
Sep 19, 2011

Gilad Atzmon: A Panel Discussion on 'Jewish Identity Politics'


1. A Panel Discussion on 'Jewish Identity Politics'

Monday, 10th October, 2011

7:30 pm

Resource for London

356 Holloway Road

London N7 6PA


Zero Books invites you to a panel discussion on "Jewish Identity Politics" to launch Gilad Atzmon's important new book The Wandering Who. 

Jewish identity and Jewish Politics are loaded topics and Jewish identity is tied up with some of the most difficult and contentious issues of today. Yet, not many people, if any at all, would dare touch upon these subjects. surrounding the role of 'Jewish identity' within Jewish marginal discourses including Zionism, Jewish anti Zionism, Jewish assimilation, Israel vs. Diaspora, Israeli lobbying and more. The Wandering Who? A Study Of Jewish Identity Politics (Zero Books 2011) is praised by some of the most respected scholars within the relevant discourse.


Glenn Bowman is a Social Anthropologist who has worked in Jerusalem and the West Bank throughout the past 25 years. He is concerned with religion and identity politics, an interest which also involved him in (now Former) Yugoslavia between 1990 and the present.

Oren Ben Dor is a Reader in the Philosophy of Law at The University of Southampton.  He is the author of Constitutional Limits and the Public Sphere (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2000); Thinking about Law: in Silence with Heidegger (Oxford: Hart Publishing 2007) as well as the editor of Law and Art: Ethics, Aesthetics Justice, (London: Routledge 2011).  Oren writes on the uncanny origin of political emergence as well as on originary violence in Palestine.  He explores the existential relationship between the Jewish and the Zionist Questions.

Karl Sabbagh is a journalist, television producer and the author of several books including A Rum Affair, Power Into Art, Dr Riemann's Zeros and Palestine: A Personal History. He is currently the publisher of Hesperus Press

Facilitator:  Irving Rappaport is a commercial and community mediator and trainer with a special interest in the use of proven peaceful techniques for the prevention and resolution of violent conflicts both internationally and in the UK.


You can now order Gilad Atzmon's New Book  or


3. Prof' William A. Cook: Tearing the Veil From Israel's Civility-a book review

Gilad Atzmon: The following is a  very a deep and  thoughtful  reading of  my work by William A. Cook


Gilad Atzmon's insight into the organism created by the Zionist movement in his book, The Wandering Who, is explosive; it tears the veil off of Israel's apparent civility, its apparent friendship with the United States, and its expressed solicitude for western powers—Britain, Canada, Australia, France and Germany—exposing behind the veil, the assassin ready to slay any and all that interfere with its tribally focused ends. In February of this year,Atzmon characterized Islam and Judaism as tribally oriented belief systems rooted not in "enlightened individualism," but rather in "…the survival of the extended family." These belief systems have nothing to do with personal liberties or personal rights; they have to do with securing the realm of their respective "ways of life." But unlike tribalism in Islam, tribalism in Judaism "can never live in peace with humanism and universalism" (4). "Both religions stand as systems that provide thorough answers in terms of spiritual, civil, cultural and day to day matters." In this regard, "…both Islam and Judaism are more than just religions: they convey an entire 'way of life,' and

The Wandering Who is a personal journey of a man born in Jerusalem, raised in the Jewish 'way of life,' infused with the myths of the founding of the Jewish state; "Supremacy was brewed into our soul, we gazed at the world through racist, chauvinistic binoculars. And we felt no shame about it either" (5). Inducted into the Israeli military during the 1980s he served in Lebanon, and, in his late teens, experienced an epiphany caused in good measure by careful listening to voices beyond the wall that encircled him in the ghetto that is the Israeli state. This epiphany forced a distinction in identity versus identifying, between self-reliance and obedient servant to an ideology, a distinction that recognized Jews as people, Judaism as a religion, and Jewishness, an ideology that determines identity politics and a resulting political discourse.



Gilad's New Book is available on


Click to read more ...


Fun stuff to read, tell and watch:

Now FREE to watch all 91 minutes: "Defamation," from Israeli filmmaker Yoav Shamir. LINK:

Some of His Best Friends Are Jewish: The Saga of a Holocaust Revisionist By Nathaniel Popper. Link: Israeli lawyer has filed a class-action lawsuit against former President Jimmy Carter, seeking $5 million in damages because his book "Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid" allegedly defamed Israel. Link:

"...when you have laws against questioning the Holocaust narrative, you are screaming at the other person to stop thinking!!!" ---Mike Santomauro. *Anthony Lawson's Holocaust Video "were the Germans so stupid"... Link:

An anti-Semite condemns people for being Jews, I am not an anti-Semite.--Mike Santomauro. Link:

Start reading DEBATING THE HOLOCAUST in under a minute:


Mike Santomauro
Editorial Director
Call anytime: 917-974-6367

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