before Milken, Levine, Boesky…)

    Machavelly was basically Jewish as a logic, because at the time Italians were kind of the jews of western europe, in same respects (before they lost out their edge to the Jews from Germany, England, Holland..after the discovery of America…). Let me explain because I have Italian and some Jewish blood and I am in Finance. It helps also to explain that "Jews" means a combination of some social, cultural and racial features that at times were partially present in other mediterranean people, Lebanese and Italians for instance. But we for instance lacked the iron IDEOLOGY, the powerful narrative of Judaism and the minority status to reinforce the elite-against-majority dynamic. With a christian environmente we lost our jewish edge of the Renaissance and (some not all) of the Machiavellian soul

    Basically we Italians were similar to Jews in some attitudes and thinking at the time and still have at least among occidental populations something in common (like machiavellian thinking, only we feel some guilt sometimes). In NY Jews and Italian lived together quite well for a while and it was "Jewish and Italian Mafia" (only we got into more movies) not Polish and Greek or Irish Mafia. In Italy, in spite of the Church, there was less attrition (the French deported Jews with gusto, the Italians less than anybody. Too many fascist jews with Mussolini including his lover in the '20s. My grandfather was technically Jewish and so his sister. She did not move from home from 1943 to 1945, the whole village knew and nobody said anything to deport her…). And in Italy jews were in turn more liberal and less hostile to society, they were also less as number, but for instance joined more the Fascist movement, that was "constructive" in terms of national traditions, than the Comunist who were destructive…

    Other similarities: in France and England Italian merchants and money lenders were kicked out between XIV and XVI century and hated, much like the Jews. The reasons ? Think of "semite" blood that came from the Mediterranean (Rome was the biggest jewish town of the world untile the III century, Tacitus was complaining about it, and then Arabs and Lebanese stopped here by quite often) . Italians had a tendency to migrate all over Europe for commerce, finance and artisan work between 1300 until about 1600 competing with Jews… And think of the immorality and corruption at the time of Luther in Rome or Florence, coupled with a cosmopolitan and commerce-finance oriented culture… Italians were sophisticated in commerce and finance, always travelling up to China and culturally more cynical, as proven by Guicciardini and Machiavelli and in the arts by Boccaccio, Aretino and others "un-christians" authors (until the Reformation)

    But this Italian "jewish-like" attitude in politics and commerce at the time of Machiavelli was not the thinking of "anglo-saxon-german-frankish" Europe, it was not mainstream at all and Italians contributed little

    Frederik the Great of Prussia the modell King of the Enlightment wrote the "Anti-Machiavelli" to counter its anti-christian and amoral message….
    Machiavelli was a loner and an exception to christian and Englightment thought, he was marginal writer and has less influence than Erasmus, Bacon, Adam Smith, Jefferson, Franklyn, Hamilton, the Federalist, Voltaire, Rousseau, Kant…

    In Italy we had a tradition of cynical and un-christian thinking around the Renaissance, from Bocaccio to Guicciardini and Machiavelli and we are today a very cynical country in everything that is public life, more similar to Lebanon than to Switzerland inspite of the distance. Italian governemts are famous for double crossing everybody, made secret agreements with PLO and arab countries to exempt Italy from terrorism, from Italy also was organized the arm traffic for Israel in 1946, in Lebanon French and Americans were blown up in 1982, but not the Italians that cut a secret deal with Hezbollah. In Somali same thing, in 1943 double crossing both Hitler and the Allied gave lousy results…

    So, semite Mediterranean blood from being in the middle of a bunch of semite people across the ocean… the biggest jewish presence in europe before 90% of european jews converted or disappeared in the dark centuries after the fall of Empire….a disposition for commerce and finance and migration for some historical reasons…

    Race and economics made Italians share some jewish attitudes in finance, commerce and politics (not in the visual arts or music where the Catholic church helped a lot). We are still very cynical, like arabs or mexicans, everybody here assumes that 911 was an inside job, because we had dozen of terrorist acts in which the governement was somehow involved (they were not as efficient as Mossad and sometimes it leaked). We are also more corrupt than is necessary for an industrial country in public life, nor very reliable to manage money and do banking where we trust more the Swiss and we were trusting more than Americans, because we thought they were anglo-saxons. Why are not than just another Greece ? Because in the north we are basically the same mix of the French (celtic and german)

    So, when I get tired of complicated explanations of the Financial Crisis I mention to fellow italians that almost everybody at Wall Street is jewish and people often say…ahhh…..hmmm….this of all this mess….Because it would be as if they heard that Southern Italians were be running the FED, Treasury, Goldman, Lehman, Citi, AIG, Fannie Mae… But they would be found out, because of the names than end in vowels like Costello, Puccini, Coppola, Celente, Capone, Napolitano that they did not change

  4. CompassionateFascist says:

    The only goverments that "protect Jews" from the "raging lunacy" of the "goyim" are governments financed by Jews. Like our current rainbow-hued wrecking-crew. But that Jewcrew isn't going to be around for much longer. If he/she is not already crouched in occupied Palestine, AngryJew(ess) should seriously consider emigration.

  5. Barkingmad says:

    QS, you mentioned parasites. Here is a particularly scary one:

    The fish tongue eating parasite: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Cymothoa exigua, or the tongue-eating louse, is a parasitic crustacean… The parasite replaces the fish's tongue by attaching its own body to the muscles of the tongue stub. The fish is able to use the parasite just like a normal tongue

  6. AngryJew says:

    Oh my! We've been exposed. Yes, yes yes its true, we are money grubbing kleptomaniac parasites. Yes yes yes. Of course you poor goyim deserve it, yes! Of course, me stereotypical Jew, here to mock and laugh, and then rob and pillage.

    Should one be crying or laughing at you if that's the worldview you'd like to espouse?


    Your hatred doesn't bother me. Your health is not my worry.

