
Jun 1, 2010

Cabbala, sex and the Jews by Joe Webb [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from ReporterNotebook included below]


By Joe Webb

May 31, 2010


Rabbi Dresner's Dilemma: Torah V. Ethnos

E. Michael Jones

Culture Wars Magazine, May, 2003 

Eros and the Jews

From Biblical Israel to Contemporary America

1992, Basic Books

David Biale 

Sigmund Freud and the Jewish Mystical Tradition

 Dover  Publications, 2004

First published in 1958  by D. Van Nostrand Company 

Reviewed by Joe Webb 

I first got interested in this theme years ago in reading Israel Shahak's treatment of Cabbala cosmogony in his book , Jewish History, Jewish Religion, a book published first in l994. ( I am using the Pluto Press publication, 1997.) Shahak is widely recognized as an Israeli expert on Zionism, Israel/Palestine, and Judaism. Cosmogony in religion is an account for the origins of the world or universe.  I start with Shahak's description because  it is essential to an understanding of this piece.  From page 32, Ch. 3: 

"The decay of monotheism [in the classical period, 1000 to 1800 AD roughly, as well as Old Testament problematics] came about through the spread of Jewish mysticism (the cabbala), which developed in the 12th and 13th centuries, and by the late 16th century had won an almost complete victory in virtually all the centres of Judaism.  The Jewish Enlightenment, which arose out of the crisis of classical Judaism, had to fight against this mysticism and its influence more than against anything else, but in latter-day Jewish Orthodoxy, especially among the rabbis, the influence of the cabbala has remained predominant. For example, the Gush Emunim  [ultra-zionist and hard core] is inspired to a great extent by cabbalistic ideas."  

"Knowledge and understanding of these ideas is therefore important for two reasons.  First, without it one cannot understand the true beliefs of Judaism at the end of its classical period.  Secondly, these ideas play an important contemporary political role, inasmuch as they form part of the explicit system of beliefs of many religious politicians, including most leaders of Gush Emunim, and have an indirect influence on many zionist leaders of all parties, including the zionist left."  

The following is very important, because it provides the religious cosmogony of the Beginning of the world, per Cabbala.  

"According to the cabbala, the universe is ruled not by one god but by several deities, of various characters and influences, emanated by a dim, distant First Cause. Omitting many details, one can summarize the system as follows.  From the First Cause, first a male god called Wisdom, or 'Father' and then  a female goddess called 'Knowledge" or 'Mother' were emanated or born. From the marriage of these two, a pair of younger gods were born: Son, also called by many other names such as 'Small Face' or the 'Holy Blessed One'; and Daughter, also called 'Lady' (or 'Matronit', a word derived from Latin), 'Shekhinah', Queen', and so on.  These two younger gods should be united, but their union is prevented by the machinations of Satan, who in this system is a very important and independent personage.  The Creation was undertaken by the First Cause in order to allow them to unite, but because of the Fall they became more disunited than ever, and indeed Satan has managed to come very close to the divine Daughter and even to rape her (either seemingly or in fact - opinions differ on this). The creation of the Jewish people was undertaken in order to mend the break caused by Adam and Eve, and under Mount Sinai this was for a moment achieved:  the male god Son, incarnated in Moses, was united with the goddess Shekhinah. Unfortunately, the sin of the Golden Calf again caused disunity in the godhead: but the repentance of the Jewish people has mended matters to some extent.  Similarly, each incident of biblical Jewish history is believed to be associated with the union or disunion of the divine pair.  The Jewish conquest of Palestine from the Canaanites and the building of the first and second Temple are particularly propitious for their union, while the destruction of the Temples and exile of the Jews from the Holy Land are merely external signs not only of the divine disunion but also of a real 'whoring after strange gods': Daughter falls closely into the power of Satan, while Son takes various female satanic personages to his bed, instead of his proper wife."  

"The duty of pious Jews us to restore through their prayers and religious acts the perfect divine unity, in the form of sexual union, between the male and female deities. Thus before most ritual acts, which every devout Jew has to perform many times each day, the following cabbalistic formula is recited:  'For the sake of the [sexual][Shahak's brackets] congress of the Holy Blessed One and  his Shekhinah...'  The Jewish morning prayers are also arranged so as to promote this sexual union, if only temporarily.  Successive parts of the prayer mystically correspond to successive stages of the union; at one point the goddess approaches with her handmaidens, at another the god puts his arm around her neck and fondles her breast, and finally the sexual act is supposed to take place."  

In Culture Wars, in May 2003, E. Michael Jones reviews a book by Rabbi Dresner called, Can Families Survive in Pagan America?.  Dresner states that Woody Allen has had "a persistent fascination" with incest and has been in psychoanalysis for 30 years.  The rabbi remarks on this incest theme in Allen's life and movies. 



I quote from E. Michael Jones' Culture Wars article above, p. 10-11:


"Freud too [following rabbi Dresner's remarks on Woody Allen's 'persistent fascination' with incest] was obsessed with incest.  In his book Moses and Monotheism, Freud makes clear that, as in the case of the Pharoh of Egypt, incest confers god-like status on its perpetrators.  In the same book, Freud also claims that Moses was an Egyptian, in an attempt to de-legitimize the man who gave the law to Israel.  David Bakan has written a book commenting on these passages in which he claims that Freud was a follower of the Jewish false Messiah Sabbatai Zevi and that his attack on Moses was really an attempt to abolish the law in the same way that Zevi did, which is to say through ritual impurity.   'They', Dresner tells us, 'conjure up painful memories of the infamous seventeenth century false messiah Sabbatai Tzvi [variant spelling] or his successor Jacob Frank.  Their coming was to mark a new age when the rule of Torah was to be superseded-'What was forbidden is now permitted'-and transgressions would become a mitzvot (p. 160) "


Read again the first few sentences from Israel Shahak quoted above in which Shahak emphasizes that Cabbala had virtually taken over Judaism by the late 16th century.  One has to try to understand why such extreme/fantastical beliefs emerge anywhere, especially with the Jews.


"'For those who seek the forbidden in Jewish guise,' [rabbi] Dresner continues, 'Sabbatianism points the way.' This is so because it gets to the very heart of Judaism, a religion according to Dresner, which was forged in opposition to the fertility cults of Canaan and the rest of the ancient middle east.  'In biblical times,' Dresner continues, 'Judaism waged a battle against sexual excess not unlike the struggle now in progress-and in those earlier times, Mosaic law was victorious. Unbridled sexuality lay at the heart of ancient pagan religion' (p. 66). In Dresner's view, Jewish history is one long battle against sexual deviance. 'The early biblical narratives can be read as a continuous attack on the widespread sexual deviance that challenged and often seduced the Israelite, whose fallings away Scripture scrupulously records' (p. 82).  What crime was so great that it provoked God to destroy mankind, except for Noah and his family,with a flood?  'According to the most ancient understanding of the biblical story found in in rabbinic sources, it was the violation of the natural order of sexual life' (p. 83).  "God," Dresner says at another point is 'long suffering of all manner of crime, save sexual immorality' (p. 85)."


E Michael Jones then continues  rabbi Dresner's analysis with a discussion of the East European Jews (80% of them from Poland's shtetls ,untouched more or less, by Modernity, arriving in the U.S. to an unfriendly reception and  confronting a new enemy. He discusses the Jewish novelist I. B. Singer and notes Singer's 'fascination with Sabbatianism'.  'I read whatever I could', Singer writes, 'about the era of Sabbati Zevi, in whose footsteps Jacob Frank had followed...In these works I found everything I had been pondering, hysteria, sex, fanaticism' (p. 184).


Rabbi Dresner claims that Shabbetai Zevi and Jacob Frank, a similar, as profoundly influencing Jews of today. Zevi sees I.B. Singer's work as pivotal, and Singer is widely read by Jews and gentiles today.  (It was college reading for myself.)  Dresner: "'The corruption, the adultery, the demonic, the philandering, the decay, the perversion that pervades Singer's picture of Polish Jewry-is it all true, and if it is not  'true', then why has someone not said so?' (p. 177).  The silence of American Jews over Singer and [Woody] Allen indicates ambivalence, which is to say, 'their secret desire to repudiate the moral direction of three thousand years of Jewish history in favor of the worship of sensuality and fear of the demonic,...finding meaning in their animal nature instead of in the power of man to transcend himself.'  American Jews have embraced Singer's writings, 'because they express what Jews secretly desire.'  And what is that? Sexual liberation in Jewish garb, which is to say, Sabbatianism, which is, according to Dresner, 'the one movement in Jewish history that not only broke the moral yoke of Sinai but provided a theological justification for it: 'in the transgression of the mitzvah.'


(One could and discuss contemporary American Jewish novels as expressions of Sabbatianism, that is, a "perverse"  sexual interest to the exclusion of other themes.)


Dresner  states that this  revival of Sabbatianism amongst 20th century Jews represents '...a new and frightening drama in Jewish life'. "Dresner, as well as Heschel and a number of other yiddish writers familiar with the situation in Poland before World War 11, considered Singers' writings one long calumny of eastern European Jews.  If this is so, why are American Jews so interested in promoting the calumny?"


Because American Jews can then just lustilyy hustle down the primrose path of sexual deviance...they did it, and so can we!  Dresner cites surveys that indicate that "...the overwhelming majority of American Jews ...have defined themselves as sexual revolutionaries....and because of the disproportionate role which Jews play in publishing and the media, they have,in effect, established Sabbatian sexual degeneracy as the American cultural norm." (p. 13).


Rabbi Dresner then describes Hollywood as Jewish, corrupt, and corrupting of America; pornograhy as pioneered and dominated by Jews. Long lists of Jewish names are identified in the pornography business (p. 14-15). Various apologists like Abraham Foxman are cited as evidence that the Jewish community does not reject porn. Hugh Hefner of Playboy magazine got the ADL's freedom award in 1980.


E. Michael Jones argument continues and develops the theme of Jews as a hostile elite and subversive of U.S. culture.  Jewish communism was an attack on the West thru subverting the working classes, and now cultural subversion is the name of the game, and sexual deviance is the chief weapon.  Intellectually, it was Wilhelm Reich and Herbert Marcuse, and Freud somewhat, who spun theories of sexual deviance as the means to personal happiness. This falls into the category of "expressive individualism" per Kevin MacDonald, which has been fostered by all forms of cultural bolshevism over the last half-century or so.


