
Oct 17, 2010

Funny and so true...


  • Found this in the comment section at the LINK below:

    kiana says:

    In the book THE SECRET RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN BLACKS AND JEWS, we learn that many jews had negro slaves. Most Americans do not know this. In fact, if they were to learn about this, it would put a major dent into the jewish shield of "we are a victim" "everyone hates us".

    It is important to understand how a typical debate about the holocaust or Jewish power in America operates. Let me give you an example on how it works

    1 You state your facts and examples
    2. The Jewish defender will laugh it off a bit
    3. Then they will say that jews have been victims for years and years
    4. If you continue to push further they will ask you "are you an anti semite"?
    5. If you dare to go past the horrible label of being called an anti semite they will then bring up the big H, the holocaust.
    6. Next, they will argue about how 6 million jews died and "one of my great aunts died"
    7. If you even go further they will try to change topics and divert
    8. If this does not work they will begin calling you a faggot, Nazi, asshole, traitor….. any words to insult you
    9. If this does not shut up the "goy", the jewish defender will talk about how "christains" and "others" do the same thing.
    10. If you dare to go on more, the jew will cry his way out of the debate and walk away…… next he will probably call the ADL

    This is their 10 step program for defending Israel, the holocaust and the jewishness

  • kiana says:

    I forgot one other tactic that really makes it the 10 step program:

    expand and exaggeration

    They will try to take your words and expand it and totally exaggerate what you say, "so, if 6 million did not die I guess only maybe 6 died, is that what you are saying?"

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