    Three internet summaries of the Prince and conviction about what I've read. Don't throw rocks at glass houses, lightweight. As far as your concerned FYI "read" does not imply fanned through the pages on a hot day in Barnes and Nobles. My recommendation: read a review from a reliable source, like Britannica or Norton's anthology. Just so you don't need to reference the dictionary, the term advice, guidance, and insight all suggest INSTRUCTIONAL intent. That will help you decode whether or not Machiavelli was a Florentine opportunist hawking his wares – or a self-sacrificing Republican trying to root out evil.

    On Tacitus I am not questioning his critique of Nero as emperor- I am questioning Tacitu's turning a blind eye to the implications Imperial barbarism had for Goyish ethics.

    The Talmud? Oh buddy. For you and all the budding Talmudists here – you don't even know what the Talmud is, nor would you recognize one if you saw it. You can read all the websites you one, and if you get bored one day, come back to me – I've got a few links you'd really enjoy.

    You are missing the point. Oh poor goy. You guys must be right about all the genetic determinism…at first I didn't believe it…but with every comment it becomes clear. Oh pitty the goys, pitty the stupid goys.

    Okay Daybreaker.

    Do you get what I am saying or not?

    I don't care how much you claim to have studied your ethics and how unhealthy it was. Stick to the subject.

    One, Machiavelli is amoral. If you want to argue against that – than I have nothing to say to you. Two, Machiavelli is PRESCRIPTIVE. Three, please look up the history of Machiavelli worship in the West. Four, then come back to me and tell me with a straight face that un-ethical conduct is a Jewish invention, and the poor Catholics or Protestants were too damn stupid to be willy themselves.

    That's all I am talking about.

    I am NOT suggesting that Jews be given a pass on self-critique. Nor am I reducing Anti-Semitism to Machiavellinism. Nor am I saying Tu Quoque because you charged us with being degenerates.

    No, I am merely saying you are ignoring facts, history, and you got the story wrong.

    "Plenty of very smart people have encountered actually existing Judaism up-close and personal over the ages and across the world and have come to verdicts as harsh as Kevin MacDonald's or harsher."

    Oh really? So do you think "people" is the same as "scholar" or put another way: "Plenty of people have come to look at the patient, and concluded that he was possessed of the devil… then a 'doctor' came, and realized one shot of drug A, would put the man back to normal".


    "denial has no weight".

    Just as much weight as your accusations. They have no scholarly or empirical backing. But as you point out, you are not seeking anything scholarly, merely something you've chosen to believe. Kevin aint no anthropologist, nor is he really a scholar. The thousands of certified experst in the field are all liars, but good old' MacDonald, is where YOU go when you need the truth.

    "Jewish financial rapacity is a familiar phenomenon with a long international history."

    So you say, so you say.

    " Jewish universalism is the very small brother of Jewish particularism."

    And you'd know that how? You certainly can't even have a clue what I am referencing.

    "It's no surprise that an angry Jew sees no need for non-Jews to comment on Jewish moral faults. "

    Huh!? You've given yourself away buddy. So you are insecure.

    "black gang-bangers associate with each other the list of their victims is bound to include some of each other."


    Now there's an understatement (how about 95% if you want to look it up)

    "Jewish control of Wall Street or White flight when Black gangs take over a neighborhood. "

    Please don't fucking compare yids and n@#%5. There you're going too fucking far! It is beneath all of us here. WTF!?

    As for Jewish "control". Ah man. Sure, us Jews are overrepresented, but why the hell do you CONCLUDE control?

    "Rather than looking at the real clashes of interest and accepting that non-Jewish dislike of Jewish control of resources is rational, Jews prefer to pathologize the opposition, with the label antisemitism."

    Oh, because that's what you and Kev are doing. Looking at "real" clashes of interests. I'd ask you to give me a break, but something tells me you wont.

    "And Kevin MacDonald is quite familiar with his subject."

    Oh sure. Sure sounds familiar to me. So was Hitler – supposedly. And from what I hear, prior to Galileo, the Church was pretty familiar with Astronomy. The gypsy next-door tells me all I need to know about the Stars, and yet when I mention the Hubble telescope chimes "now that's black magic".

    "go away and don't come back till you have lots of unavailable numbers"

    You remind me of the old libel "serial murder = disaffected white male". Sure, you've come up with a book that one maniacal Jewish lawyer libeled as Anti-Semitic. So now you are certain that all Jews are Goy-fearing maniacs??

    I did not wish anyone to go away – merely to use your little goy brains (if that's possible ;) kisses and love – can't you feel it!?

    "That merits only laughter."

    I'm glad you're laughing. But Heaven forbid you ever find your self in a bind and need surgery. More likely than not you'll prefer the Jewish doctor over the Indian or Wasp. Or your national security needs a mathematician to program that NSA junk so we can pick out the terrorists to save your life. You'll go with the Jew, no matter how much you protest dear Lady.

    As for your "you are a Jewish stereotype" whine. Not sure if that's a compliment, but whatever it is, at least I am stereotypically using my brain, and you're stereotypically not.

    Just kidding! Don't get so mad or upset. After all, if you don't know what you are talking about – you are still not Black, and that's all that matters to me. I want you to be smart and well informed, so that we preserve this civilisation before the dark masses devour what's left of us.

    Remember, your daddy might have been Irish, mine was Jewish. But we are White. Divide us, and Mandeltopia awaits us in two decades.

  7. zecojawexasi…

    Jenny Molin …

  8. HA says:

    Re: Jewish universalism, you mean like the neocons' touching concern for the welfare of Muslim women? The "genocide" in Sudan? Rwanda? It might all be a bit more convincing if Jews weren't already known as a deceitful tribe.