However, the central question of rabbi Dresner has not been answered.  How did shtetl Jews from Poland get corrupted if the novelist I.B. Singer is wrong about life in the shtetl, per the above?  If Sabbatianism was very strong , per Israel Shahak, in the late 16th century, how strong was it in the 19th century?  If it was not strong in the 19th century and therefore did not much , if at all, influence the Jewish emigrants to the U.S. then what happened to cause the sexual degeneracy?


E, Michael Jones and rabbi Dresner do not answer the question although the idea of cultural subversion is suggested:


Jones states "The connection between Jews and pornography is like the connection between Jews and Bolshevism. Both are forms of revolutionary activity, ultimately traceable to Jewish concepts that have been secularized.  Jews became involved in pornography for reasons similar to why they become involved in Communism, which is to say, not just because they happened to be Jews but because being Jewish as they and Sabbatai Zevi and Wilhelm Reich defined it found logical expression in producing pornography as a form of cultural warfare through moral subversion...Jews were the vanguard of revolutionary activity in Russia, so they are in the vanguard of sexual revolution in the US." Once Judaism was rejected as religion, Chosen People was easily morphed into Vanguard Party in communism (something that I have observed myself) (p. 19 ibid.)


Now that is a very large mouthful.  To say that Reich and Zevi "defined" Jewishness in such and such away, is one thing.  To say, that "logical expression" of this Jewishness extended to intentional cultural subversion is another. Maybe Zevi consciously  saw his actions as cynical, but I doubt it.  Wilhelm Reich did NOT see his actions as a cynical weapon deployed against Western civilization.  He believed in his nonsense. He believed that the "function of the orgasm" was a key ingredient of mental health, and that a relaxed sexual morality would be liberating for Jews and non-Jews, or at least that is my reading of him from years ago. That sexual liberation is a profound snare is another matter: it is not liberation, it is bondage.


Finally, it is worth thinking about pastoralism, the raising of animals, as opposed to agrarianism. If you are a farmer, you are busy all the time. If you raise animals, you have spare time and idle hands will do the devil's work.  Also, animal reproduction is highly important in terms of eugenics.  Watching animals mate, grow, reproduce is not the same Fundamental Experience as observing crops.  Ancient Israelis were primarily pastoralists, just as were the Arabs, and it appears that Arabs today have similar obsessions around sexuality, if expressed very differently


Shahak describes cabbala rituals involving sexual congress for Jewish men and women in pursuit of assisting the Shekhinah and her brother, Son, to reunite sexually, and thus to tikkun (heal) the world. 
Rabbi Dresner is concerned with Jewish sexual degeneracy as he sees it, in the Sexual Revolution of the '60s, and especially the prominent Jewish role in it. Dresner focuses on Woody Allen , the actor, and I.B. Singer, the novelist as exemplars of sexual degeneracy. He also sees Hollywood as at the center of the scene of the crime. His reviewer, E. Michael Jones of Culture Wars, remarks that Hollywood was always Jewish, and also always sexually corrupt. (p. 5 of his review in Culture Wars.) The Catholic Church managed to contain the captains of smut in 1934 and negotiated a "Production Code" after a successful Catholic organized boycott of movie theatres. The man who ran this Production Code, was Joseph Breen, who described Hollywood as "vile….debauched…perverted…[and] 95% Jews of Eastern European lineage." (p. 6, Ibid.). 
Dresner and Jones remark on the heavy involvement of Jews in pornography, both in the business end and in acting. Long lists of Jewish names are presented to the reader, sort of like a Who's Who of porn, similar to jewish media ownership.  Dresner's claim that the Cabbala and the Jewish heretic Sabbatai Zevi loom large in contemporary Jewish sexual subversion is of note. The question of how much Freud was influenced by cabbala is my particular interest. Then the question of Jewish intentional subversion of White sexual norms for the purpose of destruction of White culture , versus a more benign intention to sexually liberate White culture is therefore worth considering.  
Finally, it is not clear to me that Woody Allen 's males, or Seinfeld, or Phillip Roth's Portnoy, are honestly offered up as archetypal Jewish neurotics, bunglers, and sexual wimps. These portrayals may be more Jewish deception because it is my personal observation over many years that Jews, male and female, are anything but wimps. They are, instead, aggressive and doggedly determined, chutzpahed, and gonad-driven hustlers.  

Cabbala, Sabbatianism, Sex and God 


I turn now to Eros and the Jews, by David Biale, a gold mine for understanding Jewish sexuality in the context of religion. First let it be clearly stated that Talmudic Judaism was and is relatively conservative, which does not mean that one can give the Talmud a pass, especially in the context of permitted sex with children. However, in focusing on the bizarre aspects of Jewish religion and sexuality, I want to relate this theme to Freud and his psycho-sexual cosmogony, which was and is, totally without empirical and scientific validation. (The reader is alerted to Frederick Crews' work in this regard about a dozen years ago.) David Biale is sympathetic to Freud, and to Cabbala, and apparently to the alleged liberating character of unconstrained sexuality.


The following quote is from a Jewish scholarly source contained in footnote 1, p. 121 of Biale's Eros and the Jews: 
"The Hassidim commit the sin of involuntary ejaculation [a sin because the seed is wasted] at all times during their prayer, for they deliberately give themselves erections during prayer according to the commandment of Rabbi Israel Baal Shem [the founder of Hasidism], who said to them that just as one who engages in intercourse with an impotent organ cannot give birth, so one should be potent at the time of prayer and, in prayer, it is necessary to unite [sexually] with the Shekhinah [the female emanation of God]. It is therefore necessary to move back and forth as in the act of intercourse." 

The above quote describing the Hasidic prayerful ejaculations, not from the mouth, in furtherance of heavenly coition , itself in furtherance of peace on earth, or if not peace then orgasmic happiness for the Jews, illustrates that the Divine-Earthly connection through sex was still alive in the first half of the 19th century, at least per Bialy. He further remarks that his interest "…is in its [Hasidism] first fifty or seventy–five years , when it revolutionized attitudes toward sexuality within broad sectors of the Ashkenazic culture of Eastern Europe." (p. 123, ibid.). This would take us well into the 19th century. 
A resurgence of Sabbatianism had occurred in the 1750s with Jacob Frank and his followers in Poland. "The Frankists were accused of sexual excesses not unlike those attributed to the Hasidim. According to testimony brought before a rabbinic court in Satanow, the group danced around naked women, kissing their breasts." (p. 124, ibid.) Bialy does not know whether this was true, but comments that it testifies at least to the sexual obsessions of the time. 
Another ascetic reaction to the Hasidism of Baal Shem Tov set in around 1800. Endless rabbinic agonizing over copulation for God is described in Bialy. The act of sexual intercourse is subjected to various demands, including that one feel no pleasure, that women of course are very dangerous, celibacy is embraced within marriage by some, and one zealot claimed that his son was "….born by the word." (p. 138, ibid.)  

The swaying of Orthodox Jews at study in the yeshiva is thus a recapitulation of this practice. Many more delicious quotes from Biale's study could be offered here, but instead I suggest reading it for yourself as it is a page- turner. Bialy's book is a marvelously researched and seemingly exhaustive study, if "exhaustive" is at all possible with regard to rabbinic discourse. Instead of summarizing his discussion of what he calls the dialectics of Jewish religious thinking and practice, I will only remark the history of the steamier side of Jewish experience and remind the reader again that there was always a conservative and restrained religious and sexual impulse, per David Biale. 
Paraphrasing from Bialy, in the 1660s a messianic movement developed in Jerusalem around the cultic figure of Sabbatai Zevi. Cabbala had been around since the 1200s and had usually tilted toward the ascetic side of things. This is what Bialy means by "dialectic"….he seems to enjoy the somewhat Marxist lingo. The dialectic swings between asceticism and the Dionysian. So, Zevi may or may not have been an ascetic, but he became notorious for introducing "redemption through sin", which meant of course transgression of Jewish Law. So, sin of course must start with sexual sin as the premier sin, the most fun, and the most likely to boomerang on one in various ways, which has its religious uses as well, and he and his followers, particularly those who came later associated with the Frankists, are alleged to have pulled out all the stops, including "the prohibitions on incest.": 
"The patriarchs came into the world to repair the senses and this they did to four of them. Then came Sabbatai Zevi and repaired the fifth, the sense of touch, which according to Aristotle and Maimonides is a source of shame to us, but which now has been raised by him to a place of honor and glory." (p. 119, ibid.) 
Biale quotes approvingly the remarks of Gershom Scholem, the biographer of Zevi. Israel Shahak states that Scholem is basically a bowdlerizer. This would suggest that Scholem's job is to sanitize Zevi, if that be the appropriate term. Bialy finishes his discussion on Sabbatianism by remarking that it died out.and was replaced by earlier forms of Cabbala which stressed asceticism. 
Toward the end of the 18th century, and the beginning of the 19th century, Hasidism, "…the pietistic movement that was sweeping the Jewish communities of Eastern Europe…" (p. 121, ibid.) took on Sabbatian overtones if not its basic character. This is important because it helps to address the question of what was actually going on with Jews in the 19th century per Rabbi Dresner's query: Is the novelist I.B. Singer correct that 19th century Jews were dissolute in their sexuality, or is this a calumny? 
Biale continually remarks the 'dialectics' of sex, the pendulum that swings from one extreme of sex with Goddess/Shekhinah, in prayer, to the other pole of sex transmuted into a purified passionate love of God but which is still imagined as erotic. "In particular, unification with the Shekhinah seems virtually equivalent to orgasm—orgasm associated with death…" (p.144, ibid.) 
What followed the Hasidic movement was the Jewish Enlightenment which began in the early 19th century and was triggered by the gentile Enlightenment. 
"In Eastern Europe, where the much larger Jewish population [as opposed to Jews in Germany] was not emancipated until the Russian Revolution of 1917…" the Haskalah, or Jewish Enlightenment , was small and of very limited extent.   (This perhaps reveals  Biale's attachment to the Bolshevik revolution which made anti-semitism a capital offense.)


