
Nov 13, 2010

The fate of Christians in Iraq


Subject: The fate of Christians in Iraq

Hello Michael,

Talking about unpleasant TV appearances, George W. Bush, like a stubborn ghost will not be exorcised.
I would like to call attention to the plight of Iraqi Christians, a people who were living in country we know as Iraq almost two thousand years before the British invented it and even hundreds of years before Islam itself was invented. 
Soon, Iraqi Christians will not longer live in Iraq but on the margins of history. They will be either dead or gone forever to exile in other lands.

This is another dastardly consequence of Bush's depraved and callous destruction of Iraq under all kinds of lies and false pretenses. Other accomplices in the same Lilliputian scale of morals as Bush seconded, aided, abetted and gave material support to the evil enterprise. Tony Blair comes foremost to mind. He was treated like an errand boy by none other that one of the most notorious ignoramus ever to occupy the Oval Office, yet Tony took it all in stride for the dubious privilege of basking in the cheap reflected glory of this moral and intellectual dwarf who Americans, in their exemplary exercise of what is brandished as "democracy" (Reagan's Miracle), elected twice as their national leader and representative to the rest of the world.

The Guardian news article:

Michael Santomauro

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