  9. MOB says:

    On May 4 at 10:53 am, Eileen says:
    Off the immediate topic here: there's a really interesting, well-written article in The New Yorker about Haim Saban entitled "The Influencer." WELL worth the read.
    It's very much *on* the immediate topic. Saban and his large group of fellow Jewish wheelers and dealers exist in there own world, separate from and alien to ours. Here's fallout from that article:
    Exclusive: Battle at the New Yorker Over Haim Saban Profile
    By Sharon Waxman Published: April 30, 2010

    A raging battle continued down to the last moment before deadline on Friday at the New Yorker over the contents of a magnum opus by veteran writer Connie Bruck about media billionaire and Democratic stalwart Haim Saban, WaxWord has learned. [more]

  10. @ Quirous Spectator May 4, 2010 at 7:16 PM: "Something weird is going on in USA an I am trying to put a finger on it."

    I think you came pretty darn close to succeeding. A 'must read,' IMO.

  11. Baltasar Nordstrom says:

    "It also conjures up a strong image of economic parasitism, another ancient anti-Jewish theme: the financial sector as not producing products or wealth, but extracting wealth to the detriment of the society as a whole.":

    Americans make things, Jews make deals. Somewhat of an exaggeration, but far more than a grain of salt of truth to it. A classic case that the Left should be exposing but doesn't, the plundering of one people or peoples by another.

  12. [...] Kevin MacDonald: D&#959&#1077&#1109 Jewish financial misbehavior &#1211&#1072&#957&#1077 anything t&… [...]

  13. Sledgehammer says:

    Fella, no offense but your comparisons of Italians and Jews are ridiculous. Both your genetic as well as your history are screwed up. Italians, whether from the North, Center or South are genetically European. Admixture is ridiculously small, even among Sicilians. Middle Eastern and North African markers are found at remarkably low levels. Germanic genetic influence among Italians is also pretty negligible. Even in the North.(though a lot of northern Italians believe otherwise) As a matter of fact, it's more pronounced in Central Italy, though still not very important. I'm of course not including the ethnic Germans of Northern Italy(Südtirol). Northern Italians are fairer on average because their makeup is somewhat different than that of southerners. The North had a very strong Celtic influence(Gallia Cisalpina during roman times) while the South did not but had instead a strong Greek one. Even at its peak in the third century, it seems the number of people born outside of Italy in Rome, in terms of free people, was not much more than 5%.(Foreigners at Rome: Citizens and Strangers) The vast majority of these was from all over Europe anyway.(like the soldiers) Of those who came from the near east, many were of Greek descent. The Jewish community, numerically speaking, was very small. About them, the book has this to say; "The group which made the greatest effort to retain a separate identity was the Jews. In their religious and communal institutions, their use of separate catacombs, their epigraphic and liturgical use of Greek, and even their naming practices, they behaved differently from others and were able to pass on a Jewish identity, so that people whose ancestors had lived at Rome for generations and who were otherwise well integrated into Roman society were still identifiably Jewish."(p. 287)

  14. apollonian says:

    "A couple of things . Firstly would this Apollonian chap maintain a civil tongue , its one thing to rave and another rant– very unpleasant to read , this spewing . Rant all you like but don't post it." – Quirous Spectator says: May 4, 2010 at 7:16 PM

    * * * * *

    "Quirous" Advised For Wisdom
    (Apollonian, 5 May 10)

    "Quirous…": if u don't like what I write, then don't read it, fool. I don't necessarily, particularly care what u think–got it? Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

  15. Liam says:

    I thought I would add a quote to the above list:

    "Fourthly, where any set of men, scattered over distant nations, maintain a close society or communication together, they acquire a similitude of manners, and have but little in common with the nations amongst whom they live. Thus the Jews in Europe, and the Aremenians in the East, have a peculiar character; and the former are as much noted for fraud as the latter for probity."

    Extract from an essay titled Of National Characters by David Hume.

    Selected Essays, Oxford World's Classics, p. 117, ISBN 978-0-19-954030-3

    Given the age of the text "peculiar" probably mean "distinctive".

  16. barb says:

    "AngryJew says:
    May 5, 2010 at 3:30 AM
    Oh my! We've been exposed. Yes, yes yes its true, we are money grubbing kleptomaniac parasites. Yes yes yes. Of course you poor goyim deserve it, yes! Of course, me stereotypical Jew, here to mock and laugh, and then rob and pillage.

    Should one be crying or laughing at you if that's the worldview you'd like to espouse?


    Your hatred doesn't bother me. Your health is not my worry.

    Three internet summaries of the Prince and conviction about what I've read. Don't throw rocks at glass houses, lightweight. As far as your concerned FYI "read" does not imply fanned through the pages on a hot day in Barnes and Nobles. My recommendation: read a review from a reliable source, like Britannica or Norton's anthology. Just so you don't need to reference the dictionary, the term advice, guidance, and insight all suggest INSTRUCTIONAL intent. That will help you decode whether or not Machiavelli was a Florentine opportunist hawking his wares – or a self-sacrificing Republican trying to root out evil.

    On Tacitus I am not questioning his critique of Nero as emperor- I am questioning Tacitu's turning a blind eye to the implications Imperial barbarism had for Goyish ethics.

    The Talmud? Oh buddy. For you and all the budding Talmudists here – you don't even know what the Talmud is, nor would you recognize one if you saw it. You can read all the websites you one, and if you get bored one day, come back to me – I've got a few links you'd really enjoy.

    You are missing the point. Oh poor goy. You guys must be right about all the genetic determinism…at first I didn't believe it…but with every comment it becomes clear. Oh pitty the goys, pitty the stupid goys.

    Okay Daybreaker.

    Do you get what I am saying or not?

    I don't care how much you claim to have studied your ethics and how unhealthy it was. Stick to the subject.

    One, Machiavelli is amoral. If you want to argue against that – than I have nothing to say to you. Two, Machiavelli is PRESCRIPTIVE. Three, please look up the history of Machiavelli worship in the West. Four, then come back to me and tell me with a straight face that un-ethical conduct is a Jewish invention, and the poor Catholics or Protestants were too damn stupid to be willy themselves.

    That's all I am talking about.