The Maskalim ( Haskalah intellectuals and activists) demanded modernization a la the White West. The Jewish Family had to be transformed into something like the Western bourgeois family. These theorists of Haskalah thought that "….the traditional [Jewish] discourse on sexuality appeared to reflect an unhealthy obsession that needed to be tamed by the new bourgeois sobriety." (p. 151, ibid.) 
Thus, the Jewish 19th century in Eastern Europe becomes contested terrain by very different Jewish religious and secular groups.  Suffice to say now that Bialy states that the Haskalah came late to East European Jews, about 50 to 75 years later than in Germany, and was relatively small in effect. It was not until "…the last third of the 19th century…" that Haskalah had penetrated to some degree these East European Jews, and that was in tandem with modern revolutionary ideas. The Modernism of revolutionary ideas brought with it ideas of sexual revolution as well. Revolutionary Sex in Socialist ideas, Zionism, and Freud will be discussed below. 


 To make it very clear, there are non-erotic traditions in Judaism as well. But my primary interest is the historical background for Freud's sexual cosmogony, which appears to be solidly rooted in Cabbala  sexual obsession.




Hasidism and Haskalah as contenders for the Jewish mind in 19th century Eastern Europe


Hasidism had continued the theme of Sabbatian sexual mysticism in Cabbala well into the 19th century. Per Biale's remarks that Eastern European Jews were not emancipated until the Russian Revolution of 1917, the westernizing and secularizing of Haskalah therefore could not have had much effect amongst (perhaps he contradicts himself ) East  European Jews, despite his claim on p. 151 that Haskalah did have a large degree of acceptance in the East. What remains problematic is the balance of forces within Hasidism itself since it contained both pietistic and cabbalistic tendencies as well as asceticism.


What are we to think? Bialy describes Haskalah thinkers and activists called Maskilim as attempting to modernize marriage practices and prevent child marriage amongst the Jews. At great length he describes Maskilim outrage at child marriage and its sexual assault on children. Maskalim also objected to the commercial nature of arranged marriage. "Their solution to what they saw as the promiscuity and sexual dysfunction of traditional Jewish society was the imposition of bourgeois constraints upon desire." (p. 161, ibid). There we have it again, the explicit comment on 19th century Jewish "promiscuity", etc.


"The Maskilim saw themselves as an isolated and embattled group of rebels in a world still mired in traditional practices, a world in which romantic love and free choice in marriage were alien ideals." (p. 161, ibid.) He links arranged marriage to randy tendencies , like the use of prostitutes; "In the Russian census of 1897, there were 44 Jewish prostitutes for every hundred thousand women, the highest proportion of any ethnic group." (p. 163, ibid.) The Western idea of romantic love was tied to "bourgeois" values and began to gain currency. Nevertheless, "Although the Maskilim painted a bleak portrait of traditional [jewish] society as devoid of any romance, that society was already undergoing changes under the surface that made it increasingly receptive to Haskalah values." (p. 167-8, ibid.)


Biale then reviews writers of Turn of the Century, which gets us into the 20th century and its introduction of East European Jews into the U.S. and Palestine. "They [Jewish writers of this time] concurred with the Haskalah belief that love and erotic fulfillment were, by definition, foreign to traditional Jewish culture."(p. 168, ibid.) Caballa is alive and well in some of this literature. Zionism became infused with this angst of sexual frustration. Likewise the modernist revolutionary movements of Socialism and later, Communism were subject to the sexual anxieties of Jews. "Anti-Semitism" fed this relative despair, says Biale, and we will find in the work of the later Frankfurt School of Jewish marxists, the frank claim that anti-semitism is rooted in the sexual neuroticism of gentiles. This is to be found in Wilhelm Reich's Mass Psychology of Fascism and elsewhere amongst the Frankfurt School. The putative "authoritarianism" of the gentiles is, of course, located in their sexual neuroticism. That this is psychological projection on the part of the Jewish psyche is apparent when one considers the extreme authoritarianism of Jewish history, their worship of rabbis as semi-gods, their hatred of gentiles, and the consequent psychological symmetry of scapegoating with extreme ethnocentrism. . That anti-semitism could be the result of simpler psychodynamics, like reaction to Jewish hatreds of gentiles and Christianity, resource competition, and actual Jewish behavior, has not apparently occurred to any of these folks, including David Biale.


The writers of this period "…became canonized by Zionist culture as the spokesmen of a new national movement…it is enough that writers and readers believed that these [sexual] difficultiescharacterized their generation and that they provided the psychological key to the powerlessness of the Jews." (p. 172, ibid.)


"Zionism as an Erotic Revolution " (p. 176, ibid. )


In 1932, "Magnus Hirschfeld, the German Jewish "sexologist" and campaigner for homosexual rights, visited Palestine and reported …":


"In their simple dress—hatless, bare-necked and with bare legs—in the ingenuousness of their manner…[they] seem so full of joy, strength and affirmation of life that they seem to have overcome all the repressions and unconscious feelings of erotic inferiority frequently found at this age." (p. 176, ibid.)


This gushing sentiment was typical of Zionists and is striking in its psychoanalytic innocence; its context is the Zionist mythology of back to the land, physicality, hard work, and the overcoming of traditional Jewish lack of muscularity. Zionism "…sought to transform the Jewish body itself, and especially the sexual body…[it] promised an erotic revolution for the Jews: the creation of a virile New Hebrew Man…"(p. 176, ibid.) This of course reminds us of the New Soviet Man of the USSR, the brainchild of the soviet biologist Lysenko, and , the Lamarckian heresy of immediate genetic revolutionary change through the fashioning of a new non-exploitative environment. (Let us note ,just for now, that Freud was a Lamarckian, one of his many narcissistic flights from reason and science.)


Darwinian Evolution is "environmentalist" but its temporal context is numbered in millennia, not one generation. Needless to say, the Zionist erotic revolution ran into some problems but Biale states that the Myth of Sexual Liberation remains part of the "…collective memory that serves to this day as the ambiguous myth of the origins of modern Israel. " (p. 177, ibid.)


Judaism with Muscle


"Judaism with muscles" was the theme of many writers of this time. The phrase came Max Nordau, a friend of Herzl and a Zionist . Sports were celebrated in the kind of hard-bodies way of today, and this muscularity was also part of a wider intellectual and social movement which was a consequence of vitalistic and nationalistic ideas of the time. The German Youth Movement was part of this cultural milieu.


"The belief that Jews were especially "degenerate" was a favorite theme of modern anti-Semitism and was frequently linked to the accusation of Jewish hypersexuality, which posed a purported threat to the purity of the "Aryan" race." (p. 179, ibid.) At least one Zionist and Jewish M.D. agreed that Jews were more psychologically disturbed than gentiles and took not a racial but a social view that Jews were a minority and had a skewed occupational structure which resulted in late marriage. This late marriage led to sex problems, etc. The solution was a state of their own. Franz Rosenzweig took a very interesting position on this part of the Jewish Problem. Rosenzweig was an anti-zionist Jewish theologian who argued that the Jews were a "… "blood" community of procreation, as opposed to Christianity, which is a faith community of proselytism." He further was "…engaged in a desperate polemic against the mounting assimilation and intermarriage of the Weimar Jews." (p. 180, ibid.)   Rosenzweig's "blood community of procreation"  easily lends itself to obsession with sex. (It cannot be overemphasized that "Blood Community" or a "racial discourse" will always run the risk of  Biologism, an extreme emphasis on biology to the exclusion of cultural themes.)


Rosenzweig's views of course are very interesting because here was a frank "blood and soil" argument for which fascist movements were condemned by Jews and Liberals and Leftists, then and now. Another Jewish writer, Hans Goslar, wrote The Sexual Ethic of Jewish Rebirth… which claimed that Jews were more sexual than gentiles because of their genetic historical appearance in a region of warm climate. He also claimed that Jews entered puberty earlier than Germans (which is unlikely given the biological relationship of puberty and IQ per Philippe Rushton, et al, that high IQ is related to late onset of puberty, not early onset. However, it is possible that Jews do have a kind of hypersexuality which is biologically based. (We know that larger genitalia correlate with more sex drive, again per Rushton, et al, and I read just recently that women with large breasts are more sexually active then women with small breasts. That is not surprising given the logic of associating large gonads with more testosterone or estrogen. Jewish women at least have the apparent phenotype of larger breasts than gentile women. Phenotype following largely genotype, it is not illogical to tentatively conjecture hypersexuality amongst Jews. Also Jewish men are overrepresented in pornography. And, ditto Jewish women if we credit the above Rabbi Dresner and E. Michael Jones' remarks above.)


Bialecontinues this marvelous discourse on early 20th century Jewish sexual, religious , and national experience. Labor was eroticized, the land of Israel was eroticized. "The image of the Arab as a sensual savage played a key role in this mythology." (p. 183, ibid.) This can be compared to later Jewish romanticization of the crude sexuality of Blacks in America. To the extent that socialist ideas penetrated Zionism, and that was a small and early extinguished tendency, per Ze'ev Sternhell in his Founding Myths of Israel, socialist ideas usually contained elements of sexual freedom/liberation as well. With or without socialist ideas, sexual ideation remained at the center of Zionism. The Zionist New Man haunts the Zionist literature.


One such haunted male was Meir Yaari, who despite his sexual angst managed to live one hundred years and only died in 1987. He wrote about communal life in the Third Aliyah, the third wave of "pilgrimage" to Zion. He had an "erotic ideology of the commune. The commune cannot exist without a deeper connection between its members." (p. 185-6, ibid.) This material reads like the adolescent tracts of our own time times from hippies, free-lovers, back -to -the –landers and assorted utopians, although the erotic element is much more pronounced. Yaari promoted a "Dionysian religion of nature…[fueled by] the sexual act…" (p. 186, ibid.).


Comically enough Yaari was frustrated by the refusal of "…the women in the group who were not ready to undertake the new erotic life of the commune…In the final analysis , [women] say, you cannot change your nature and your instincts." (Yaari, same page.) Biale describes another commune wherein women numbered 4, and only 2 of them attracted the erotic attention of 24 men. Great Stuff! More Frustration for Jewish men! One woman diarized that the men had only one standard of beauty and that that standard was the one that got the erotic attention.


The "Blood Community " of the Zionists was even associated with Ezekiel 16, wherein God weds Israel, metaphorically wallowing in the blood of childbirth. Blood and Soil from Volkisch German thinking is part of the Zionist language. Of course, the Nazis "corrupted" (p. 189, ibid.) it, but it was good for the Jews to employ such blood and soil lingo to build Israel.


