
Apr 12, 2011

From Jim Dean re: Another new Holocaust book...Felice Cohen a nearby neighbor of mine in Manhattan...


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Date: April 12, 2011 10:43:49 AM EDT
Subject: Re: Another new Holocaust book... Felice Cohen a nearby neighbor of mine in Manhattan...

Ya know, when you compare these folks to all the PTSD WWII vets who came home and hardly ever discussed the war...the gap between the respective characters.
Jay Zeamer's daughters never knew their dad had gotten the MoH until they were adults. I had only one conversation with my Dad about his WWII fighter pilot experiences, and I had get half a bottle of bourbon in him to get that. Same with my uncle George...Battle of the Bulge (artillery) and Korea, the Chosen River battle, where he was a forward artillery spotter. They were one person deals back then, not even a couple of riflemen to cover their flanks. He described what it was like to bring air burst artillery done on massed Chinese infantry formations...'like mowing the do one row, and they turn can come back down and to another...'.
There seems to be a big difference in the exploitation quotient...a subject that few dare to bring up, despite all parents teaching their kids to keep a look out for such people.
This was a good bit of work, but the response, not only from the vets...but their kids was well worth the time.

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