    I am NOT suggesting that Jews be given a pass on self-critique. Nor am I reducing Anti-Semitism to Machiavellinism. Nor am I saying Tu Quoque because you charged us with being degenerates.

    No, I am merely saying you are ignoring facts, history, and you got the story wrong.

    "Plenty of very smart people have encountered actually existing Judaism up-close and personal over the ages and across the world and have come to verdicts as harsh as Kevin MacDonald's or harsher."

    Oh really? So do you think "people" is the same as "scholar" or put another way: "Plenty of people have come to look at the patient, and concluded that he was possessed of the devil… then a 'doctor' came, and realized one shot of drug A, would put the man back to normal".


    "denial has no weight".

    Just as much weight as your accusations. They have no scholarly or empirical backing. But as you point out, you are not seeking anything scholarly, merely something you've chosen to believe. Kevin aint no anthropologist, nor is he really a scholar. The thousands of certified experst in the field are all liars, but good old' MacDonald, is where YOU go when you need the truth.

    "Jewish financial rapacity is a familiar phenomenon with a long international history."

    So you say, so you say.

    " Jewish universalism is the very small brother of Jewish particularism."

    And you'd know that how? You certainly can't even have a clue what I am referencing.

    "It's no surprise that an angry Jew sees no need for non-Jews to comment on Jewish moral faults. "

    Huh!? You've given yourself away buddy. So you are insecure.

    "black gang-bangers associate with each other the list of their victims is bound to include some of each other."


    Now there's an understatement (how about 95% if you want to look it up)

    "Jewish control of Wall Street or White flight when Black gangs take over a neighborhood. "

    Please don't fucking compare yids and n@#%5. There you're going too fucking far! It is beneath all of us here. WTF!?

    As for Jewish "control". Ah man. Sure, us Jews are overrepresented, but why the hell do you CONCLUDE control?

    "Rather than looking at the real clashes of interest and accepting that non-Jewish dislike of Jewish control of resources is rational, Jews prefer to pathologize the opposition, with the label antisemitism."

    Oh, because that's what you and Kev are doing. Looking at "real" clashes of interests. I'd ask you to give me a break, but something tells me you wont.

    "And Kevin MacDonald is quite familiar with his subject."

    Oh sure. Sure sounds familiar to me. So was Hitler – supposedly. And from what I hear, prior to Galileo, the Church was pretty familiar with Astronomy. The gypsy next-door tells me all I need to know about the Stars, and yet when I mention the Hubble telescope chimes "now that's black magic".

    "go away and don't come back till you have lots of unavailable numbers"

    You remind me of the old libel "serial murder = disaffected white male". Sure, you've come up with a book that one maniacal Jewish lawyer libeled as Anti-Semitic. So now you are certain that all Jews are Goy-fearing maniacs??

    I did not wish anyone to go away – merely to use your little goy brains (if that's possible kisses and love – can't you feel it!?

    "That merits only laughter."

    I'm glad you're laughing. But Heaven forbid you ever find your self in a bind and need surgery. More likely than not you'll prefer the Jewish doctor over the Indian or Wasp. Or your national security needs a mathematician to program that NSA junk so we can pick out the terrorists to save your life. You'll go with the Jew, no matter how much you protest dear Lady.

    As for your "you are a Jewish stereotype" whine. Not sure if that's a compliment, but whatever it is, at least I am stereotypically using my brain, and you're stereotypically not.

    Just kidding! Don't get so mad or upset. After all, if you don't know what you are talking about – you are still not Black, and that's all that matters to me. I want you to be smart and well informed, so that we preserve this civilisation before the dark masses devour what's left of us.

    Remember, your daddy might have been Irish, mine was Jewish. But we are White. Divide us, and Mandeltopia awaits us in two decades."

    Wow, the above was an amazingly long post to be so content-free.

    AJ, if you *really* want non-Jewish WNs to see you as an ally, stop it the sarcasm, already. We're being exterminated here and you're busy insulting US then telling US not to get mad about it.

    How about actually do something productive to "save what's left of civilization" by going and telling your own coethnics who are playing the financial shenanigans to knock it off with the stereotype confirming?
    After all, that's something you can do. Us non-Jews certainly can't. We'll get smeared as anti-Semites and insulted or silenced and ignored.

  17. MOB says:

    Eileen posted the New Yorker article "The Influencer":

    Here's an excerpt, followed by the legal outcome:

    "the biggest bill by far that Saban didn't want to pay was the government's. In late December, 2000, after Saban had exercised his right to sell his share of Fox Family, Matt Krane said that he received a call from him. "He said, 'Let me ask a question. What are we doing on taxes on the sale?'
    "I said, 'We're going to pay the capital-gains tax, like we always discussed.'

    " 'What is it?'
    " 'Like, twenty-seven per cent state and federal, combined.'
    " 'Are you fucking kidding me? Are you fucking crazy?' He was shouting, 'I'm not paying that!' "

    Saban denies Krane's account of their conversation. "This is a man where we went through seven audits, and all came in 'No change.' So I looked at him as a genius of the century. And he always took the lead in setting up structures that were absolutely legal and tax-efficient. And all I asked him to do was this time, too, please do the same."

    Krane said that he had previously solved every problem Saban had presented, carrying out "very aggressive" tax planning, but he had always tried to design transactions ahead of time to avoid taxes. Here the only recourse was a tax shelter. As Krane began to explore the tax-shelter world, he learned that major accounting and investment-banking firms—including K.P.M.G., Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, and many others—were involved in creating tax-shelter products. He selected one that was developed by the Quellos Group, a financial boutique based in Seattle; he integrated this shelter with a tax plan of his own, and, with the combination, made it possible for Saban to pay no taxes on his $1.5-billion gain.

    $1.3-billion tax-shelter scam alleged

    Two executives of a defunct Seattle fund manager and an L.A. attorney are indicted after a federal probe.
    Kim Murphy June 05, 2009

    SEATTLE — Two principals of defunct Seattle investment management firm Quellos Group and a Los Angeles lawyer were indicted in a tax shelter scheme that allegedly created more than $1.3 billion in fraudulent losses for prominent clients, including media mogul and billionaire investor Haim Saban.