Jabotinsky, the extreme folkish Zionist also deployed sexual language. In his novel Samson, Jabotinsky described bare- breasted Palestinian women in exceedingly positive terms…as healthy and vigorous. In this connection I seem to recall a similar incident wherein the Lion of Judah, Ariel Sharon, remarked the tribal communal eating of food by hand of Berber  tribesmen , as exemplary for the Jews. This is Community, this is communal mental health. This is the natural blood and soil community.


"The myth (if not the reality, per Biale) of the Second and Third Aliyot (colonization of Palestine, which word is not to any zionist's tastes) movements of sexual liberation was to persist and to shape the image of the founders of Israel." (p. 192, ibid.). He concludes by stating that sexual liberation remains an anxiety of Ashkenazim in Israel, and that the Mizrahim, arab jews, will have none of it, strangely enough. Thus, the Ashkenazim remain troubled and perhaps troubling to the people who surround them, whether non-Ashkenazim in Israel, or in the diaspora.


Of very great import, is Bialy's neglect , or refusal, to continue his theme into Freud and Psychoanalysis, which of course held the commanding heights in the last half, at least , of the 20th century in the U.S. and to a lesser extent, in Europe, in psychology and psychiatry. Psychoanalysis was one of three pseudo-intellectual Jewish fortifications from which attacks were launched against the White West. The other two were Marxism and Cultural Anthropology. Marxism challenged the class structure and inequality of the West, and Cultural Anthropology overthrew the earlier physical anthropology of the U.S. and Europe, which asserted a Darwinist racialism of inequality of races as well as individual inequality.


That all three of these Jewish challenges indicted the entire history of the West, beginning with Greece and Rome, and earlier, is clear. That Jewish sexual obsession is part of this challenge is not completely clear to most observers, and that mass society today is oblivious to these challenges is beyond doubt. In fact the pop singer Madonna manages to combine in her very name an insult to Christianity, and in her pop -conversion to Cabbala indicates the success of Jewish sexual subversion of popular culture.


Biale's deception and self-deception with regard to the present.


Biale has written a very useful book with regard to a Jewish history of sexuality and  Judaism. However, when he comes to the present, he swerves sharply away from the signal reality of the Jewish Frankfurt School and Freud and their sexual and political obsessions.  He finishes his book with a look at the present which in his mind is represented by various  Jewish literary works. His obvious attachment to psychoanalytic ideas and to the Jewish preoccupation with sex, particularly in Cabbala and Hasidic traditions, somehow perhaps "unconsciously" ( a word he uses frequently) does not allow him to deal with the very large intellectual movement of the Frankfurt School, which basically attempted a combination of Marxism and Psychoanalysis.    It is very odd indeed that he avoids this very powerful intellectual and political movement especially since it arguably was the catalyst, if not the prime mover in the sexual revolution of the '60s.


He reviews  the myth of an "erotic Israel" … Zionism as  sexual liberation,  and the Jewish  novels  of today, especially Portnoy's Complaint, by Phillip Roth.  Oddly,  while Biale is a professional academic historian  he states:"….we shall deal not with social reality but with cultural constructions, with how Jews have imagined and construed their sexuality." (p. 208, ibid.) This is very odd indeed.  He also takes a "Culturalist" view in the extreme:  "discourse creates desire" ( same page).   Of course it is a standard intellectual position of Jews to refuse biological explanations, because biology leads to "race" and that makes Jews very uncomfortable indeed.


"The Jew as hypersexual was, of course, a stock-in-trade of racial anti-Semitism, which cultivated a paranoia that Jewish rapists threaten the purity of Christian women, and through them, Christian society as a whole."  (p. 206, ibid).   Uh-huh. Woody Allen represent the sexual shlemiel,  the Jew who can have guilt without sex.  "Comedy is , of course, one of the most powerful weapons in the arsenal of a minority trying to carve out a place in a majority culture…the distancing afforded by comedy can at once relieve anxiety and win over a potentially hostile gentile audience." Now that is a mouthful of profundity.  When the goy can laugh at the Jew and see his own sexual neurosis  in the Jew, then the goy can be charmed into seeing the Jew as just another fuc-up just like himself  and other Whites. Thus,  Jews are the boys and girls next door. Let me point out that the political and social function of Woody Allen and Seinfeld and Portnoy, et al, (though not all of Roth's novels are Jewish propaganda, for example, Operation Shylock), is to render the Jews harmless, just befuddled, and a bit more so than us goys.   Whites can laugh at them and feel superior.   As I remarked earlier, my personal experience with Jewish men and women is far from Woody Allen's sexual shlemiels.  They are , instead , very aggressive sexually just as their aggression is manifest in virtually all contexts.  This "Woody Allen" Narrative,  I suggest , is more Jewish deception , a veil pulled over the actual sexual behavior of Jews.


Biale  titles  a section : "Jewish Theologies of Erotic Health," and remarks a few contemporary Jewish writers like Martin Buber and a few other obscure (to me) Jewish  religious writers.  He then  takes a few obligatory bows to feminism,  a few remarks on Lenny Bruce, the comic : "Jews, Bruce declares, have no concept of obscene words or pornography because they put no value on celibacy." (p. 217, ibid.).   Bruce  was a Jewish heretic, "Goddamn Israel and its bond drives…Goddamn the priests and the rabbis." (same page).  (Well, whatever Bruce was,  he was another Jewish wise guy with lots of contempt for everything, which of course, is cultural subversion of the (then) dominant White culture and,  insolence fueled by an adolescent Jewish beatnik sensibility… of everything White, and , for that matter, perhaps Jewish as well.  Is there nihilism there as well?   Drugs follow Bruce of course, and premature death.  The whole beatnik San Francisco scene should be seen in the context of Jewish subversion,  Allen Ginsberg, Lawrence Ferlenghetti, etc.)


Various Jewish authors are remarked for their polemics on Jewish sexual purity, as contrasted with goyish impurity.  Malamud, Doctorow, Bellow, all attempt to bend the stick in the other direction…Jews as victims of horny whites.  Then Biale returns to the theme of Jewish "hypersexuality" with more remarks on I.B. Singer, the novelist of 19th century eastern European Jewish sexual shenanigans.  Singer reprises Sabbatai Zevi in one of his characters.  Cabbalistic texts are resurrected.  "Singer goes beyond a mere tale of adultery to construct a fictional Jewish universe in which demonology and sexual libertinism feed on each other. (p. 223, ibid.)


"The dialectic of American Jewish culture demonstrates that the struggle around the question of sexuality continues unabated…the stereotypes that have been the subject of this chapter are still powerful and persistent: erotic liberation remains the unfinished business of contemporary Jewish culture." (p, 227


Creating Jewish Desire


Concluding my remarks on Bialy's Eros and the Jews, Bialy ends his study with the usual post-modern culturist arguments which include a psychological pulling-up-with –one's-own-bootstraps  one's sexual identity, as if genes were the black sheep of the human family and not entitled entrance to the  house except by the back-door and then hidden away in a back room.  His title for his concluding  remarks, is "Creating Desire:….I believe that the very future of the Jews may depend on whether they can create erotic self-images that are as compelling as their images of either the non-Jew or the Jews of another time or place…[that] who is eroticized and who is not are determined  almost unconsciously….[that]  Israeli culture…" must come to terms with its  "…own ambiguous past."  


"…intermarriage has it own unique dimensions [what dimensions pray tell?]…I believe that the Jews have always had to struggle with the attractions of the erotic Other, never fully succumbing to the temptation but neither ever able to ignore it." Jews should "…explore the multiplicity of desires….the polarities of male and female sexuality should no longer confine our imagination…"  Homosexuality and gender bending bi-sexuality  is recommended. (p. 229-30, ibid.)   This remark reminds me of his earlier claim that ancient  Jewry was contending with the 'fertility cults' of the Canaanites, and that Jews of course were not an ancient fertility cult. Arguably Jews are and have been a fertility cult, right up to the present, a natural outcome, perhaps, of  a numerically very small tribe attempting to construct an evolutionary group strategy per Kevin MacDonald, to survive and compete against hostile, Others..  (Of course,  the last few decades have seen the fertility of Whites decline in numbers sufficient to guarantee White demographic oblivion in just a few hundred years, other factors notwithstanding.  Whites could take a few pages from the Jews in this regard.)


One can observe  the turgidity of his  prose and conclude that post-modernism can be debited for this silliness, or one can  simply argue that this is standard Jewish  deceptive  and self-deceptive discourse only dressed up in more fashionable garb of po-mo relativism.  Of course, beginning and ending an essay or a study is always difficult.  Biale can be forgiven his ending with post-modernist goop  because the book is full of erudition and historical fact.  


However, he has managed to evade the Frankfurt's School's sex obsessed writers and, he has managed to avoid a discussion of Freud, which is very weird indeed. To Freud I now turn, and will use David Bakan's 1958 Sigmund Freud and the Jewish Mystical Tradition.


Freud and Caballa compared


First, let it be clearly remarked that David Bakan is a friendly witness with regard to Freud.  (Of course, a putatively friendly witness, when unguided and untethered by a good lawyer, can create some unintended mischief. )


Freud was intensely identified as a Jew.  That is well known and will not be addressed here. "…Jewish mystical thought was in the air in those parts of Europe from which his parents and large proportions of the Jews of Vienna came.   Jewish mystical thought was largely embedded in the common oral expression of the Jews." (Bakan, ibid, p. x.)  Please recall the earlier remarks of Israel Shahak , Rabbi Dresner, E. Michael Jones, and David Bialewith regard to the 17th, 18th and 19th century penetration of east European Jewry by Hasidism and its Cabbalistic  sexual preoccupation, especially its magical and mystical/religious expressions.


"In  attempting to understand the development of psychoanalysis as an expression of Jewish mysticism, it has been our endeavor to emphasize, the word mysticism as much as the word Jewish .  Jewish mysticism was undoubtedly the major vehicle of transmission." This statement is not clear, but Bakan continues by claiming a "…certain perceptual and emotional readiness…" in Freud as he encounters his world.  (p. xi, ibid.).


Bakin stares his own sympathies  for mysticism: "…within mysticism there is a depth and fecundity which are often lacking in contemporary intellectual endeavors." Bakin then remarks  an old family friend who, when Bakin was very young would read to him the "…fantastic legends of the Chassidic leaders…[and who ] would recite prayers despite the kids' query of why do you recite the prayers "even when you do not understand the words? " His reply was always the same, "why do I have to understand, if the One Above understands?" (p. xiii, ibid.)


