
Dec 15, 2010

From jDate Blog: “Driving the Jewish Men Away”

From jDate Blog: "Driving the Jewish Men Away"


Leconte -

You make a good point in saying that Jewish men make good partners because they were raised by strong jewish women. But there are several other factors playing into why jewish men are turning away from jewish gals. First of all, these strong jewish women often make for awful wives. My mom is an amazing woman who has always done everything to make me happy. Unfortunately, she like my father is alone and miserable (divorced). My Mom is a strongly minded career women, so between that and spoiling her children, she had no time or care for my father. My father would come home from work after a 12 hour day to an unaffectionate wife, besides her lack of time, I'm not sure if she truly loved him, you see he is a Dr, and her mother said she needed to marry one of those. You see where I am going with this? To make things worse, we are now another generation removed, and Jewish girls are even more independent, unattentive, and frankly, too often shallow. A jewish boy who is not a Dr or a lawyer, dreads the "interview" we get from jewish girls, we can hear what your thinking. Admit it or not, but along with having an uncanny inclination to complain, jewish woman seem to looking to see all your weaknesses in an attempt at mating evaluation. Even if we get pass the first phase and start dating, then we are often not good enough for her family, because our financial future is less than secure, its really all quite emasculating. Now believe it or not, us jewish boys would love to marry a hot woman, you know, someone we are physically attracted to. Now try finding a hot jewish girl who is not spoiled that is willing to date someone less than a Dr. or whatever. Of course there are some hot jewish girls out there that would fit this bill, but believe me, they are rare. Say you find one, now they have to like you back, and then their family has to approve. So to a guy like me who is attempting to marry jewish, how long do we hold out for hoping to get lucky? How many sweet beautiful, loving shixas do we have to pass up on in an attempt to not "sell-out" our jewishness and keep our mothers happy. Now say you find one, guess what? Jews now have the highest divorce rates of any religious group in America, and guess who is usually filing for divorce? Yup, the woman is. From my own experience observing my mom and her group of jewish divorcees, it has a lot do with money. They talk about who got how large of a settlement, they get to keep the kids, the house, alimony etc. And when so many women choose their spouse to some degree on his status, once they have the kids, house, and the option to take half, no wonder these strong independent women want out.

People have mentioned that we dont like your strong personalities and sense of humor, they are dead wrong, we would love to have that, its just all the other BS that goes along with it. Yes, us boys spoiled by our jewish mothers do want to get doted upon occasionally, have a meal cooked occasionally, and want to be loved for who we are, not what we are. So in a way, to totally counter your point, it is our mothers that kind of make it impossible for today's American jewish girl to make us happy (if we can find one). You see we were all essentially spoiled as children, and the jewish girls i grew up with and got their BMW's at 16 want to continue getting spoiled, and have little inclination to return the favor.

Ok, I'm done with my rant now, but I wanted you to see how dismal the prospect of marrying a jewish woman seems. Personally, I am almost 30, and am looking to get married sometime soon. I will continue to look for my JAP, but at some point if I don't meet a jewish girl I would look forward to living the rest of my life with soon, Im gonna "throw in the towel" and find me a nice shixa willing to convert. Im sorry, but my own happiness is kind of important to me.

And remember! I am not saying all jewish girls fit this profile, but sadly, most do, and that's why there is so much intermarriage today. Combine that with the divorce rates of the jewish couples that do end up together, and there you have it.

Lastly, why the Asian women? They share similar values of family and education, but Asian culture has one major difference, they acknowledge that a healthy marriage means they need to make the effort to make their man happy, to prop them up instead of the sudden emasculation we often get from our jewish girls and their families. And of course we in turn will be good to them, because of how we were raised by our wonderful jewish mothers!

Michael Santomauro 
@ 917-974-6367 

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