    The operation was "one of the largest tax fraud schemes ever uncovered in this country," U.S. Atty. Jeffrey C. Sullivan in Seattle said Thursday.

    Saban and four other clients were apparently unaware of the alleged fraud, having been offered written legal opinions from well-known law firms and assurances from their own tax attorneys that the tax shelter was legal. They paid about $400 million in back taxes, plus penalties, and were not accused of any wrongdoing. [more]

  18. Sean Gruber says:

    True on average:

    When you hear of a small larceny or a little-bitty crime, the culprit is always a gentile. But when you hear of a gigantic, multi-million-dollar swindle – or even a multi-BILLION-dollar swindle – the culprit is always a Jew.

    Many examples. Not many counterexamples. And Jews are a tiny percentage of population.

    A curious fact: "race realist" Jews defend stereotypes re blacks as having a grain of truth in them. But every Jewish stereotype is an anti-semitic "canard."

  19. Baltasar Nordstrom says:

    "It also conjures up a strong image of economic parasitism, another ancient anti-Jewish theme: the financial sector as not producing products or wealth, but extracting wealth to the detriment of the society as a whole.":

    Americans make things, Jews make deals. Somewhat of an exaggeration, but far more than a grain of salt of truth to it. Moreover, the top six U.S. banks own assets worth 60 percent of the gross domestic product. A classic case of exploitation that the Left should be exposing but doesn't because of the ethnic issues involved, the plundering of one people or peoples by another all out of proportion to their population.

  20. Baltasar Nordstrom says:

    To be more specific about the extent of Jewish exploitation of other Americans, one thing we need is to know what their average income is compared to the rest of us and the proportion of wealth/capital they own. Jewish income statistics were I believe eradicated as a separate IRS category sometime back in the 1980s. Supposedly at that time (and I cannot verify these numbers), Jewish income was at 178 percent of average. If a separate Jewish category is still suppressed, one of our political demands should be that it be restored, and the category of wealth ownership by racial or ethnic group added. It would be just and fair for all Americans to know who is benefitting from any particular economic arrangement and who is not. If there are serious inequities, we need to know that also.

  21. AngryJaw says:

    One thing about Angryjew; he's consistent. He's continuously able to provide us posts filled to the brim with empty, amateurish sarcasm and false "facts" that manage to never counter any of the truths laid out at this site. The mere fact that these trolls spend so much time here, posting at all hours, is proof enough that somewhere, someone, some THING is worried about the truth. About the – as they see it – slight possibility of losing control. Or some of the hypnotized stumbling across this site and waking up.

  22. Someday says:

    Maybe it was out of line to take the tone I did about Rushton, scientifically his following in nationalist circles is beside the point but his evolutionary theorizing isn't widely accepted by biologists. To me the problem with 'Race, Evolution, and Behavior' is the the validity of r/K selection theory to humans, not the validity of the race concept to humans.

  23. Darren says:

    Argumentum ad populum.

  24. [...] Kevin MacDonald: Does Jewish financial misbehavior have anything … [...]

  25. AngryJew says:

    How is it that I get impersonated here? Someone using my name – that requires they have my email? Hm hm.

    You're the one who is way off. You read a genetic profile of Italians and got it all right, did you?

    Hah. Fool. There's all these genetic experts crawling like bugs here.

    Of course Jews and Italians are related. Italians have Anatolian founder-effects, and a preponderance of north-eastern Mediterranean genes. Hence they cluster closely with Jews, and Turks, and Greeks.

    The question you should really be asking – which Jews? Sephardi Jews are bound to be related because duh- their language is Romance.

  26. AngryJew says:

    Jaw – jaw

    Ameteurish sarcasm – I didn't know one could make sarcasm a business. Hay, there's a business idea with a goyishekopf behind it!?

    If I don't convince you, at least you know one thing – not knowing what the hell the Talmud even is – McDonalds here thinks that every Jew that's walks the earth READS THE TALMUD.

    Hell, those passages he's always banging on about – been read by about 1 out of a 100 rabbis.

    Good luck convincing anyone that Jews are exposed to some religiously ordained hatred of Goys.

  27. Tom Watson says:

    One thing that I've noticed over they years is that the Jews question everything including peoples motives; even when something nice is done for them the Jew will question the motive of why it was done.

  28. barb says:

    Hey, AJ,

    You donated $ to TOO blog yet?

  29. Zeitgeist says:

    Jewish parasitism definitely mimics certain patterns in Nature, especially those parasites which 'brainwash' their host in to committing suicide; see –

  30. AngryJaw says:

    As noted before, AngryJew consistently fills valuable space with worthless, vacuous posts. His last post here also shows he's not as intelligent or observant as he believes himself to be. Very typical of most Jews.

  31. Beast says:

    I don't think there is any question that Jews today wield disproportionate power, evidently greater than any time in history.

    Three trends largely precipitated the current state of Wall Street. First, it was not until Michael Milken and Sandy Weill that Jews had access to the real wellspring of financial power – the bond market and commercial banking. The stock market is a side show. Up until that time Jews were largely excluded from these areas in the US by gentile bankers. Don't underestimate the power of cheap debt to offshore production (all of the PE shops) and spawn most of the big box corporations you see in malls like Home Depot, Loews, Office Depot, Staples, Bed Bath and Beyond, Starbucks, GAP, Limited, Victoria Secret, etc. etc. (yes all Jewish firms), and in fact own the malls through REITs. There is a reason America doesn't manufacture anything anymore – Jews don't like "physical labor" and through their PE minions have sought to outsource everything in sight.

    Second, the massive issuance of debt starting the 1970s. The broker dealers, many of them Jewish IBs or now banks, skim insane amounts of money from the issuance of Treasury and municipal debt, and through the shadow banking system have come to effectively print money. There is so much debt floating around that the influence of Wall Street, now largely dominated by a Jewish elite, has exploded. You want to reduce Jewish power reduce debt (and of the course destroy the Hollywood cartel).