While we , dear reader, might be baffled by such a remark, it is very Cabbalistic and very psychoanalytic, properly understood by the  High Priests. Cabbala and Freud engaged in numerological  thinking, which earthbound folks deride as nonsense.  Freud also introduced the idea of things meaning their exact or (dialectical) opposite, although he did allow that sometimes a cigar is just a smoke..


Freud had a special relationship with the number, 62 , which was addressed in his "The Uncanny" and showed up in a letter to he wrote to Jung.  "Here is another instance where you will find confirmation of the specifically Jewish character of my mysticism." (p. xv, ibid.).


It is enough for now to think about Freud's mental state as not particularly scientific, rational, or rooted in clinical peer  standards of acceptable discourse, scholarship and research.


A few thoughts on Modernism and post-Modernism .


The very large claims of Modernism, including Marxism, Psychoanalysis, Liberalism, Capitalism and other theories of modernism which attempt to "understand" abstractly our world in its flux, its 'melting of everything solid into the air' (Marx), its furious pace...have been assaulted by post-modern intellectual "Deconstructionism" as invalidating criticism.  So, that the result is that there is,  humpty-dumptyish , just a mess on the floor left over from social/political theory of the last couple centuries.  Nietzsche delivered his deconstruction of God over a century ago, to crudely assay his work, and the Moderns now also lay dead beside Him.  Derrida, an Algerian Jew, who has been fashionable for the last couple decades, I seem to recall,said, in observing the wreckage of his and other deconstructionists' work (almost all Jews), that the only thing he had left was his Jewish Identity.


Now, the various modernisms all offered Hope, to put it simply, even Freud.  Derrida and his Jewish cohort of Deconstructionists, offer no Hope.  And, they get on the Holocaust Hearse, join their Jewish survivors/ mourners singing 'By the River of Babylon...we wept', and declare that there can be no poetry after the Holocaust. Boo hoo.  The good news is that by setting an example of racialism, nationalism, and ethnocentrism, maybe Whites will begin to awaken to Reality which also means that Jewish National/Racial Power will be identified as dominating the West and perhaps starting world war 3.  Thus the battle lines are clear.


What the Deconstructionists did not turn their superior Jewish brains toward and marshall their weapons against is a very long tradition in the West of political/social theory that predates the French Revolution and goes back to Antiquity in the case of Greece and Rome.  Neither did they demolish Capitalism.


(Capitalism is not a thought, it is a reality, the "invisible hand" of the market does exist, despite manipulations, etc.  This does not mean that ungoverned capitalism is ok.  Liberalism is the political ideology of capitalism, and when Liberalism dies (hard) capitalism will be brought under control of national interests; in other words, it will be transformed into a "national capitalism", or national socialism if your "discriminations" prefer.)


The reason for this is that the Deconstructionists themselves were/are so "post- modern" and Jewish as to be blind and/or hostile to Western History and Tradition. And, of course, they are congenitally unable to deal with Darwinism and Race science.  Just as anybody whom the Jews do not like is an anti-semite, any political and social theory that they do not like is Nazism, or classism, or sexism, or racism, and so on.   The plain fact is that Deconstructionism has been a weapon in the hands of Jews.  Once their Enemies are  neutralized, they go home to Israel, either literally or figuratively.  (All the more reason for a determined struggle to revive Darwinism and race science.)


Darwinism was very much alive and well as a basis for social science up to about 1925, when the Jews successfully attacked it in  academic Anthropology. The Liberalism of the American Republic was likewise called into battle against both nativist and popular racialism, and finally in the context of the failure of fascism in World War 2,  the victors (Jews , Liberals, Communists) got to write the history books, the social science books, and also got the Media (well, the Jews got the media..)  So Darwin and Social-Darwinism was tarred with the nazi brush, and we have been living with the very much intended  consequences ever since.


Liberalism, as the pimping little sister of communism, has been the default societal and political wreck of a Western World deprived of age-old wisdom of race, genetics/blood/soil, and earlier Christianity.  To return to earlier Western political wisdom, either of the Church, or of pre-capitalist informal social relations, or of aristocratic models , all of which align thought with the biological reality of inequality of individuals and races...this is 'reactionary', 'counter-revolutionary", turning the clock back, totally unrealistic, fascist, or the liberals and commies and lumpen elements that claim equality as a right to tyrannize, loot, dispossess, and hate the "elitists", and thus contemptible.  That "contemptible" is  the door before the door to the Executioner is standard  emotionalism of  Totalitarian Liberalilsm.


What Liberals get in the real world is Obama, and Bush, and the Capitalist Pigs One- Worlding Globalizers who will level, tear down borders, turn the world into a nightmare of homogeneity...Diversity?  forget it. The One-Worlders will unleash a race war...they are already doing it in Europe and North America, etc. Civil and racial war is coming. There has never been a successful multi-racial state..


So what we have now in post-modernity is an emotional Belief in equality.  There is nothing else to believe in besides dilute religion about which almost nobody can shout in the streets..."God is dead" and you may attract a sidelong glance  but that is all.  Otoh, shout, "the races are unequal", or "cite crime rates of blacks and browns", and you take you life in your hands.  What all of this means is that intellectual integrity is all but dead.  Not only do most folks think only about money and sex, certainly not about philosophy, religion, literature, science of actual human beings as opposed to TV and media images of wonderful and even numenous Back people, and starving natives wherever...they have been propagandized and rendered unable to think because their emotions have been programmed by endless media lies, first promoted by Jews, and then parroted by White Liberal zombies, wallowing in self-righteousness, but never putting their wombs where their mouths are.


Not only that, but Equality has become the default position for a mass society, consumer society, money, sex, and power society. It is not capitalism; capitalism has been around a long time, say at least 3 to 400 years in the West. Equality is the result of Liberalism's refusal to deal with complex social reality.  Any claim to superiority is rejected as unfair, or racist, or you name it. The capitalist market tends to reduce value to money values, something the historic Left and historic genuine Right, of which we have none in the U.S. but which still exists in Europe, traditionally opposed.  The Left decided that equalizing money more or less would liberate the oppressed...that failed...and the Traditionalist Right in Europe and elsewhere could not oppose the sheer numbers of universal suffrage.


So here we are with Liberal Society breaking down in North America and in Europe and what will replace it? Only organic communities of similar race, religion, sensibilities, values, can counter the  chaos of Liberalism.  Because Liberalism disparages "discrimination" it refuses genuine thought and emotion.  News! People....  People discriminate 24/7 every day of their lives.  Any Thought/Feeling Police State that attempts to end discrimination only destroys and levels.


All of us have the right to our feelings, perceptions, private associations, freedom of expression, and , generally, liberty. Liberalism is a total intellectual, and emotional Desperation.  A Liberal cannot say, this is good, and that is bad.  To do so would be to ....Discriminate!, or to claim one value better than another;  that would be undemocratic.  Things are not unequal, they are Different...goes the blather of the liberal intellectuals.  Of course, they donate to radical chic causes, but when their daughter brings home a Black, they collapse, go limp, and have another martini. Total cowardice, intellectual, emotional, and physical. To attack a Black who is raping, your daughter...makes one a nazi.  Such is the craven character of White Liberals.  The Blacks hate them in part because they ARE craven and hypocritical. (Stand up to the Black, tell him to get out or your .45 will tear his head off, and he will respect , or at least fear you.


So. Communism ,is dead but its stink remains and the liberal pimps got nothing to offer except offal.  Liberalism stinks and ordinary folks know it.  The next Stage , after post-modernism, is a revolutionary conservatism that will restore White self-respect as the race that has accomplished almost everything.  Our bio-cultural inheritance is great.  The Blacks and Browns have given themselves and the world nothing but violence, poverty, and general degradation.  Whites will rise up, they are starting right now with the mexican invasion.,  Arizona fever , and the tax revolt which is code for refusal to pay for black and brown crime, welfare, useless education, and so on.


Post post-modernism will be racialist, White-culturist, marshall, and punishing of race traitors.  It will be nationalistic, maybe somewhat harsh for the time it takes to dominate , crush, or remove its racial and other enemies.  The Myth of White Renaissance will be based in the reality of Western History, and White Humanity. In other words, Bach, not hip-hop savagery.


Cabbala, Sex, Freud, and the Jews


If one reads other criticisms of Freud like Frederick Crews, or Jeffery Masson's book, Assault on Truth, one discovers some very bizarre personal stories concerning Freud. His friend, another M.D.,Fliess, became obsessed with the nose as having a direct physiological connection with the genitals. Fliess operated on a girl's nose presumably to cure her "sexual neurosis", and mistakenly left yards of gauze behind in the girl's nose which led to infection and almost killed her. Freud, per Masson, tried to cover up Fliess's botched operation. There are other stories related by Masson, who was for a time, the Director of the Freud Archive in London. That revelation ,among other things, led to his apostasy from the Psychoanalytic Jewish movement. (A perhaps farly fetched speculation may be Jewish self-consciousness of large Jewish noses, and perhaps an association thereby with their own perceived hypersexuality and genitals. Again, per Rushton who comments on the genitals of Whites, Blacks and Asians, the genitalia size correlates with sexual activity/energy with Blacks possessing the most, Whites in the middle, and Asians having the least. Just as Jewish women appear to have larger breasts then White women, it is possible that Jewish men have larger gonads and penises than Whites....obviously this can be perceived as absurd, but the biological science of sex would find it an interesting hypothesus.)

In this connection, it is useful to recall that the Jews in the Frankfurt School, down to and including Herbert Marcuse who mentored the Black communist, Angela Davis in the '60s and '70s in California, actually "believed in" their epistles to the gentiles, and were acting on their characteristically Jewish Belief that Jews, in their superiority, would be a light unto the gentile nations. Certainly Freud believed himself to be a prophet and wasin characteristically Jewish traditional fashion, worshipped as a secular rabbi. (Such was the seductiveness of Psychoanalysis in the 20th century for deracinated white intellectuals that it even penetrated mass entertainment, for example, the TV sit-corn Frasier, whose namesake worshipped at the Freudian altar (that Freud was somewhat satirized, as well as the Cabbalistic Lillith character, to great comic effect, still indicates the strength of the psychoanalytic cult in the U.S..).

A theme of this essay is that, contrary to some views on the Jews, their efforts at sexual liberation were straightforwardly "honest". They believed that they were fostering liberation, just as Jews generally "thought" that economic liberation would also be good for all capitalist victims. (That it would be even better for the Jews is quite apparent as well ...and that is another matter, but suffice in this connection just to remark that Jewish commitment to communism and the USSR began to wane when the USSR began to be not so good for the Jews, post world war 2Thus, the "assault" on White/Christian sex morality was motivated not by cunning but by traditional Jewish sex morality or the lack thereof. "Sexual Liberation" thus followed the failure of economic liberation, and Zionism also followed the failure of communism/socialism and was in part driven by Desire, as the post -modernists like to put it.  Also,  assimilation per Haskalah (Jewish Enlightenment) had failed.  What was a Jew to do?


What's love got to do with it?

Allow me to take a page from Portnoys' Complaint since it is regularly featured in discussions of Jewish sexual aggressions and obsessions.

"What I'm saying, Doctor, is that I don't seem to stick my dick up these girls, as much as I stick it up their backgrounds-as though through fucking I will discover America.Conquer America-maybe that's more like it." (from Connelly, "Understanding Hollywood," p. 63, The Occidental Quarterly, Vol. 8,#1)

This sexual aggression toward White shiksas, especially blondes, can be compared to the Black Panther rapist, Eldridge Cleaver, who wrote in the '60s (Soul on Ice) about how he was revenging himself on White America by raping White women. Of course, vengeance is incomplete with rape, and Blacks know they cannot conquer America because they are not smart enough, or numerous enough. But Sexual Possession is Conquest, as Portnoy himself states. And conquest results in, among other things, dispossession and slavery of the conquered. The strategy of the cabal of the few, Jewish or other, is psychological warfare, seduction, and cunning. However, per one Grimm Brosthere fairy tale, the sorcerer cannot capture his prey unless the unwitting willingly step onto his seductively flourished cape. The unwitting have to be rendered witless, propagandized, deracinated, and seduced, quite literally seduced with, in this case, Jewish assaults on inhibition and racial consciousness. Revolutionary Jews, while randy sexually, never countenanced out-marriage. Thus disinhibition and seduction were easily accommodated within the Jewish Tribe. However, with the other largely Jewish Lie of the Century, Racial Equality, Whites were more or less undone, and the wreckage is with us today. The Jewish Century, by Alexander Slezkine, marks the Jewish communists of the USSR as claiming to be free of Jewish racialism, but always hanging with and marrying Jews, except for a few Esthers who were assigned to marry top gentiles, like Lenin and Stalin.

(I am reminded of the conservative remark that the problem in an Age of Unbelief is not that people believe in nothing, it is that they will believe anything.) We now continue a probe of Freud's mind via Bakan's study.

In his preface to the new edition of 2004, Bakan states that a Chaim Bloch tells of visiting Freud and noticing books on Cabbala in Freud's library, including the Zohar which is a very important source for Cabbala. However, these books are not present in the archived Freud library in the New York Psychiatric Institute, he says, (which suggests a possible tampering with Freud's library). Chaim Bloch had worked on a book project on Chaim Vital, the 16fh century Cabbalist, "...yet the ideas of Vital still seemed so unsavory to him that he could not bring himself to publish the book on his own responsibility...", so he asked Freud to consider writing an introduction to it, apparently wanting someone else to help bear the responsibility for publishing it.

Freud's reaction to reading the manuscript, per Bloch, was'This is gold" and agreed to write a forward, or introduction for the book. However, they quarreled over Freud's Moses and Monotheism, Bloch exclaiming that Freud was now claiming that "....we [Jews] killed the founder of Judaism"), as well as killing Christ, oy vey, and that Freud was 'digging a trap for the Jewish people.' (p. xvii, Bakan.) So Bloch's book was never published and that ended their friendship. Well, of course, one thus wonders what was so "unsavory" to Chaim Bloch in the ideas of Chaim Vital that he could not publish it without some moral support from Freud.

"A number of features in the Zohar strongly suggest relationship to the

psychoanalytic movement-among them of man's bisexuality, and concepts of

sexuality in general." (p. xviii, ibid.) We will examine these features of Zohar that

show up in Freud's work.

Bakan remarks earlier similarities in Western thinkers to Psychoanalysis as other examples that can be included along with Cabbala as contributing to Freud's thought, thus while extolling genius in Freud, laying groundwork for his thesis of Cabbalistic influences as well. He then claims that Freud is a contributor to Jewish mysticism but also a contributor to science. However these contributions were conditioned by the anti-semitism of his times around Vienna which had been significantly altered by the immigration of east European Jews, like Freud's parents. Bakan spends some time insisting that the anti-semitic times required Freud to be very cautious. "Among the various charges [of the anti-semites] made was one to the effect that the Zohar, the most important document in Jewish mysticism ...taught the Jews to sacrifice Christian virgins for God's pleasure." This quotation is from Joseph Bloch's ,My Reminiscences, 1923. (p. 29, ibid.).

(Now an alert reader will ask himself, who is calumnying whom?. He might also wonder why Bakan has not read the Zohar sufficiently himself to ascertain whether the Zohar actually does instruct Jews to murder Christian virgins?)

It is Bakan's object to contextualize Freud's environment in Vienna as very anti- semitic, and that Freud was aware of people like Karl Leuger ,the leader of the Christian Socialist Party, an anti-semite whom he claims Hitler in Mein Kampf credited with converting himself, to anti-semitism. Thus, Bakan claims that Freud would have every reason to avoid association with Cabbalistic sources like the Zohar.

"Buchanwald" and the other holy names are offered to summon the gods of unreason to provide cover for Freud's subsequent dissimulations. He also remarks that in "... modern America, where the Jews are under less oppression than ever before..." it is hard to imagine the anti-semitism of Freud's time. Thus, even in 2004, the date of his revision, Jews are still victims of the big 0: Oppression.

(p. 3 1, ibid.)

What dissimulation, one may ask? Bakan offers up Leo Strauss ,the godfather of neo-conservatism, an almost totally Jewish affair which champions World Democratic Revolution starting (and ending, interestingly) with the enemy states of Israel, who declares dissimulation in writing to be a good and necessary thing. "Lying nobly [is] what we might call 'considering one's social responsibilities' ",that would be, of course, responsibilities to Jews in Strauss's and the Neo-cons' case. (p. 35, ibid.)

In the case of Freud, Bakan argues that just as Cabbalistic texts are deliberately obscure to prevent enemies and the undeserving entry to secret doctrine, that Freud likewise obscures because he too desires opaqueness because his ideas are Cabbalistic, and that, like Cabbala, they can only be transmitted through oral one-on-one dyadic relationships. Thus, the analyst and the analyzed, the student analyst and the trainer are alone together.


Leo Strauss wrote that Maimonides, Halevi, and Spinoza all engaged in "veiled" writing because of persecution. ( Of course, we are not told that Spinoza was persecuted by rabbis.) So, the reader is asked to consider Freud's obscurities as deliberate deceptions because he was covering up Cabbalistic notions. In a way inconsistent with my own thesis, it is possible that the veiled nature of Freud's ideas are simply that they are so weird and common sense untrue, that mystification is required to keep the mirage alive. Still, both views are possible, and of course, the "dialectical" resolution here is that both are pure bunk, but illustrative of sexual obsession and aggression, and its projection onto the Other, the Other of course being Whites and the Christian culture of the West, whose destruction, Freud fantasized in his obsession with Hannibal's invasion of Rome, the symbol of the West.

Bakan provides various quotations from Freud's letters that evidence Freud's secretive tactic to avoid identification of Psychoanalysis with Jews. Freud's remark, "The politeness which I practice every day is to a large extent dissimulation of this kind...", he is here linking this practice also to his writing. (from The Interpretation of Dreams. (Bakan, p. 41, ibid.) The fact that psychoanalysis was virtually totally Jewish, with a couple of goyim as window dressing, like Karl Jung for a time until he quit, is also illustrated by Bakan's "The ability of the Jew to withstand opposition has historically been based in the Jewish community (his italics, my bold) rather than in individual heroes." (p. 43, ibid.) Thus, psychologically, Jews form very close ethnocentric bonds whose social support enables them to combat their enemies, a biologically based trait , of which Whites have been losing in the last half century or so because of Jewish and liberal psychological warfare.   (It also is argued that Whites are genetically very individualistic because of our particular evolutionary history, thus leaving us more vulnerable to collectivistic groups who use our openness and generosity to attack us.)


Very collectivistic and  ethnocentric tribes also tend to hero-worship of their leaders. Thus, historically rabbis have possessed great authority, just as zionism's leaders have been atavistically idolized, like Ariel Sharon, the Lion of Judah.


Per Israel Shahak, the authoritarianism of Jewish religion has osmosed into secular Jewish culture as well. What is lacking in Shahak's vision however( he was a secular liberal universalist) is genetics. It is possible that Jewish authoritarianism and hero-worship is largely genetically based, particularly since for the last two millennia, there has been almost total in-marriage amongst Jews, until only the last couple generations. Recent human genome research identifies Ashkenazim and other Jewish groups as all possessing very similar genetic markers which are also common to Arabs and other middle -east ethnic groups. (Turks do not carry these markers and thus it is argued that the Khazar thesis, that Ashkenazim descend from the Khazars, is incorrect.)

Characteristically, Freud has been worshipped by Jews and deracinated White liberal intellectuals. That psychoanalysis is in sharp decline is due to its clinical worthlessness, and to post-modern "deconstruction" of all the modern narratives of socialism/communism, Capitalism, Religion, various metapsychologies, and just about any claim to totality. Of course, the current post-modern default Myth of Racial Equality is more a psychologically based desperation than an intellectually based, Reasoned discourse. That Jews are the leading Rabbinic Theorists/Promoters of the Race Equality myth is easily understood as a strategy of Jewish group/race survival and Domination.. What Jews fear the most is a racial discourse which logically puts them in danger. The Race Equality Myth.. the Deconstructionists have left alone for obvious reasons.