    Third, the entire system is predicated on fraud.

    However, even today, there is a distinct possibility that many (not all) of these Jews are the front men for those pulling the strings. Take for example Sandy Weill and Saudis. Norway is a huge investor in GS. Look at the BODs of Citi and JPM. This model is the same as Jews serving as tax collectors and bureaucrats for Eastern European nobility, or pillaging Africa and Asia on behalf of the European aristocracy. A more dominant theme of history is European royals vs. serfs / bourgeosie, vestiges of which continue today. Unfortunately there is too much conspiracy theory out there to get an answer to this question.

    That said after considerable reflection I have come to pity the Jews. Most of their purported historical achievements (e.g. science) are based on historical distortion.

    As if a race of usurers, tax collectors, and glorified seamstresses could possibly build / lead a country, or achieve anything of historical significance (except maybe precipitate the apocalypse) that benefits humanity.

  32. Sledgehammer says:
    May 5, 2010 at 9:16 AM
    Fella, no offense but your comparisons of Italians and Jews are ridiculous. Both your genetic as well as your history are screwed up. Italians, whether from the North, Center or South are genetically European. Admixture is ridiculously small, even among Sicilians. Middle Eastern and North African markers are found at remarkably low levels. Germanic genetic influence among Italians is also pretty negligible. Even in the North.(though a lot of northern Italians believe otherwise) As a matter of fact, it's more pronounced in Central Italy, though still not very important. I'm of course not including the ethnic Germans of Northern Italy(Südtirol). Northern Italians are fairer on average because their makeup is somewhat different than that of southerners. The North had a very strong Celtic influence(Gallia Cisalpina during roman times) while the South did not but had instead a strong Greek one. Even at its peak in the third century, it seems the number of people born outside of Italy in Rome, in terms of free people, was not much more than 5%.(Foreigners at Rome: Citizens and Strangers) The vast majority of these was from all over Europe anyway.(like the soldiers) Of those who came from the near east, many were of Greek descent. The Jewish community, numerically speaking, was very small. About them, the book has this to say; "The group which made the greatest effort to retain a separate identity was the Jews. In their religious and communal institutions, their use of separate catacombs, their epigraphic and liturgical use of Greek, and even their naming practices, they behaved differently from others and were able to pass on a Jewish identity, so that people whose ancestors had lived at Rome for generations and who were otherwise well integrated into Roman society were still identifiably Jewish."(p. 287)

    The Crypto jooos are sneaky and always two faced.

    Too many spoiled son's of wealthy Whites got married to them in the 1940's, betraying their familie's and US. As they for the most part were the spoiled rat leftist in the 60's thru today.

    They may know squat about the destructive putrid Talmud, but they support their gang leaders and don't leave town with out Kosher card. and genocidental achor baby open border law changes ram rodded by LBJ the perverted criminal liar IMO, speaks loudly on a granite table of facts.

    Oh, and LBJ along with FDR ticks in the central regime phucked US over, and over ever since.

    Hey smarty pants name the two jooish brothers from NYC who were the real fire for the Viet Nam war starting in 1960 and worked with LBJ.

  33. Oh, the S.L. blantant robberie's went hog wild, starting during Reagan's first term.

    In 1981, as the well ran dry for young men, as White women had been on the pill for twenty years and aborted like crazy, then this led to the perfect cry for we need more Messycan fast breeding labor.

    They have also been radicalized by joooos and their media helps in the continued demonizing of Whites which equals violence against Whites and no safety for the public commons.

  34. Powerade says:

    Beast, the jews work to benefit themselves, period. Monsters like Madoff or Milken work for stringpullers who are also jews. Period. While it is true that most of their scientific achievements for example are based on historical distortion, plagiarism, synthesizing the ideas of others or outright lies and theft, they are not stupid as a group. They are not as smart as too many believe either (look at the IQ data on jews, it comes from very small sample groups, intentionally). But they know what they are doing. They might not be able to run a country, but they do know how to destroy them. Or at the very least their goals and aims destroy nations. Look at Israel btw, without American aid, the money confiscated from Middle Class Whites, that stinkpile "light unto nations" would collapse within three days.

    Jews don't like manual labor. We know this. That they are unwilling to engage in manual labor and in fact are physically inept in so many areas has nothing to do with offshoring production.

    Why pity the jews? They wish to kill us. No doubt about it.

  35. Matthias says:


    Jews as front men pulling the strings? Not likely, as far as I can tell:

    Among the economic fields in which Jews today are especially visible is investment banking — "Wall Street," including interconnected networks of lawyers and other legal and economic manipulators stretching deeply into Hollywood and the mass media. Since the 1800s the "Old Crowd" of German-Jewish banking families (the Seligmans, Lehmans, Goldmans, Sachs, Warburgs, Schiffs, Loebs, et al) had predominated the field; a "New Crowd" of Jews has in recent decades taken their place. After World War II, melodramatically note Judith Ehrlich and Barry Rehfeld, "economic power in America and Wall Street was shifting … Fresh faces came forward as if answering a call … They were the children and grandchildren of Italian, Irish, Poles, and other Europeans who were not of Anglo-Saxon ancestry. But most of all they were Jews." [EHRLICH, p. 12] This is not to suggest of course that the seminal Jewish American investment firms are today inconsequential. Far from it. In 1999, for instance, Goldman, Sachs and Co. stretched across the world to become the "single largest and controlling shareholder of South Korea's largest bank, Kookmin. [BLOOMBERG NEWS, p. 11]

    A French Jewish commentator, Bernard Lazare, noted Jewish propensities in high finance in the late 1800s:

    "The man of the lower middle class, the small tradesman at whom
    speculation has probably ruined has much clearer ideas of why he
    is an anti-Semite. He knows that reckless speculation [by financiers],
    with its attendant panics, has been his bane, and for him, the most
    formidable jugglers of capital, the most dangerous speculators, are the
    Jews; which, indeed, is very true." [LAZARE, B., p. 173]

    Finance, investment banking, brokerage, and commodities are the speediest ways (short of outright crime) to get rich in America; by 1988 the stock and bond market and linked economic activities totaled 12 trillion dollars a year (six times the value of the assets of Fortune's top 500 companies). "Where the money went," note Ehrlich and Rehfeld, "and what happened to it were greatly influenced by Wall Street power brokers." [EHRLICH, p. 19] Corporate mergers, acquisitions, and takeovers have become an especially lucrative field. "By the 1980s, says Ehrlich and Rehfeld, "along with [Gentile] T. Boone Pickens, and a few others … the [Jewish] New Crowd was at the very core of the mergers and acquisitions field." [EHRLICH, p. 15]…. [This circle of money men] bought luxurious homes, expensive art, high-priced foreign cars, designer clothes and jewelry; they hosted or appeared at the right parties." [EHRLICH, p. 16] … The old WASP establishment had seen its wealth eroded by changing tax laws and inflation … arriviste Jews began to appear on the boards of such time-honored WASP institutions as the Museum of Art, the Metropolitan Opera, and the New York Public Library." [EHRLICH, p. 5] … The New Crowd broke the stranglehold of the Establishment WASP bankers and [older Jewish] Our Crowd competitors … and extended profit centers to newer financial activities such as block trading, risk arbitrage, a wide range of retail securities products, financial futures, listed trading of options, and junk bond financing that helped companies expand and made almost every company vulnerable to a takeover, a leveraged buyout that restructured corporate entities and raised critical debt levels." [EHRLICH, p. 394]

    Other influential Jewish Wall Street 'players' (financiers, lenders, borrowers, advisers, lawyers, et al) in recent years have included Alan Greenberg, Ira Harris, Bruce Wasserstein, Jerome Kohlberg, Henry Kravis, Peter Cohen, Joseph Flom, Martin Lipton, Victor Posner ("a onetime Baltimore slumlord" [FORBES, p. 45] who was indicted in 1982 for $1.25 million in income tax evasion and filing false tax returns [BRENNER, p. 72]), [Posner is "the flamboyantly wealthy Miami Beach financier [who has] been discredited as one of the most unprincipled and destructive modern corporate raiders." [BIANCO, A., 1991, p. 31], Nelson Peltz, the Belzbergs, and many others. Alan Greenberg is the head of Bear Stearns, Stephen Schwarzman founded the Blackstone Group, a prominent investing firm. Well-known traditional Jewish investment banking houses include Lehman Brothers, Lazard Freres, Goldman Sachs, Salomon Brothers, Bache & Co., and Cantor/Fitzgerald. [SILBIGER, S., 2000, p. 78-79] "Jews took the lead in the '60s," notes Jewish business author Steven Silbiger, "with new investment banking techniques that helped introduce a conglomeration craze by using multipurpose holding companies … The concentration of Jewish-owned securities firms created well-paying employment opportunities at all levels of the securities industry: securities analysts; portfolio managers; and stock, bond and futures traders; brokers and deal-makers. Among the equity holders of the Jewish investment banking and trading firms on Wall Street are hundreds of Jewish millionaires. Upward mobility based on merit and high salaries has made working on Wall Street a Jewish-friendly career choice … Although exact figures for the numbers of Jews are not available, they no doubt have a leading and disproportionate role on Wall Street." [SILBIGER, S., 2000, p. 78-80]

    In a book entitled, "The Money Machine," about the KKR company (Kohlberg, Kravis, and Roberts), the author address three more Jewish Wall Street members:

    "Here were three men who started a firm in 1976 with a few million
    dollars and ten years later had control over what is believed to be the
    largest corporate empire in the world … Why did their names arouse
    such intense emotions, ranging from envy, to awe, to fear?"
    [BARTLETT, p. x]

    And what of this sensitivity to issues of Jewish concern on Wall Street, Jewish solidarity, and Jewish economic influence, particularly (but not only) with regard to Israel? In 1974 Stephen Isaacs noted a premiere example:

    "Gustave Levy [is the] managing partner of the important Goldman,
    Sachs, and Company investment banking firm … Many have regarded
    Levy as the most powerful single individual on Wall Street, able to make
    or break men and companies almost casually. He personally controls the
    movement of billions of dollars. 'Gus is very conscious of being Jewish.
    He's very conscious of the problems it can cause,' said Philip Greer, a
    one-time stockbroker who had reported on Wall Street … 'When you
    talk about Jewish muscle, Gus will back off — 'I don't make waves, [he
    says], 'I've got it, and I can use it, and I know how to use it, and I do
    use it, but I'm not going to talk to you about it because then that redneck
    in Alabama is going to get very upset and I don't want him to know
    about it.'…. In the Six Day War Gus was sending money over [to Israel]
    like crazy. He would have financed the whole war all by himself. And he
    made no bones about whether you were Jewish or not. 'You need
    Goldman, Sachs. I need you now. If I don't get you now, you aren't
    getting me later.' It was as simple as that. He could've raised it from
    Schwartz or O'Reilly, it didn't make any difference to him, because
    they're both after the money that Gus controls." [ISAACS, p. 263]

    Connie Bruck, a Jewish journalist, notes that

    "Privately, [lawyer Martin] Lipton expressed another concern, one shared
    by many of the businessmen and lawyers who were part of the Jewish
    establishment in New York, and by some of the Drexel contingent as
    well. They feared that the common strain among these nouveau
    entrepreneurs and their nouveau banks at Drexel — an overwhelming
    majority were Jews — would unleash a backlash of virulent anti-Semitism
    … As one Drexel client … put it: 'It used to be that the Jews would go [to
    WASP lenders] and they'd beg for money, and they'd be rejected while
    the Gentile would come in and they'd all go to lunch and smoke cigars.
    Now it's a shift of power to the Jews. Drexel is making these huge sums
    of money and the banks comparatively little. The problem is, all
    the entrepreneurs are Jews with the exception of [T. Boone] Pickens and
    [Carl] Lindner — and Lindner, a long time supporter of Israel, is the most
    Jewish non-Jew I've ever known." [BRUCK, p. 205] (In 1999, Lindner
    became controlling owner of the Cincinnati Reds professional baseball