Bakan paces, through page after page, to establish Freud's complete absorption in matters Jewish and especially his Jewish Identity which included a commitment to Zionism. His "... sense of Jewish identity was so strong that we might consider his genetic [his italics, my bold] conception of the Jew, most clearly asserted in his Moses and Monotheism, as the theoretical counterpart of his deep feeling of Jewish identity." What Bakan is establishing here is Freud's complete absorption in Jewish history and identity. His purpose is to locate Freud in Jewish tradition so as to build his case for Cabbala-in-Freud. From another vantage, Freud can also be viewed as a racialist, which is true of most Jews but almost Never admitted.  Jews beat Whites with an "anti-racist" club while being  the most successful ethnic group in history  to keep their genetic lineage uncontaminated by Other's genes.


"It is appropriate at this point to show in what sense the whole burden of psychoanalysis may be regarded as a fulfillment of the Sabbatian ethos." (Bakan, p. 158, ibid.)


And this Bakan does for the next 80 pages or so.  I have,  in my earlier  writing in this review/article, provided many quotations from Israel Shahak and David Biale which support this thesis.  Therefore I will limit myself to but a few more quotations from Bakan's , Sigmund Freud and the Jewish Mystical Tradition, and then  try to sum up.


Bakan claims that Jews historically carry a burden of guilt or sin because of the almost impossible task of living up to the Law, especially after the rabbis have interpreted (and interpolated) Torah in the labyrinth of Talmud.  He further  has it that Pietistsm and Hasidism and Cabbala all have in common a relative turning away from the Law, and toward individual experiential relation to God.  This could of course be compared to the Reformation which democratized Christianity and placed the individual in direct relationship to God.  However, the comparison ends there as Jewish rebellion against the Law takes on extreme forms in Cabbala and Hasidism.  Freud himself, Bakan regards as very extreme with regard to his secularization of Cabbala,  and especially with his  ruminations in Moses and Monotheism ,  in which  he  casts Moses as an Egyptian, a gentile….and murdered by the Jews to boot.   This he attributes to Freud's need to free himself , and the Jews, from the strictures of Mosaic Law. Again, this is Sabbatianism and Cabbalistic.  (What he does not say, is that by making Moses an Egyptian, he, Freud, can revenge himself on gentiles.)  Obviously, Freud also presents himself as a new Moses, a prophet unto the Jews and the Gentiles.


Bakan states that the above treatment of Moses is absurd from a Biblical viewpoint, but  gives us insight into Freud's mindset.  "What Jacob  Frank [maybe the most extreme of Sabbatians with regard to sexual excess] did literally when he cuts up the Torah to make shoes of the parchment for his friends, Freud does in his own way through myth." (p. 164, ibid.)  Thus, Freud's "murder" of Moses  is packed into the Oedipus complex.   There is a Talmud story which Bakan references in which a rebellious Jew responds to a query as to why he is so disrespectful to Torah. "Do I do this for any other purpose than to provoke my Creator?" (p. 165, ibid.)  This is representative of  sabbatian revolt,  and , for that matter, of  the Jewish habit of  wrestling with God, and , one could further remark, in effect, to telling God to go study Talmud.


Thus, Moses is killed to  free Jews from the heavy burden of Guilt, of Law.  This "genetic..Jewish…guilt [Freud] "consciously felt"…he was personally  afflicted with depression, (p. 167, ibid.).  Now  an unfriendly reading of this would  argue that Freud is actually killing Western Society for its moral condemnation of actual Jewish behavior.  Moses, Freud rendered as an Egyptian, and Egypt was more or less White, and anyway,gentile.  Also, as Bakan repeatedly, almost compulsively ,  states, Freud was very alarmed by the anti-semitism  of the times. ( Never , of course, is there any recognition by Bakan that Jews might be responsible for even 1% of the hatred that they incurred, even when he describes Jews of Poland as having special privileges under Polish nobility to "exploit" the peasantry….and of course the Cossacks and Chmielnicki showed up, etc. with the result being dead Jews.)    So,  the Sabbatian theme of revolt is carried  on in psychoanalysis, and of course,  Sabbatian sexual revolt/liberation becomes a signal factor as well.




Freud was obsessed by Rome, says Bakan, because it was  in Rome that the Jewish Messiah was dwelling and the place where He would reveal himself..  Freud, in his Interpretatons of Dreams,  records his Rome dreams and interprets them (another Cabbalistic theme in Freud as he continues Jewish mystical dream  interpretation) in what Bakan regards as Freud's  personal messianic association  with the Jewish Messiah. (p. 175, ibid.) Freud  experienced great resistance to actually visiting Rome.  He even joked, "Next year in Rome", as in "next year in Jerusalem. " Freud states that :


"Incidentally, my longing for Rome is deeply neurotic.  It is connected with my schoolboy hero-worshiip of the Semitic Hannibal, and in fact this year I have no more reached Rome than he did from Lake Trasimene." (letter to Fleiss, p. 177, ibid.)


Freud continues and relates Hannibal and Rome to Jewry and Catholicism, with anti-semitism as the context. (same page.).  When he finally does get to Rome, he is depressed "…my own misery and all the other misery which I know to exist… I found almost intolerable the lie of the salvation of mankind…." (letter to Fleiss, p. 179, ibid) Freud continues in his self-inflation: "….All my life I have had to play the Devil, in order that others would be able to build the most beautiful cathedral [ not synagogue?? , interesting…] with the materials that I  produced." (p. 181, ibid.)  The communist  German Jewish playwright Bertolt Brecht uttered something like:  "We who would build a kinder world had to be, ourselves, unkind." Such  pomposity is the stuff of mass graves in the communist case, and in the Freudian case, of the Doctor doing more harm than good, in fact no good and much harm.  (See again Jeffrey Masson's books on Freud.)


Toward Redemption thru sin


"We recall the Frankists ….who glorified [sexual] sin  as a way toward redemption" (p. l88, ibid.)  Freud, like the Sabbatians was going to dialectically overcome sin by  engaging it in a therapeutic setting, "…to consider opposites as the same, to disregard logical and empirical objections, to overlook distinctions, to hold actively in mind an image of incest, etc." (p. 189, ibid.)  He "…immerses himself in demonaical literature; and that the desired effects, the liberation from depression [his own] and ability to work , are achieved.  We find him referring to primitive Semitic sexual cults…" (p. 222, ibid.)  He studies magic, devil and witch folklore, and locates the source of these stories in sexual repression.  He reads especially "…deeply significant Jewish stories" (p. 225, ibid.)  And, he sees himself as a prophet and expresses such in letters to Fleiss.


"The Kabbalistic spirit pervaded the culture out of which Freud arises…"  (p. 241, ibid.)  Thus, we have another indicator of Jewish  mindset  in the late 19th century which addresses the  general problematic  that Rabbi Dresner , above, tries to deal with:  just how  sex obsessed were east European Jews in the 19th century?  


Freud picked up the idea of bi-sexuality from Cabbala.  He also borrowed the technique of free association from Cabbala which encouraged a similar technique of letting the imagination run wild, "jumping and skipping" from one thought impulse to another.  


"The Zohar  has its own fundamental idiom, largely sexual-cosmological." (p. 257, ibid.) Dream interpretation figured large  in Cabbalistic practice,  and Bakan offers examples of  such with interpretations which  feature sexual themes:  " I dreamt that there was a shade above me, and yet it was beneath me.  He replied: It means unnatural intercourse." (p. 259, ibid.)    Sexual imagery symbolizes knowing.  from the Berakoth:


"If one dreams that he has intercourse with his mother, he may expect to obtain understanding…If one dreams he has intercourse with a betrothed maiden, he may expect to obtain knowledge of the Torah…If one dreams he has had intercourse with his sister, he may expect to obtain wisdom…If one dreams he has intercourse with a married woman, he can be confident that he is destined for the future world, provided, that is, he does not know her and did not think of her in the evening." (p.260, ibid.)


"Kabbalistic profundity with respect to sexuality is evident also in the ninth Sephira…(there are 10 sephira, emanations from God and are associated with the physical parts of God,one of which) is located at God's genitalia…The …Kingdom, issues from the Y'sod [the genital sephira] ; and all the higher Sephiroth  of God flow into it….Thus the Y'sod is the locus and fountain of all life and vitality, and from it the world is nurtured." (p. 277, ibid)


One could compare the Cabbalistic Sephiroth   to the Chakras of Indian metapsychology.   In the Chakra system, the penultimate lowest chakra is located in the genitalia, and the highest is located  in the head.  Christianity of course locates its spiritual source both in the heart and the head.  What are the consequences of locating the source of Being, if you will, in the genitals?


Rabbinic tradition has it that interpretation of Torah is more important than the Torah itself.  Thus Rabbis assume the mantle of God Himself.  The Torah is only a code to be deciphered.  Meaning is hidden, and rabbis will unravel the true message from Torah thru such means as numerology (every Hebrew letter is assigned a number, which of course makes for  innumerable combinations…Freud , again , used numerology and was obsessed with the number 62), and, Cabbalistic free "jumping and skipping" in mental process is  the equivalent of psychoanalytic free association. From Cabbala, its vivid sexual imagery is directly recapitulated in Freud.  Recall that Cabbala cosmogony begins with a male  and female sexual pair,  who , for the salvation of the Jewish world, must be reunited sexually.  Various Cabbalistic practices include ritualistic sex to  help in this reunion.


"In contrast with other ascetic forms of mysticism, the Jewish mystics ascribed sexuality to God himself. The Jewish Kabbalist saw in sexual relations between a man and his wife a symbolic fulfillment of the relationship between God and the Shekinah….Thus Freud's use of the idiom of sexuality as basic for the expression of all the deeper and more profound problems of mankind is entirely in the spirit of Kabbala….[the Zohar states that the soul] has an unquenchable yearning to be united with its source in God.  This union is characteristically discussed in the metaphor of sex." (p. 273, ibid.)


One might ask: "metaphor of sex"?  This is explicit sex, not a metaphor,  and constitutes an elision on the part of Bakan, who, in his attachment both to Cabbala and Freud,  may, "unconsciously", find himself somewhat perplexed by his own project.


"The Shekinah is also identified as the Community of Israel." (p. 274, ibid.)  Thus God and Shekinah are only reunited and having great sex if  Israel  is also united and Jews are bonking for God therein. Freud "…conceived of Eros as lodged in incestual feelings and as the major force for love among mankind…" and Bakan finds the analogue in Zohar. (p. 294. Ibid.)''  Such a colossal claim could only come from a Jew, as Freud himself remarked regarding psychoanalysis.


Bakan ends his study with yet another "dialectical"claim that Freud has brought science and Cabbala into close proximity: " Sabbatian –wise, by closing the gap between Jewish culture and Western Enlightenment he acts as the Messiah not only for Jewish culture but for the Western culture as well".(p. 299, ibid.)


Sex as Harnessed for Jewish Group Survival


Who has not wondered how the Jews do it?  Who has not sought powerful psychodynamics that can be hitched to one's political or social cause?  Obviously, sex is deployed in personal relations, in advertising, and in negative  branding of individuals and groups.  But what about the positive uses of sex in cultural survival.?


We can  complain about White demographic decline both in White fertility and the super fertility of Blacks and Browns.  We are aware that there are economic reasons for the  falling White birth rate.  Even Jews today in diaspora are  relatively stagnant in fertility due to similar economic conditions.  However, Jewish morale arguably has never been  higher than now in the putative Jewish Century.  Jews have survived their  sexual obsessions because it was a force for racial survival.  Can Whites learn anything from their example?  Shifting discourse from sex to procreation and White Racial Survival can be accomplished, but only in tandem with the Will to survive, which is , due to The Racial Equality Myth, and Jewish and communist subversion of the sense of accomplishment and superiority of the White race, has been reduced to near zero.  Jews believe they are the chosen people.  Whites believe they are  genociders of  Blacks and Browns,.




Cabbala, as a very strong social force especially in 19th century eastern Europe, clearly deeply influenced, if not determined, the development of Psychoanalysis. Rabbi Dresner was deeply distressed about  what he perceives as Jewish sexual degeneracy as illustrated by Jews like Woody Allen , I.B. Singer, and Philip Roth, in film and literature,  and in the leading role of Jews in the pornography business. E. Michael Jones, commenting on Rabbi Dresner's book , asserts that Jewish sexual obsession is actually an attack on the West. Dresner states that, what is it?  Is Singer right, that 19th century eastern European jews were obsessed with sex, or have Jews only been recently seduced by the Roths, Singers, Allens ? Either way,  the Rabbi sees 20th century Jews as sexually degenerate, and Jones even adds that Hollywood, from the start , dominated by Jews, was swimming in sexual filth, and that it was only for a while that Catholic Church pressure cleaned up Holllywood..


This study tends to support the thesis that Jews indeed have a sexual obsession  and that it is represented in Jewish Mysticism that is alive and well in Israel amongst the Orthodox, imparts energy to Zionism, and is also commonly seen in the diaspora …in Hasidism.   Logic would ask if this is genetic, rooted in the special insular genome of Jews (and other semites as evidenced in present behavior of Muslims…another story),  or merely cultural, that is, as a by-product of intense racial struggle with other ethnic "fertility cults" in the ancient middle east.  Logic would also remark that it could be both genetic and cultural.


Certainly, the Old Testament and Talmud  are documents of intense  racial/ethnic group competition, with God of course both favoring and punishing his Chosen People. Especially cause for wrath from God, is  any sexual contact with gentiles.  Thus, the entire weight of historical Judaism's demand for in-marriage, enshrined in its religious texts, has an intrinsic and explicit sexual focus, and it is worthy of note, to be fair, that self-imposed exile from the rest of the world, leads to a very small breeding population whichprobably exacerbates sexual tensions.  That said,  the fact remains that Jews remain highly sexed, in general and tend to, in the opinion of gentiles, inflict themselves aggressively  both sexually and in many other ways, on Whites and European culture.


As Israel Shahak observed, secular Jews carry over religious themes into their everyday life.  Clearly, Judaism also has a tradition of sexual asceticism, and that restrains some  religious Jews.  The unrestrained character of secular Jews thus presents itself as a cultural, and/or, genetic problematic.  The very fact that secular Jews by definition reject Judaism as religion and probably have never read Cabbala and other texts of Jewish mysticism  (but probably have read from the Messiah Freud) logically suggests either a genetic accounting or, a more general explanation that would be psychological in nature,  ghetto life, small breeding populations, and  psychological aggressiveness which itself will tend toward sexual aggressiveness as well,  toward both Jews and gentiles.


 Thus the Jewish Question remains.  Is it genetic, or cultural?   Jewish sexual attitudes are at extreme variance with White Christian sex morality. Jewish Religion appears to be in large part a fertility cult descended from ancient times.  From the Jewish sources I have discussed, which endorse Cabbala and Freud, it is clear that none of this, from the point of view of  White  Christians and secular Whites, is acceptable as either discourse, or behavior. Furthermore, a more intense study of primary sources, like the Zohar,  if it is available in unbowdlerized editions (as Israel Shahak remarks that Gershom Sholem and other Jewish scholars cannot be trusted to translate honestly) might cast an even harsher light than that of these  Jewish secondary sources, which seem to be bad enough.


The contrast with Christian Spirituality is immense. The Jewish God and his consort (Shekinah) are pursuing Orgasmic Bliss. Israel is to be united thru Cosmic Sex. The Christian God is sexless, and Jesus is sexless, not because sex is dirty, but because it is only an animal function. Cabbala, and Judaism, at least for the Orthodox  who follow Cabbala, is a Tribal Discourse and is located spiritually in the genitals.  This is very grotesque  for  gentiles who follow other religions which locate  spirituality in the head and heart.   However, this should not be all that surprising as the intense biologism/racism/inmarriage of the Jews  should  alert outsiders to  such possibilities.


Have the Jews harnessed sex as a driver of racial survival?  The Jews have thrived, or at least survived many other ethnys/races that have disappeared over the centuries.   They have done this through ruthless ethnic competition,  and loveless sexual in-group practice.  You marry who you are told to marry, and you are commanded to engage in sex  not only for procreation, but for  the holy consort of God and Shekinah.


Through rebellion against the Law,  the Sabbatian gets to revenge himself sexually against Moses, or, today, against the Western imposed "super-ego" of not only sex morality, but social morality, to which Jews see themselves as superior to and exempt from.  One does not have to embrace the Oedipal project to  recognize conflict between the literal father and son, or the cultural Father who demands that the  child identify with and join the  race and culture into which he is born.  Not only is this totally biologically correct, any rebellion suggests psychopathology unless otherwise determined through moral/evolutionary discourse.


Jews have subverted Western Culture and cuckholded our own nest. Instead of our bio-racial Fathers, behold , the Jew. Thus  in escaping their old world rabbis, secular Jews  have replaced their  Moses/Rabbis /Fathers from whom they rebelled , with the Western Fathers which are even more loathsome, to them, than their rabbis.


Jews were tyrannized by their rabbis for centuries, and it was only the West that brought Jews freedom during the Enlightenment. Instead of assimilation, there has been constant attack on the West, just as their tribal discourses, OT and Talmud, instruct.  Thus, there is room for consideration of genetic  causes for Jewish intransigence, hostility, subversion, and hatred of gentiles.  Again, this can be related to the special  conditions of the origins of Jews.


Arguably Christianity has been genetically a good fit for Whites, at least up until post World War II, when Other races appeared in the White homelands.  Likewise, Judaism is genetically a good fit for Jews.  From a genetic point of view, 2,500 years provides 125 plus human generations for natural selection and especially sexual selection to have had some genetic impact on Jews as a very small breeding cohort.  I earlier remarked on the scientific knowledge of size of genitalia and breasts as related to higher sexual energy.   Sex is good for the Jews, lots of it. 


What has helped the Jews survive is an emphasis on sex, and not love.  The West "invented" love, or, allowed it to  express itself in the context of marriage. This the Jews have never done until just the last couple of generations, arranged marriages having been the norm for two millenia or more.  Furthermore, it is not clear that most Jews marry today for love.


Finally, the Frankfurt School's Freudian Marxists, continued the Cabbalistic sex obsession right into our own times.  I have argued that they did not intentionally mean to "harm" the West.  Herbert Marcuse, and   Wilhelm Reich , et al, thought they were offering liberation to the gentiles as well as to the Jews.  Beware the Jew bearing gifts, especially that of sexual cultural contagion.


They have infected the West with a preoccupation with sex, adding to the recent wounds to the Western Psyche .The money values of Capitalism have promoted Individualism, and Individualism plus "sexual liberation" spells community ruin.  Whites are now afflicted by three of the Seven Deadly Sins,  Avarice, Lust, and Sloth.  Sloth is now manifest in the refusal of genuine intellectual work. This leads to a default nihilistic  emotion-based ideology of Equality which ends intellectual discussion, there being no standard for Value. Discrimination means sorting according to value.  Hip-hop is equal to Bach. Whatever.


One could continue with an examination of the nonsense of  "the Function of the Orgasm," per Reich and the other Frankfurt School Jews.    It is not necessary.  They have poisoned the West with sexual libertinism, intended or not.  Freud carried on the tradition of Cabbala. He , and Psychoanalysis was just another false Messiah, which, thank Science and Reason, has been largely demolished.  However, like Lenin, Freud's ghost continues to haunt.  You can  see a large statue of Lenin in  the Fremont district of Seattle (Fremont and Lenin…!), and Freud haunts the fantasies of horny college educated Whites, and, Jews.  The Jews still worship him like a Moses-Liberator,  chase shiksas, write trashy novels, and TV sit-coms. And credulous White intellectuals call porn art, and love the Jews.  Yes, it is a good career move just as reverence to the Race Equality Myth gathers badges of Righteousness for the puffed up chests of Liberals.


People of the Bonk


Sex and aggression are tightly linked biologically.  Animals fight and sometimes kill for access to females.  In humans generally,  and especially in the more evolved races, aggression and sex have been bio-culturally shaped to reduce harm, foster family love and involvement, and widen  one's association with one's community.  This is not a "repressed" (psychoanalytic) dynamic.  It is both a culturally imposed limitation as well as a biologically based inhibition which, especially in women, protects herself and her family, tribe/race.  Disinhibition is recommended by Cabbalistic Frankfurt School Freudians as well as  Jewish and White Liberal cultural sappers.


Jewish aggression, cryptically hidden behind the  "amusing" term "chutzpah,", ( itself a  word deployed by grinning , teeth-exposed Jews, and philo-semitic Whites demonstrating their subordination)….  and sexual libertinism, may be good for the Jews  (in their subversion of gentiles) but it is not good for Whites.


Dalton's Holocaust Radio Debate on April 24, 2010:


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Amazon's: DEBATING THE HOLOCAUST: A New Look At Both Sides by Thomas Dalton


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