    Milken ended up spending only a little over two years in prison, a small sacrifice for the staggering amount of wealth he accumulated. He was sentenced, notes Jewish scholar Norman Cantor, "by a Gentile woman judge who was married to a prominent Jewish lawyer. Eventually she found grounds for sharply reducing his sentence … The skill of some Jewish billionaires in skirting the limits of the law but somehow emerging unscathed, with the aid of high-priced Jewish attorneys, and a compliant press, was remarkable." [CANTOR, p. 404] Milken court fines alone eventually amounted to $1.1 billion. Still on probation, in November 1997 the New York Times noted that "evidence of further illegal behavior since his release might well cause the government to request further sanctions against Mr. Milken, including even his return to prison." [TRUELL, D4] Since prison, Milken has been busy collecting tens of millions of dollars, "counseling" the MCI Communications Corporation, advising principal players in the Time-Warner-Turner Broadcasting mass media merger, and working with financier Ronald Perelman. In 1996 the New York Times noted Milken's presence in Israel in negotiations with a company called the Eisenberg Group. "The Milken Group," said the Times, "might invest in Israel Chemicals, of which the Israeli government owns 48.5%." [NYT, 8-14-96] The Eisenberg Group at the fore of all this is headed by Shaul Eisenberg, the richest man in Israel, who, "says Alan Vorspan, "[is] the shadowy Israeli billionaire who had been brokering Israel defense technology to China for more than ten years … 'Arms merchant of the world' is not synonymous with a 'light unto the nations.'" [VORSPAN, p. 31] "The arms business," note Andrew and Leslie Cockburn, "was and remains central to [Eisenberg's] operation." [COCKBURN, p. 17] Other holdings include everything from chemical factories in Korea to projects in Central America. [COCKBURN, p. 12-13]

    If there is credible evidence that jews are merely the 'front men' enriching themselves and their nation at everyone else's expense, while somehow acting in the interests of non-jews who are in fact above them in the scheme of things, I'd sure like to see it.

  36. arthurdecco says:

    I, for one, appreciate the efforts Angry Jew puts into his obfuscations and out-right lying in the interests of taking our eyes off the ball(s). He tells us much without saying anything.

    … What "ball(s)", you ask?

    Well…this one, for example: "Can such an argument be made Jewish involvement in financial scandals has something to do with being Jewish?" (asked by Professor MacDonald is this blog post.)

    A careful reading of Angry Jew's figurative arm-wavings and bellicose and contemptuous attacks on non-Jewish white people, awkwardly disguised as rebuttals to Professor MacDonald's published opinions and questions, only confirms for me his embarrassing lack of authentic intelligence – a fact which should help put to rest for all time the ridiculous myth/canard that Jews collectively are more intelligent than the rest of us. (Says who?)

    In fact, Angry Jew's posts only add more piles of poo to that sky-high mound of feather-weight argument that passes for real debate amongst those assigned by fate, circumstance and inclination to defend the vilest aspects of Jewish control over the flow of our information, over our collective financial and personal security and over our political will – even over our capacity to find meaningful work and the freedom to raise our families in ways that encourage their development into constructive members of our commonly-held societies.

    There's nothing at all insightful, informed, fair or intelligent in his long, rambling, confused and hubristic slags against those he not-so-euphemistically labels "goys" – certainly nothing that should convince him of his own obvious belief in his own and his in-group's superiority, let alone convince us, the "goys" who suffer the barbs of his sniffling contempt, of the verisimilitude of his opinions.

    So I ask myself this: "Why is he doing this if what he's typing for public consumption only confirms our worst suspicions of collective Jewish complicity in the brutal rape of our civilization by his own in-group's leaders?

    Is he for real, and therefore a canary–in-the-coalmine/indicator of the real attitudes of the average Jew or is he an invention of his intellectual enemies who would dearly like to discredit or banish all Jewish opinion from these debates?

    I'm predisposed to think he's real.

    I'm reminded of a quote from a self-described leader of the American Jewish community back in the 1920's and 30's, Maurice Samuel:

    "We Jews, we the destroyers, will remain the destroyers forever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands. We will forever destroy because we need a world of our own, a God-world, which is not your nature to build … those of us who fail to understand that truth will always be found in alliance with your rebellious factions, until disillusionment comes, the wretched fate which scattered us through your midst has thrust this unwelcome role upon us."

    In my opinion, Angry Jew is simply another banal "Destroyer" who has had this "unwelcome role" thrust upon him.

    Poor thing.


    …Rather, poor us.

  37. TGD says:

    Kevin MacDonald wrote:

    The problem for Kinsley and like-minded people is trying to seriously rebut the claim that the socially destructive behavior of the predominantly Jewish financial elite does in fact fit a strong historic pattern of Jewish ethical behavior vis á vis the non-Jewish society — behavior that is well grounded in Jewish religious ethics.

    To illustrate the above in the non-financial sphere, there is a trial now going on in Waterloo, Iowa concerning the ultra-orthodox rabbi who was the plant manager and possible co-owner of the former Agriprocessors kosher slaughterhouse in Postville, Iowa- Sholom Rubashkin. Not only was this operation engaging in egregiously inhumane slaughter, which was condemned even by the Israeli rabbinate, but employed large numbers of illegal child immigrants in dangerous jobs. Empathy for animals and non-Jewish children are apparently not found in abundance inside the tribe. Click here for article.


Dalton's Holocaust Radio Debate on April 24, 2010:


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